An overview of Magento 2.2.4

An Overview of Magento 2.2.4 Updates

by admin

Recently, Magento has released Magento 2.2.4 with a great number of functional tools, enhancements, and fixes. So in this article, we will help you to have an overview of this new update of Magento by presenting the most outstanding features.

An Overview of Magento 2.2.4 Updates

In the beginning, we show you a brief of this Magento 2.2.4 updates. With the new 2.2.4 version, Magento release several remarkable new bundled extensions, plenty of enhancements for Magento shipping and dotmailer and a lot of important fixes core features.

Magento 2.2.4 Updates: Remarkable new bundled extensions

Significant new bundled plugins which obtain immediate and precise tax and shipping calculations right from the shopping cart:

  • Amazon Pay: this extension provides a trusted, common method for online shoppers to check in and check out.
Amazon Pay

Amazon Pay

  • Vertex: this plugin help to simplify and automate the complication of calculating sales tax.
  • Klarna Payments: this is a new payment method. With Klarna Payments, wholesalers can provide their customers with the option to pay now or later, or pay by installment for their orders.
Klarna Payment

Klarna Payment

Magento 2.2.4 UpdatesEnhancements for Magento shipping and dotmailer

Enhancements for Magento shipping and dotmailer

Enhancements for Magento shipping and dotmailer

In this updated version of Magento, the number of noticeable improvement for shipping and dotmailer are expanded. B2B customers can take advantages of dotmailer to design their transactional email templates. So this update has an aim to use Magento easily and for product performance.

To be more detailed, now the global search is translatable, extensible, and consider the ACL settings for the current user. Also, an automated checker is included to impose the short array syntax convention that we are now enforcing in new code. This standard complies with all condition of PSR-2. Moreover, Magento 2.2.4 now offers dedicated payment and shipping debug log files to save information specific to those functional areas. Furthermore, the Emogrifier dependency has also been upgraded to 2.0.0 or later. Interesting update in Magento 2,24 is that is_null has been replaced with strict comparison only for models and block in the following modules: Catalog, Tax, Sales, and EAV.

About dotmailer improvements: The dotmailer bundled plugin provides numerous features as below:

  • New Abandoned Cart report table
  • Allow merchants to create their template of the transactional email
  • Enhancement of syncs of subscriber’s sales data. Sales data is now synced only when the sales data option is enabled in the configuration.
  • Be able to configure transactional email at the Store level
  • Enhanced validation for removal of cron job CSV files

Magento 2.2.4 Updates: Significant fixes to core features

Significant fixes to core features

Significant fixes to core features

Like every update version of Magento, many core features need to be fixed and improved. For instance, installation, setup, deployment, bundle products, cart, checkout, cart, dashboard, configurable products, directory, import/exports, and so on. All of these core feature improvement is to help customer shopping more quickly with photo loading and search performance faster than the previous Magento versions.

Let’s have a look at this table to find out how many fixes per core feature in this Magento update:

Magento 2.2.4 Update Fixes

Magento 2.2.4 Update Fixes

To be complete this upgrade Magento 2.2.4 it cannot be done with only a small team. So, this new release needs almost 200 community contributions including performance-tuning improvement with more 80 engineers from a wider Magento community. It is such a great contribution!

Here are all overview of Magento 2.2.4 updates. If you want more information on these new functions, please check Magento Open Source 2.2.4 Release Notes.

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