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Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment

Trusted by customers from our ecosystem:



Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x

Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment Extension speeds up Magento payment process by generating invoice and shipment automatically.


  • Automatically generate Magento 2 invoice/shipment based on payment methods for orders with “new” order state
  • Automatically send invoice/shipment emails to customer
  • Apply automatic invoice and shipment for multiple payment methods
  • Work well with Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group extension
  • Add PDF File To Shipment Email
  • Compatible with the default Klarna payment
  • Compatible with Paypal express method with action: Sale, Order, Authorize
  • Able to select capture for online payment method
  • Able to create order shipment independent with order invoice
  • Compatible with Hyva theme, M2.4.7
  • Compatible with Hyva Checkout
Buy Together
Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment

Magento 2 Shipping & Payment Method per Customer Group

Save -$57.40



Automatically create invoices & shipments when customers place orders

With Magento default, admins must handle all invoices and shipments manually, which takes a lot of time and effort, especially with the vast number of orders. 

Moreover, manual work can lead to lots of paper processes and errors. 

No worry! 

This extention helps to automatically generate invoice/ shipment after a customer finishes placing the order.

Saving tons of your time and effort to implement other business strategies!


Automatically generate partial invoice of the order

For some orders, admins would want to create an invoice for not all but some selected items from that order.

Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment module allows generate partial invoice of the order.


Automate email sending to customers

After customers place orders and complete their payments, they expect to receive confirmation documents of their payments as soon as possible. 

With our extension, orders will be processed immediately, and invoice/ shipment emails will be sent to customers promptly.

Mainly, the installation of the Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment extension results in satisfied customers because the extension handles all of the automatic management of invoices and shipments.


Attach PDF File To Invoice/ Shipment Email

A PDF invoice is becoming standard for online purchases. Thus, all online store owners ought to provide one. 

Your customer might ask you for a PDF invoice/ shipment as evidence of their purchase. Magento 2 PDF invoice is also necessary for official transactions and other crucial situations.

While most modules require you to install another third-party PDF invoice extension, Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment already has a built-in PDF file to invoice/ shipment email.


Support multiple payment methods

Website admin can select various online and offline payment methods to apply the Magento 2 automatic invoice and shipment generation, including but not limited to:

  • Authorize.Net
  • Braintree
  • Klarna
  • Paypal
  • Bank Transfer
  • Cash on Delivery
  • Check / Money order
  • Purchase Order

Select capture status for online payment method(s) & Auto change invoice status

And yet, you can select capture status for online payment methods to seal the payment. We offer you 3 types of capture:

  • Capture Online: Order cost will transfer from a customer account to a store account after auto invoice.
  • Capture Offline: Order cost is not transacted via payment channel and invoice status = Paid.
  • Not Capture: Order has not been paid, and invoice status = Pending.

Compatible with other BSS extensions

This module is optimized to work well with Magento 2 Shipping and Payment Method per Customer Group. You can enable automatic billing and shipment for particular customer groups if necessary.

Magento 2 Auto Invoice & Shipment user reviews

Why Choose BSS

Competitive Price
Every merchant needs to survive – we do understand. That’s why we keep the price as low as possible.
Dedicated Support
We are all ears to your problems, either with our extensions or customizations. FREE 1-year support is included.
Open Source
The source code is completely open to inspect, modify and enhance according to your business purposes.
Qualified Code
We have developed a validation tool to ensure that every piece of code follows Magento coding standards.
High Compability
Our modules work well with each other. Even you want ours to be compatible with those of others. We are here to help
Simple installation
We simplify and clarify the installation process, so you can get the extension played for your website in clicks.
Quick Update
Your business and customers’ demands are ever-changing. Our extensions are also up-to-date with new features.
Business expert
Our certified experts get involved from the extension development to support to bring you efficient and budget solutions.
Easy to Use
No need to install bunches of redundant features. We select the most relevant functions to ensure the user-friendliness.


  • Hello, we are using a platform that automatically sends a code after the customer makes the purchase and we generate the invoice. With this extension will this function continue to work? Payment method we use is paypal with authorization mode.

    Thank you for your interest in BSSCommerce extensions.
    Regarding your query, we would like to inform that since our module is built and tested on Magento default, we're not 100% sure if our module is compatible with your platform.
    According to our Terms and Conditions, our free support does not cover fixing any conflict issue with your platform.
    Hence, we would like to offer our support service to fix and charge an extra fee.
    Please do let us know if you have an interest in our offer.
    Besides, about Magento 2 Auto Invoice module, admins no longer have to create invoice/shipment manually. The invoice is automatically created after a customer finishes placing the order.
    Magento 2 Auto Invoice extension uses order state “new” as the required condition to run the automatic invoice. If the order from customers has the state “new”, the extension will check the payment methods as set by admin. Then the automatic invoice will apply for orders that satisfy the condition.
    Some online payment methods such as PayPal, Credit Card... which create order state as "processing" and "pending payment" won't work for this logic of the extension.
    (Please note that order state is different from order status)
  • Is it possible to get an e-mail invoice with attached PDF? Or possibly the e-mail with attached pdf without invoice text within the mail? So that you have only a stabdard text i.e. "Here we send you the invoice attached..." Many thx in advance Axel


    This extension hasn't yet supported sending attached PDF along with the email invoice. However, if you want to discuss with our support team for the best solution, feel free to send us an email to support@bsscommerce.com.    

  • Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

    Yes. You can install Magento 2 extensions via Composer following the instruction here.

  • How to send customization request for this extension?


    Just drop us an email to sales@bsscommerce.com or contact us.

    We'd like to offer customization service for all BSS Commerce extensions and any third-party extensions.

Release Note
    • v1.1.1 for lower than M2.4.6; and v1.1.2 for M2.4.6 and above (Jun 21, 2024): Fix checkout bug.
    • v1.1.1 for M2.4.6 and above (May 24, 2024): Compatible with M2.4.7
    • v1.1.0 for M2.4.6 and above (Mar 13, 2024): Compatibility issue with the latest versions of magento 2.4.6-p3 and 2.4.6-p4
    • v1.1.0 (Nov 28, 2023): 
      • Fix: Email header format bug
      • Update: Optimize module uninstallation via composer
    • v1.0.9 (Aug 18, 2023): Update: Compatible with M2.4.6, PHP 8.2
    • v1.0.8 (Oct 19, 2022): Update compatible with M2.4.5. Update showing Merchant reference for Capture Online method in Klarna Payment.
    • v1.0.7 (Sep 19, 2022): Update: add partial invoice function and change module name to Auto Invoice & Shipment
    • v1.0.6 (Aug 16, 2022): Update compatible with Klarna Checkout on M2.4.4; compatible with M2.4.x.
    • v1.0.5 (Nov 19, 2021): Fix conflict bug with Magento 2.3.4. Update: Attach PDF invoice and PDF shipment for auto invoice and shipment email. Fix bug double decrease product quantity after ordering. Fix bug close order when creating shipment with undone Paypal invoice order. Fix bug order with multi shipping addresses.
    • v1.0.4 ( May 8, 2020): Compatible with Klarna payment; Fix bug Paypal express method with action: Sale, Order, Authorize; Create order shipment independent with order invoice; Fix bug create auto invoice with Order total is zero
    • v1.0.3 (Nov 30, 2018): Compatible with magento 2.2.6
    • v1.0.2 (Sep 11, 2018): Fix bug with Bank Transfer payment method on magento 2.2.5
    • v1.0.1 (Jan 11, 2018): Compatible with php 7.1.0 ang magento 2.2.2
    • v1.0.0: First Release