Top 4+ Free & Paid Magento Addons For Tracking Orders (1)

Top 4+ Awe-inspiring Free & Paid Magento Addons For Tracking Orders

by Lily Tran

Struggling with tracking the order process when launching a business? Click and gain the best Magento addons free and paid to facilitate this task!

The COVID-19 epidemic accelerated ecommerce growth for years to come. After this pandemic, there has been an increase in online shoppers and driving consumers to spend more money online and more frequently. 

However, to succeed in ecommerce is still a tough question to answer. Looking back to the current situation, the customer experience has become a front-and-center concentration for online businesses. 

Frequently, when a customer places an order, the first thing they want to know is the status of their order and to be able to track it at every stage. A survey also cited that 80% of buyers expect to be informed at every stage of their products’ shipping process.

order tracking process in Magento 2

Thus, it goes without saying that providing accurate shipping information and tracking updates to customers will improve their user experience while also increasing their trust in your company.

And tracking the order is one of the steps that makes it possible. To facilitate this process, let’s me walk you through to discover all the benefits and obtain the 6+ free and premium Magento addons.  

What Is Order Tracking In Ecommerce? 

In general, ecommerce order tracking is a system that allows store owners to monitor online orders and shipments, as well as notify their customers of their status at any time. 

This system combines estimated delivery dates, shipment tracking and frequent order status updates. These elements play a vital role in enhancing customer experiences by letting buyers know what to expect for their delivery and informing them of any delays. 

In the recent market, there are so many providers that developed Magento addons with these features to ease the tracking process for store owners. Let’s check through this article to obtain all the adequate information about these modules.

What Is The Benefit Of Tracking Order? 

Reduce expenses

In the long term, dealing with client complaints or requirements is highly expensive. After a certain point, merchants will need to hire more employees, outsource customer care, or pay for a bot system to reply to each complaint or demand. If you don’t, your brand’s star rating and reviews will definitely suffer. 

However, if store owners apply for the tracking order in their webstores, all the pain will relieve because all the tracking information will be sent to their customers throughout each stage. Besides, in case there happen some issues in the delivery, merchants can just simply browsers through all the orders and pin down what they need. 

This tracking system assists retailers in automatically processing orders to reduce the workload while maintaining their quality. 

Alleviate delivery anxiety

Customers’ anxiety in the shipping process is detrimental but entirely avoidable in the post-purchase experience. Specifically, this is in the situation when customers start worrying that they won’t receive their order within the timeframe committed. 

And, when the delivery anxiety is significant, they will continually contact service personnel or even cancel orders outright.

Delivery anxiety results from a retailer’s failure to communicate in most circumstances. When post-purchase communications are inadequate, buyers will get the impression that the brand isn’t interested in making any effort after the transaction has been made. 

Yet, order monitoring alleviates the worry by providing customers with a continuous point of contact with the retailer. It contributes to increased reassurance and satisfaction, particularly during the critical last mile of delivery.

Benefit Of Tracking Order

Minimize the strain on the support team

If you’re owing a store or just in a customer agent team, one of the most common and never-ending questions that you will receive from the shoppers every day is “Where is my order?” or “Why the delivery takes so long?” 

In fact, these inquiries are understandable from the standpoint of the customers. Every purchaser needs to check whether their needed items are delivered on time or not, looking for confirmation that the shipment is fine and doesn’t occur any problems. 

However, on the brand’s staff side, this large volume of questions from buyers will lead to the clogging up of your customer’s service team, create more workload for them to solve as well as reduce their bandwidth to deal with more sophisticated issues.

By implementing the order tracking system, your customers will no longer need to contact the support team for the updated delivery information directly. This is also an effective way to enhance the customer experience and bring a great impression to your business. 

Control over fulfillment 

Even when the products are packed and in the carriers’ hands, the duty of store owners is still not finished. In this stage, if merchants have better control over the order fulfillment process by applying tracking systems, they can quickly address the problems. 

Conversely, without the tracking installation, some delivery information can be overlooked which results in a backlog of emails from dissatisfied customers.

Customer acquisition is important, but real money has repeat customers who continue to buy from you. The effective ecommerce fulfillment approach that includes order tracking can assist in eliminating difficulties while also increasing the lifetime value of your consumers and winning new sales.

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Best-suggested 4+ Magento Addons For Order Management

FREE Magento 2 Order Tracking

The first extension we want to mention in this list is the Free Magento 2 Order Tracking which was developed by a well-known company – Landofcoder. This module will direct your customers to the tracking page without requiring them to log in, allowing them to easily track Magento 2 orders by entering only the order ID and email address.

As a result, merchants can reduce customer concerns, which contributes to their store’s credibility, while also improving customer experiences and loyalty.

FREE Magento addons

Check out this Magento addon’s main features: 

  • Tracking order information Without Login
  • Easily tracking order summary in the front en
  • Place anywhere with track order widget support
  • Add a link on the main menu & top link
  • Support for all the Magento Product Types
  • Mobile & Tablet Optimized
  • Display custom messages if the order is not found
  • Reorder without login 
  • Easy To Configuration
  • Multi-Language & RTL Ready
  • Fast speed with Magento Block Caching

Magento Addon Order Tracking  – 25$

The second one, the order tracking extension allows customers to Magento track orders without logging in. This Magento addon uses AJAX technologies to provide real-time tracking.

Let’s dive into this module’s function: 

  • Ease to track order without login
  • AJAX powered real-time tracking
  • Third-party shipping information
  • User-friendly and multi-language support
  • Easy Installation and Configuration

Magento 2 Order Tracking Module- 79$

Thirdly, Meetanshi Magento 2 Order Tracking extension allows customers to check the status of their orders using their order ID and email address without logging in. The extension aids in increasing customer engagement and trust.

Moreover, the administrator can also add a direct link to the tracking option in the top link section and menu. 

Magento 2 Order Tracking

Let’s take a glance at this Magento addon key features: 

  • Track orders without login
  • Order ID & Email to get the tracking status
  • Set tracking link in the top link section & top menu
  • Send order tracking link in order confirmation emails

Magento Addons Tracking Order – 39$ 

Another Magento addon in our best-suggested list is the Mconnectmedia Track Order extension. By harnessing this module in your webstore, you can allow your customers to easily track their order and shipping status without having to sign in to their accounts. There is also the option to email the shipment tracking link URL or print the tracked order status.

magento 2 tracking order extension

Don’t forget to explore all the outstanding features of this Magento addon: 

  • Let your customers quickly know their order whereabouts without login
  • Ability to set track order tracking widget at multiple locations if need
  • Allows customers to directly print the tracked order status
  • Saves time at both hands by reducing order tracking inquiries
  • Option to send order tracking link in the Shipment email
  • Instantly retrieves order information with the help of Ajax
  • Ability to set the widget in any part of the page or sidebar
  • Set your custom message to show for unavailability
  • Displays invoice as well as shipment information

Magento 2 Order Status Extension – 139$

Last but not least, Magento 2 Order Status extension creates informative order statuses to make documentation processing as clear as possible for both customers and admin users. Easily manage grid statuses and notify clients of status changes in real-time.

Take a glance at those features of its Magento addon:

  • Create and manage customized order statuses.
  • Assign distinct notes to order states.
  • On the grid, you can easily sort documents by state.
  • Inform customers about status changes.
  • Use distinct email templates for each status and store view.

Wrapping Up

Order tracking is definitely an indispensible step when you are running an ecommerce business. And it’s all the thing we want to share with you guys.  

Read the article carefully to grasp all the valuable information and the most robust Magento addons to ease the tracking order process. 

Next Reading Suggestions

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