2 Simple Ways to Have Reorder Product Function in Magento 2

2 Ways To Enable Reorder Products Function In Magento 2

by admin

Customers coming back to the site to reorder products is what all online store owners always wish, especially with wholesale or B2B customers. However, if your site is built on the Magento platform, the default of Magento only partially supports customers to reorder items.

Default Magento 2 Reorder Product Function

Magento 2 default just shows products by orders, so customers have to repurchase the entire order with fixed products and quantity, which is not convenient.

default reorder Magento 2 in the frontend

How to activate Reorder Magento 2?

Step 1: Login to your Magento admin panel, then go to System -> Configuration -> Sales. In Sales area, choose Reorder, a box will appear like the following:

reorder magento 2 function

Just select Yes in “Allow Reorder” section to enable Reorder function in your online store.

Step 2: Click on “Save Config” button on the right top of the page to save your configuration. Once the yellow line on the top left with the content “You saved the configuration” appears, “Reorder function” is ready in your online store!

What are the drawbacks of this default function?

With 2 steps, Reorder Magento 2 function has been easily enabled on your Magento site. Now your customers can make reorders quickly instead of coming back to each product page. However, problems still exist.

Let’s stop to see existing issues that the default function of Magento cannot solve and how to make it better.


With the default reorder, customers only can repurchase by ordering one by one. Imagine when customers want to choose some skirts in order no.1 and some socks in order no.2, they cannot do that, they have to repurchase all products in both order no.1 and no.2.

It is money-consuming; or as a manual way, navigate to each product page and add it to cart.  

Wasting time

Another problem is that if a product is out of stock, customers have no way to know it until processing to check out. It means one more valuable amount of time has been wasted.

How can you solve those? You cannot help customers with only Magento 2 default, so we recommend the second way to get a more effective reorder function.

Magento 2 Reorder Products List Extension

As mentioned above, default does support this function, but it has some inconvenient drawbacks for customers.

Here is our new solution for this issue: Reorder Product List for Magento 2 extension, this module outweighs the default of Magento by allowing customers to reorder previously purchased products quickly in their Accounts.

reorder product magento 

>>> QUICK JUMP to Magento 2 Reorder extension to know awesome features in detail! 

Allow customers to reorder products

Now your customers can reorder products in quantity as wish. They no longer have to repurchase each order as before.

Reorder magento 2 in frontend

Show a list of ordered products with all information

After installing the extension, there will be a list of all bought items with all information, such as SKU, product image, price, ordered quantity, stock status, and quantity box so that customers can reorder what they purchased before at ease.

Add multiple ordered products to cart & redirect to checkout

Reorder magento 2 - add multiple products to cart

With Reorder Product List extension, customers can reorder multiple or mass products via a checkbox. Also, the module also supports adding multiple purchased items to the wishlist. Then after adding to cart or wishlist, customers can redirect to the checkout or wish list respectively.

Show a popup when customers click into images/item name

Of course, the default does not support this function. There is a configuration in the backend that allows showing the Quick View button in a column.

Reorder Product List M2 backend 3

If the admin chooses Image on this configuration, then there will see a button on the image for customers to see the current price of that product, and customers can redirect to cart by clicking on its name, look at the image below:

Quick view to see current price

Click Quick View button; a popup will be shown:

popup configurable product

If the admin chooses Name, then customers click on the product name to display the popup and click into an image to see the current price or to zoom out.

Great Wholesale Choice to Reorder Products

As mentioned above, the module allows customers to reorder multiple purchased items, which are suitable for wholesalers and B2B businesses.

Merchants can easily reorder mass-ordered products to cart quickly without choosing each item or navigating every product page again to purchase.

reorder product list m2

Next Reading Suggestions

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