Change Order Status in Magento 2

How to Change Order Status in Magento 2: Everything You Need to Know

by nkhuyen

Order status management, like most of the processes involved in any business, is important to ensure the smooth running of operations in the Magento store. Knowing how to change order status in Magento 2 could dramatically improve your business’s order management process, raise the satisfaction level of customers, and enhance internal processes.

In this guide, BSS Commerce will showcase the various order status modification techniques available in Magento 2, along with best practices for managing order lifecycles efficiently.

Now, without further ado, let us get straight to the point!

Why Change Order Status in Magento 2?

Below are the main reasons why you should change order status in Magento 2:

1. Manage Orders and Tracking. Changing order status can streamline order management. This makes it easier to locate orders that need urgent attention, speeding up order fulfillment and ensuring it is done on time. Order status management also keeps records accurate for reporting and analytics.

2. Engage and Delight Customers. Updating order status regularly makes customer communication better. This sends automated notifications on order status, so customers are informed and not bothered. Timely updates build trust and satisfaction and show you care about customers. By keeping customers informed, chargebacks and disputes are reduced.

>>> CHECK NOW: How to Manage Out Of Stock Notification For Magento 2

3. Automate Operations and Workflows. Changing order status helps to automate internal operations. It allows you to create a custom status in Magento 2 that matches your business process so all team members know their roles. Clearly defined status makes task assignment and coordination easier and reduces errors and delays in order processing. The streamlined workflow means more efficiency and productivity.

4. Make Returns, Refunds and Cancellations Easier. It allows you to change status based on customer requests and makes tracking and managing them easier. This ensures that necessary actions like refunds are done promptly. Fast handling of these shows you care about customer service and can lead to loyalty and positive reviews.

5. Meet Legal and Financial Requirements. In many regions, changing order statuses is necessary to comply with legal and financial regulations. For example, in the U.S., certain states have legal implications for taxation and consumer protection that depend on accurate order status updates. Properly managing order statuses ensures compliance with these regulations,  and reduces legal risks, promoting transparency and accountability.

6. Get Valuable Insights and Analytics. Monitoring these statuses will show you customer behavior patterns. This will guide you on inventory management, marketing, and customer service. Evaluating time spent on each status will help you identify bottlenecks and optimize the process. Data on order status will give you key performance indicators like fulfillment rate and customer satisfaction.

7. Integrate with Third Party Systems and Apps. Changing order status makes it easier to connect with external systems. Third-party tools rely on status updates to trigger specific actions. Accurate updates mean seamless integration. Automation reduces manual intervention. Better integration means more efficiency and better user experience.

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How to Change Order Status in Magento 2 via 3 Methods

There are three methods to change order status in Magento 2, including:

  • Method 1. Method to Change Order Status Programmatically in Magento 2
  • Method 2. Change Order Status in Magento 2 by Using Magento Admin Panel
  • Method 3. Using Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order Extension

Here’s a breakdown for each method to change order status in Magento 2:

Method 1. Method to Change Order Status in Magento 2 Programmatically

Use the following code for Magento 2 update order status programmatically. Please change the “Status Code” to align with your business requirements:

use Magento\Sales\Model\Order;
protected $order;
public function __construct(Order $order)
$this->order = $order;
public function orderStatusChange()
$orderId = 9999;
$order = $this->order->load($orderId);
$order->setStatus("Status Code");

That’s it.

Method 2. Change Order Status in Magento 2 by Using Magento Admin Panel

Step 1: Navigate to the Sales > Orders section within your Magento 2 administrative dashboard. This will present you with a comprehensive list of all existing orders.

Step 2: Identify the particular order you wish to modify from the grid. Click on it to access the order details page.

Step 3: At the top of the order details page, you will find various buttons that represent different order statuses.

change order statuses in Magento 2 1

  • Cancel: Removes the order from the system.
  • Hold: Modifies the order status to “On Hold.”
  • Invoice: Updates the order status to “Processing.”
  • Ship: Alters the order status to “Complete.”

TAKE NOTE: Keep in mind that one order state may have multiple associated order statuses.

Step 4: To choose a particular order status, you may scroll down to the Status field. Access the dropdown menu and select the preferred status with assurance.

change order statuses in Magento 2 2

Method 3. Using Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order Extension

Without canceling pending orders, products in those orders will be shown as running out of stock. It makes it more challenging for the admin to manage inventory, and prevent other customers from purchasing these products. The Magento 2 Cancel Order extension addresses changing order status by automatically canceling orders and restocking products after a predetermined period.

The Auto Cancel Order extension for Magento 2 is designed to automatically cancel all pending orders after a predetermined duration specified by the administrator. Additionally, the administrator can set distinct cancellation times for various magento 2 payment methods as desired.

Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order Extension

TAKE NOTE: When completing the purchasing process, you will promptly receive an email with a link to download the extension (Please disable Merge-JS prior to installing the module. Only enable Merge-JS once the installation is complete.)

Here’s how to change order status in Magento 2 by using Auto Cancel Order Extension for Magento 2:

Step 1. General Configurations

Navigate to Stores ⇒ Configuration ⇒ BSS Commerce ⇒ Auto Cancel Order.

configure auto cancel order extension

  • In the Enable section, select Yes to activate the extension.
  • In the Consider Cancellation After field, specify the day when the Auto-cancel-order function should commence.
  • In the Order Status Option, select the order statuses (Pending, Pending Payment) to which the automatic cancellation will be applied.

setting payment method group

In the Payment Method Group, define the cancellation duration for each payment method.

  • Payment Group: Select the payment method. You may opt for All payment methods and designate a single cancellation duration.
  • Duration: Input the cancellation period.
  • Unit: Choose either hour or day.
  • Action: Remove the payment method rule.

TAKE NOTE: Click the Add button to incorporate additional payment method rules as desired.

In the Apply Now section, select the button to activate the auto-cancel-order feature without the need to wait for the cron job.

It is important to understand that the aforementioned rules operate according to your site’s cron schedule. Therefore, if you wish for the automatic order cancellation to take effect immediately, please utilize the Apply Now button.

In the Show Log section, click the button to view the complete history of all canceled orders.

check canceled order history

Besides, this grid can be accessed by navigating through Reports ⇒ BSS Auto Cancel Order ⇒ Cancel Log.

Step 2. Canceled orders in Orders grid

Navigate to Sales ⇒ Orders.

canceled order grid

Within the Order Grid, the administrator is able to monitor both orders and their respective statuses. Orders that are in pending or pending payment status will be automatically updated to “Canceled” after a designated timeframe established in the Payment Method Group.

*Please be advised: The module will automatically replenish salable products following the cancellation of an order.

>>> For better order management: Read the full guide on Magento 2 Cancel Order Programmatically NOW!

Tips & Best Practices for Managing Order Lifecycles Efficiently

After changing order status in Magento 2, Magento online store owners need to focus on tips and best practices for managing order lifecycles efficiently, as follows:

1. Define Clear Order Statuses. Make sure there is a well-detailed order fulfillment process and a corresponding set of statuses for each stage of that process. You may consider employing standard industry statuses or languages such as “pending,” “processing,” “shipped,” “complete,” “canceled,” and ” refunded.”

2. Ability To Change Statuses Automatically. Adopt the automation features of Magento 2 and use that to change order statuses depending on certain conditions or events that have taken place. For instance, change the order status to ‘shipped’ if a shipment label has been created or change it to ‘complete’ if the order has been delivered.

3. Apply Workflow Management. Add workflow management systems or in-house developed applications to manage the sequence of order status and requirements for its change. This eliminates any doubt and streamlines any of the processes involved in order processing.

4. Provide Customer Notifications. Automate engaging email notifications are sent to users at touchpoints of the order process, like the order confirmation, delivery tracking or item handed over. This ensures the users are kept in the loop and enhances their experience at large.

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To Sum Up

That’s all how to change order status in Magento 2. Effectively managing order statuses in Magento 2 is essential for providing a seamless customer experience and optimizing your business operations. By understanding the various methods for changing order statuses, implementing automation, and following best practices, you can streamline your order fulfillment process and enhance overall efficiency.

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