How To Develop An Extension In BSS – Part 1: New Product Development Process

by admin

Founded in 2012, after over 10 years of working with passion and obsession for eCommerce, BSS’s become a world-class Magento builder and an Adobe Bronze Partner. So far, we’ve developed 180+ powerful Magento solutions and served 75,000+ satisfied customers.

And today, we’d like to introduce you to the process of a new extension development we follow at BSS.

New Magento Extension Development Process in BSS Commerce

Step 1: Market research

First and foremost, we always make sure to start from a business standpoint, which is to analyze the current needs of the markets, explore the readily available solutions and find out the customers’ pain points.

From that information, we begin to form the drafted version of a new product, including a list of its features. Then we move on to the development process.

Step 2: Product vision

After the new product idea starts to take shape, it is crucial to finalize our approach.

Together with our technical experts, we determine the potential as well as the feasibility of our drafted solution to reach a finalized product vision, including product roadmap and product backlog. 

We also inform our Marketing and Customer Support teams to prepare accordingly and help the product reach the customers as timely as possible upon release.

Step 3: Detailed requirements building

Once the product vision is clear, our Business Analysts build detailed requirements based on the predetermined feature list while regularly verifying with different stakeholders to ensure the criteria fit both customer needs and internal resources. 

We also conduct further market research to determine the best UX approach and develop wireframes during this stage. 

Step 4: Magento extension development

Based on the detailed requirements, our team estimates the development timeline and assigns appropriate personnel to begin building the extension. 

The responsible developers go through our standardized technical development process and strict coding standards to ensure coding quality before moving on to the testing phase, another strictly standardized process.

Step 5: Testing

In this phase, the product shall go through our thorough manual testing based on the detailed requirements. 

There are often two testing rounds to ensure the quality of the testing process itself so that the product will be as high quality as possible. 

Our Business Analyst also inspects the final product to ensure it covers all the requirements and works correctly. 

Step 6: Release

After the testing phase, we release the product to commercial platforms such as our own website and Adobe Marketplace for the customers to experience.

Our Marketing team works hard to prepare all necessary documents to make sure our product reaches the customers in need. 

We consider this stage onwards the most challenging test as it involves our end-users, i.e., the most important stakeholders of the whole process. Each of their feedback plays a crucial role in determining the success of our product, so our Customer Support team always makes sure to collect and respond to them timely. 

Step 7: Maintain

Product release does not mark the end of our Magento extension development journey!

You might have known we offer free lifetime updates, as customer insights and feedback will later make it into our product roadmap and, consequently, our product backlog.

The final phase, the maintenance phase, is an ongoing process so long as our product is still on the market. We strive for our product to always catch up with our customer’s needs and the latest technological advancement. 

Wrapping Up

This is the first part of our series How To Develop An Extension In BSS

Next stop, we will talk about the development process, including how we design the architecture for a new extension, how we program it, and how we check the code to make sure the code quality meets Magento standards.

See you next time!

LEARN MORE about BSS’s Magento extension development process:

PART 2: Architecture, Code Standards

PART 3: Testing (Coming Soon!)

PART 4: Maintain/Update (Coming Soon!)


Next Reading Suggestions

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