
Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart: Fastest Way To Boost Add-to-Cart Rates

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What are add-to-cart rates, and how can Magento 2 Ajax add to cart extension can help you boost it? Read the below content to find out. 

As you are doing an eCommerce business, isn’t your number one goal to turn more visitors into paying customers?

Clearly that not everyone who visits your store will turn into a paying customer. Most people will just browse your website then leave. Some might be window-shopping.

However, there is an amazing metric to identify the number of qualified buyers: “add-to-cart rate.”

And in this article, we will walk you through all about add-to-cart rate: what it is, how to calculate it, and tips to increase this metric.

Let’s get going!

READ MORE about 5+ Magento 2 Add Custom Option Problems that you should know!

What Are Add-to-Cart Rates?


The add-to-cart rate is the percentage of visitors who add at least one item of your store to their cart in a given session.

Add-to-cart rates are a very important metric to track because they can show the success of your product selection, marketing efforts and site usability. 

Moreover, studies show that about 30-40% of buyers who add an item to their cart will purchase. Thus, improving these rates can significantly increase revenue for your business.

To calculate your add-to-cart rate, take the total number of sessions where someone adds an item to their cart, then divide it by the total number of sessions. 

Add-to-cart rate = (Sessions with cart item viewed) / (total sessions)

Currently, the average add-to-cart rates are between 9% to 18% globally. However, for small businesses, if the add-to-cart rate is around 3-4% can be considered a good number.


Note that what you are selling also influences your add-to-cart rates.

For example, luxury brands tend to have lower add-to-cart rates, while health and beauty shops tend to have higher rates.

Why Your Add-To-Cart Rate Is Low?


If the add-to-cart rate of your store is lower than the average number, you need to find a solution to improve them to increase revenue. 

Consider evaluating the following to improve add-to-cart rates:


Needless to say that a good selection of products is the key to convincing customers to make a purchase. 

But how do you know if you are offering appealing products?

The market

Is there a market for the product you are selling?

Always do your market research and learn from those insights to make the best decisions on what you should or shouldn’t sell.

For example, don’t try to sell an app for old people who aren’t familiar with technology stuff.

Product pricing

How does your product compare to similar products on the market in terms of quality and pricing? 

According to Dan Ariely’s book, Predictably Irrational, people are anchored to prices based on prior experiences. It means people will always bring their biases about how much a product should cost. 

The only way to circumvent it is to offer something unique. For example, Howard Schultz created the luxury coffee brand Starbucks, modeling on European cafes.

Consider what brands your customers may compare you to and model your pricing accordingly.

User experience


User experience is also an important factor in add-to-cart rates. There is no doubt that better websites drive better conversions. 

Mobile optimizations

Don’t optimize your website for mobile devices can put your site in jeopardy.

Nowadays, 79% of users make a purchase on their mobile phones. Improving your mobile website is imperative.


Your website needs to be organized. Making it clear to visitors where they can find the products they are looking for is a good way to improve add-to-cart rates.

Let’s users filter items by size and color, etc. By making it easy for users to browse or find specific items, you encourage them to add items to their carts.

5 Solutions For Improving Add-to-Cart Rates

In this part, we will introduce to you five solutions to improve your add-to-cart rate.

Let’s start with the best solution of all: Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart extension.

Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart – Best solution!


Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart by BSS is the perfect solution to power up the add-to-cart function of your store.

The fact is, the default add-to-cart process can upset the customers. They see an item they like, they click on it and have to wait for the product page to be loaded, they might or might not add it to the cart and have to wait to be back to the product listing page. And the most frustrating part is that users have to repeat all those steps for each item.

But the issue will be gone if you install Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart for your website!

First of all, this extension will create a new breakthrough for the Add to Cart button.

By default, the Add to cart button of Magento functions more like a See more button. When users click on it, they will be redirected to the product page.

But with Ajax Add To Cart, when users click on Add to cart button, you can comfortably preview product details on a popup without any redirection. 


It also works for grouped and bundle products. Customers can quickly review and add products to the cart, then continue the shopping process or go to the checkout page right away with just one click.

This module also helps you promptly introduce up-sell and cross-sell products.

By default, Magento only allows store owners to show product recommendations on the product pages and cart pages.

However, Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart allows you to show the suggestible catalog on the revised cart popup. There isn’t any simpler way to offer and encourage customers more reasonable products when they are in a shopping mood.


Most importantly, as mobile shopping now dominates the modern eCommerce experience, this extension is designed to be responsive for mobiles and tablets.

It guarantees to provide a smooth shopping process with a user-friendly interface on any device.

Offer free shipping

Free delivery is a standard practice to motivate customers when buying online. In fact, most shoppers expect all retailers to offer it. If you don’t, your conversion rate could suffer.

A survey shows that 95% of consumers confirm that shipping costs impact their shopping decisions. Thus, free shipping is a great incentive to boost your add-to-cart rate.

But can you afford to offer free shipping? You should determine a minimum order value that can cover the shipping costs.

Look at your average order value and work from there. For example, if your average customer purchase is about $40, then you should offer free delivery for orders over $50. It will improve both your average order value and add-to-cart rate.

Unlike Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart, free shipping is a basic feature on Magento that you can set up easily. However, if you need more advanced features, you can still install a third-party extension. 

Product recommendations


If your product recommendations really hit the mark, it will drive phenomenal value: customers who add recommended products to their shopping carts and/or purchase in the initial session tend to purchase significantly more products and have 33% higher average order values. 

Product recommendations are an amazing way to improve engagement rates and add-to-cart rates.

Website personalization

Showing your customers that you understand them can drive more conversions.

By taking into account their location and purchases history, you can personalize the experience to deliver relevant results. 

For example, if a customer lives in the northern United States, you should showcase your winter apparel and oppose customers who live in the warmer parts of the country.

Or, if you are selling sports apparel, knowing what team your customers root for can also go a long way.

Optimize for the device

Again, always design your website to be compatible with all devices.

Designing a site for the web and a site for mobile needs to consider different user experiences. 

For example, images should be optimized to load faster for mobile, and forms should be shorter. 


In this article, we have shown you everything you need to know about the add-to-cart rates.

More than that, we also introduced you to the best solution to boost the metric: Magento 2 Ajax Add To Cart extension.

READ MORE about the Online Shopping Cart Crisis and the solutions!

We hope this blog is helpful and good luck to you!

BSS Commerce is one of the leading Magento extension providers and web development services in the world. With experienced and certified Magento developers, we commit to bringing high-quality products and services to optimize your business effectively. Furthermore, we offer FREE Installation – FREE 1-year Support and FREE Lifetime Update for every Magento extension.

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