Top 7 Best Magento Upgrade Services

Top 7 Best Magento Upgrade Services

by Laura

Today, the Magento platform is the leading eCommerce platform for open commerce innovation in the creation of eCommerce websites. This powerful platform has numerous great benefits and spectacular features, which is why an increasing number of store owners, corporations, and enterprises are adopting the platform to improve their sales performance. Moreover, according to BuiltWith, Magento is used by over 750,000 websites worldwide till 2019. Magento is considered to be the king of the eCommerce world.

Magento often releases upgrade versions to improve speed, security patches, and scalability. Magento 2 was introduced in 2015 as the most recent version of the Magento eCommerce platform, which is considered more powerful than the previous version of Magento. This edition has launched many creative and wonderful features and provides new chances for online enterprises.

Compared to the first version of Magento 2.1.0, the latest Magento 2.4.2 released on Feb 9th, 2021, is improved not only in terms of performance, and security enhancement but also on the platform improvements. It’s about time to upgrade your present Magento store to the latest Magento 2.4.2 version.

Magento 2 Upgrade Service
Magento Upgrade Service

Nevertheless, upgrading to the latest version of Magento requires quite difficult techniques and abilities to effortlessly transfer the data, order history, and customer accounts. No worry, in this article, we will provide a list of the top 7 best Magento upgrade services so that upgrading to the latest version of Magento 2 is not a big deal anymore.

Let’s dive in now!

Reasons to upgrade to the latest Magento 2 version:

Security Improvement

The Magento 2.4.2 ver comes with powerful built-in security features; over 35 security improvements have been launched to help close remote code execution (RCE) and cross-site scripting (XSS) flaws. Furthermore, Magento 2.4.2 prevents malicious uploads by standardizing and hardening file/folder structure operations across Magento modules.

Better Performance

A faster website promotes more purchases and improves website search engine optimization. Magento’s newest version is faster in every way: on the item, category, and domestic pages, contributing to a difference of optimizing pages for speedy delivery, reducing server load time for website activities, and improving sub-activity operations. As a result, it manages more consumers at once, benefiting the business.

Improve Infrastructure

This update includes improvements to the Framework’s fundamental quality as well as the following functional areas: Customer Account, Catalog, CMS, OMS, Import/Export, Promotions and Targeting, and Cart and Checkout.

Read full articles: Reasons to upgrade to Magento latest version

Why should you upgrade your Magento version?

  • Bug fixed: The most recent Magento update has improved functionality and improves user experience.
  • Better Security: Magento’s latest version usually updates security enhancements to limit the threat of hackers and malicious-logic application software.
  • Optimized: The most recent Magento update improves extension management, simpler to add additional functionality and capabilities.
  • Performance enhancements: Magento 2.4.2 version often incorporates various speed enhancements brought about by platform code optimization.

Top 7 Best Magento Upgrade Services

BSS Commerce

BSS Commerce comes in the first rank of the top 7 best Magento upgrade services. BSS Commerce has over 500 projects under its belt and developers with over ten years of experience; the company pledges to keep your online shop in fine shape with technical supervision, regular repairs, and timely assistance. Not only does it keep your Magento store up to date, but it also offers draw-down consulting and takes care of any fatal issues to make sure that your store is under great condition.

The most impressive thing about this upgrade service is the responsively on-time, high-qualified service, and dedicated support team that will satisfy any clients. BSS Commerce guarantees strict upkeep, on-time completion as promised, and a satisfactory outcome as per users’ specifications.

BSS Commerce
BSS Commerce

BSS Commerce upgrade services cover such steps:

  • Audit: BSS skilled developers will check your website audit to make sure that whether your store is ready to upgrade or not
  • Consulting and Planning: Based on the audit results, the experts consider which flow is suitable to upgrade the site and consult for customers
  • Upgrade: After having done all of the steps above, the skilled developers will recommend an upgrade to ensure that the website receives the most up-to-date features
  • Test: conduct a test to make sure everything goes smoothly
  • Bug fixings: Find and repair bugs, report bugs, and consult users on the right solution to keep the web bug-free


Standing in the second rank of Magento upgrade services is Elsner. Elsner Technologies is a leading Magento development company that has completed many Magento upgrades successfully. Elsner is a comprehensive core upgrading solution and has completed many successful store upgrades with certified Magento developers. Furthermore, some of the reasons why you should pick Elsner Upgrade Service for Magento Upgrade are as following reasons:

  • Fast turnaround time: If speed is of the essence, Elsner is an excellent choice for your Magento upgrade services.
  • No downtime: During the upgrade process, they ensure that there is no downtime and no risk-free operation, and without a hitch that can affect the operation of your store.
  • Zero data loss: Elsner’s excellent developers ensure that no data is lost during the conversion.
  • Committed data protection: Elsner Magento upgrading service provides complete data security and is impenetrable to hackers.


With nearly a decade of experience in the Magento world, Mageplaza uses advanced techniques and cost-effective methods to perform the Magento upgrade task. By using this service, you can ensure that the process is successful while spending time and effort on other essential business aspects.

Magento 2 Upgrade Service by Mageplaza

Here are some benefits when you choose the Magento 2 Upgrade Service by Mageplaza:

  • Upgrade experts. As an extension builder, Mageplaza needs to keep its own extensions compatible with the latest versions. That’s why they’re among the first to know all the changes and how to work.
  • No data loss. The upgrade process can be complicated and challenging, leading to severe data loss. However, with Mageplaza’s solid experience, they assure to transfer all the information you need securely and effectively.
  • No downtime. During the Magento upgrade process, you’ll experience zero downtime because they know time is money.
  • 100% security. You can always expect a reliable upgrade service with the latest security patches installed.
  • Quick turnaround time. Mageplaza promises to upgrade your Magento website in the shortest possible time with a well-established methodology.
  • Affordable cost. All of Mageplaza’s services are budget-friendly, even for startups. So, you don’t need to worry too much about the cost!
  • Dedicated support. After completing the upgrade process, Mageplaza will stand by to support you for two months for free. They want to make sure that you’re completely satisfied with the outcome.


Magemonkeys Magento upgrade service provides store owners with the most recent version of Magento, allowing them to take their online business to the next level. The company believes that rigorous preparation and analysis are essential, which is why they provide an ideal Magento upgrade service for users.

Magemonkey offers the upgrade with:

  • Upgrade Extensions: To make use of the latest Magento 2’s outstanding capabilities, previously installed extensions and third-party modules will be updated.
  • Core Database Upgrade: to protect all your current Magento 2 site data from the disappearance through Backup Management, the team will prepare your store database carefully and upgrade to the Magento 2.4.2 installation safely.
  • Theme Upgrade: Implement the most recent Magento ver design theme and create a brand-new trendy Magento 2 store design.


Ameex Technologies is a digital transformation and delivery partner that assists customers with the conception, design, development, and deployment of next-generation, highly integrated digital technology solutions. Ameex Magento Upgrade Services has a professional and skilled team that has the trustworthiness and experience in handling Magento upgrading projects that won’t disappoint you and adapt to your needs for sure.



How Ameexusa makes a fresh instance of the latest Magento 2.4.2 for you:

  • Implement a Magento 2 design theme
  • Install and Configure Extensions
  • Upgrade all of your data without risky of lost
  • Quality Control and User Acceptance Testing

Ameexusa comes in the list of should-have Magento upgrade services that you should consider. With an array of Magento-certified developers helping you with the upgrade to meet your business requirements, the upgrade timing to Magento 2 is less than six weeks. Also, they offer 24/7 post-launch maintenance and support.


Appnovation offers in-house professionals who can optimize and improve eCommerce performance as well as handle Magento upgrades. Appnovation can assist you in making the transition from Magento Open Source to Magento Commerce. Appnovation’s Magento upgrades constantly provide cost-effectiveness for clients, operational speed, and data security for the client’s customer and also proprietary data.


Appnovation knows how to make the most out of all the new features and functions that come with it. As a result, Appnovation has been added to the top ten best Magento upgrade services lists.

Why should you choose Appnovation as a Magento upgrade service?

  • Smart Magento Commerce project delivery method
  • Cooperating with customers, transparent and communicating method
  • Professionals that specialize in eCommerce and Magento strategy and consultation
  • Business analysts, UX/UI specialists, and designers are among the in-house front-end expertise
  • Magento support and maintenance packages are available 24/7
  • Enterprise Magento solutions are delivered with a focus on results
  • Before “Go-Live” events, rigorous quality assurance (QA) testing is performed
  • Client expenditures are reduced as a result of shorter development durations


Zehntech is a provider of software development services that has made many successful Magento upgrades. Coming in the top 6 out of 7 Magento upgrade services, but Zehntech is worth a choice.

Zehntech can upgrade your complete store to the latest Magento 2.4.2 version, including all of its data and functionality, and make the entire process simple, quick, and smooth for you.



Reasons why you should choose Zehntech:

  • High-qualified Magento Developers: Zehntech provides excellent Magento Development Services with a high degree of precision and success.
  • Upgrade Data Effortlessly: By following a well-defined data upgrading method, users can ensure that no data is lost throughout the process.
  • Zero Downtime: Upgrade smoothly with no interruptions.
  • Functionalities and Features:


Coming in last in the list of top 7 best Magento upgrade services is Sciensoft. ScienceSoft has several qualified Magento developers on board that can assist you in smoothly upgrading to Magento 2.4.2. The team will assist you in upgrading to the latest version of Magento 2. Sciensoft Magento upgrading service will assist you in performing a fast upgrade by following the procedure below:



  • Assessment of the current solution and code audit
  • Examine the modifications in the intended Magento version that are incompatible with previous versions (to prevent them from affecting the solution)
  • Upgrade execution
  • Additional support is available

Wrapping up

We hope you could find out the most appropriate Magento upgrade service within the top 7 best Magento upgrade service. While migrating to Magento 2 is essential and beneficial to your store, choosing the best and most suitable upgrade service is not an easy task to do and requires thorough planning and examination to ensure a smooth transition.

After reading the article, we hope you can be kept informed about all the things you need to pick up an appropriate upgrade service so that moving to the latest Magento 2.4.2 version is not a headache.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to comment below!

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