If you are a smart store owner, you will take advantage of all opportunities to boost up your sales by attracting customers anywhere they can pay attention to and can make a final purchase decision. Notably, in Magento e-commerce, there is a page, which most of the store owners may ignore and do not think of its importance as well as positive effects on customer behavior, is called a Thank you page. It is considered a very simple confirmation page to notify customers about their successful orders and payment after they complete all purchase steps. However, it almost contains usual information but no more exciting or attractive other images or messages to make customers continue shopping or take any other actions on the sites. Therefore, conversion just stops here and customers leave the sites to complete their shopping without interacting to create more orders.
So, how we can do to get more conversions from this page by attracting customers to go more on the stores? Let’s follow this blog post, and we will together discuss the way to improve a Magento Thank you page to make it better and better:
Cross-selling and Up-selling
Table of Contents
As you know, customers buy one product, but their demands are infinite and may never stop when they find out other products that are matched with their interests. Therefore, don’t forget about cross-selling and up-selling – the two most popular strategies are widely used in the modern economy. The Magento Thank you page is undoubtedly spacious because it just includes text or a simple message, which is very advantageous to add more related products to the ordered one customers have paid. They can be a combo containing products to support mutually or separate products but have advanced functions with more convenience or small components to make the main ordered products more complete. Store owners can be flexible in selecting these products depending on customer behaviors and customer demands as long as they can attract customers to continue shopping and also increase opportunities to boost up sales effectively. So, let’s take more time to research your customers as well as products to give the most suitable cross-selling and up-selling strategy and receive as many benefits as possible.
Social media sharing buttons
In the times of social network, it is a big mistake if you forget social media channels because you may ignore millions of potential customers over the world. Magento e-commerce stores are not the exception when social networks are playing a huge role in the spreading brand and connecting customers to be closer with products and Magento stores. Thus, adding more social media in Magento Thank you page to make customers more interactive with your store and products is an essential thing to do. After receiving a confirmation message about orders, you can encourage customers to share their purchases to friends or give your store a “Like” or a “Follow” for more exciting information about promotions or new products. This can help Magento stores have a larger circle of customers and also build their brand free without paying much cost on advertisement campaigns.
Detailed information about orders
Magento Thank-you page is operated as a confirmation message sent to customers, which should be contained more detailed order information customers need to know and get well. Thank-you page of Magento default does not support this one for store owners and causes some problems when customers desire about their order status fully. Therefore, to bring the best shopping experience for your customers, turn the simple Thank you page of Magento default into a more professional page with accurate order information such as order status, billing, shipping address and shipping method, payment status and so on. This immensely satisfies customers because they do not have to wait so long for these details but receive them right after finishing orders. The high speed of time and adequate information will be two of the essential keys to keep customers stay and get their loyalty to your Magento store.
Newsletter Sign up
One of the ways to keep the connection with customers is using newsletters that will provide them with the newest information of products as well as promotions or any other useful knowledge. Newsletters are considered an active channel to help increase sales quickly when being sent to customers instantly. However, it is not easy to encourage customers to sign up your newsletters even when you put the sign-up form right on the homepage or blogs. Even so, you can still add newsletter subscription into Magento Thank you page to stimulate them to subscribe and especially if you can reward them something, newsletters sign up becomes more powerful ever.
The four above tips are essential for an exciting and attractive Thank you page in Magento but to do all these things, store owners need to make much configuration or intervention about code or edit website structure. It may be difficult for people who are not experts in Information technology (IT) or who do not have IT, staff, behind. However, with Magento platform today, Magento extensions are numerous, and they can support a lot of functions for Magento stores without needs for coding. In this case, to enhance the Thank you page, store owners can consider an extension called Magento Checkout Success Page which equips for your site some above essential things and many excellent features you may never think of before.
Start your Thank you page customization right now to improve customer experience with Checkout Success Page extension for both Magento 1 website and Magento 2 website!
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