Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free

Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free & Paid: Top 10 Picks for E-Stores

by Lily Tran

Providing your customer with a smooth shopping experience in this fast-moving world of eCommerce is vitally important. This can be brought forth through a fast ordering process in your store. The Magento 2 Quick order extension enables your customers to easily add multiple products to their carts thereby improving their purchase experience.

This article explores various Magento 2 Quick Order extension free and paid options, their capabilities, and how they can ease the ordering process for you and your customers.

What is Magento 2 Quick Order Extension?

The Magento 2 Quick Order Extension truly fulfills its name. It makes B2B customers’ purchases from digital stores more efficient by streamlining the product search, adding items to the cart, and processing payments. Quick and easy means better customer experience, increased conversion rates, and higher sales.

Anyway, let’s take a look at the best Magento 2 Quick Order Extension free and paid options, to see if they are tailored to your store’s needs.

Top 10+ Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free & Premium [Update]

Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free: 2 Best Options

#1. Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free By CMSmart

Magento 2 quick order extension free- cmsmart

CMSmart’s M2 Advanced Quick Order offers all of the standard features of a quick order extension – using SKUs to place orders, uploading CSV files, choosing products in bulk, etc. – for free. Additionally, users can choose custom URLs and positions for the Quick Order page, as well as custom product utilities like changing the quantity of the product, changing the number of values displayed, and viewing product details, among other features, with this Magento 2 free extension.

#2. Magento 2 Quick Order Extension by Landofcoder

Magento 2 Quick Order extension by Landofcoder

One of the most expensive options here is likely Landofcoder’s Quick Order Extension, which costs $199. With this extension, it will be more appropriate for medium-sized and large businesses with somewhat roomier budgets and more demanding needs.

Among its sophisticated features are Elasticsearch, which can be used to improve real-time search results and set up store-wide search capabilities, and AJAX, which enables quick and dynamic web pages. Additionally, new features have been added, like live updates for quantity, price, and subtotal without loading, and support for basic products with custom options.

Landofcoder’s extension ensures that customers’ order-making time is reduced to 3 minutes and is suitable for both B2C and B2B businesses.

Outstanding features:

  • Experience AJAX, Elasticsearch & Bulk Order with ease;
  • Search for products by names or SKUs;
  • Allow to upload CSV file;
  • Display quick order field to type multiple SKUs;
  • Quickly order all Magento 2 product types, even simple products with custom options;
  • [HOT] Live update in quantity, price, and subtotal without loading;
  • Compatible with simple products (custom options), and bundle products.

Top 8 Paid Magento 2 Quick Order Modules

#1. Magento 2 Quick Order by BSS Commerce ( $119)

Set at a reasonable price, the Magento 2 Wholesale Fast Order is truly a comprehensive tool for store owners with an average budget. If you’re having trouble getting yourself a useful extension at an affordable price, don’t skip this.


Pre-filled best-sellers or frequently ordered products, switchable quick order form templates, and quick order functions are some of BSS Commerce’s Magento 2 Quick Order Extension primary features. The quick order functions include a sticky Mini Quick Order for quick purchases on any page, the ability for customers to select all product options in a smart popup, and quick order by product SKUs, which let B2B customers search for products by name or SKU before adding them to carts.

This module surpasses the need for a Magento 2 Quick Order extension free option since it also enables customers to upload CSV files – a feature that facilitates bulk ordering. $119 is what you need to purchase this one-size-fits-all extension.


Notably, a lot of users trust this module from BSS thanks to its unique Pre-populated products feature. The BSS pioneered the development of this function, which was a competitive advantage over the competition.

For more details, the algorithm helps display multiple products based on a customer’s purchase history whenever they access the fast order form. Not only does it help speed up order placement of B2B customers, but also increases sales volume for Magento store owners.


The pre-populated configuration will display a list of best-selling items on Fast Order form for first-time visitors. The point is admin users can modify this list; so it lets you add products that need a hard sell as a suggestion for B2B customers.

Using the extension, you’ll be fascinated by the multitude of benefits it offers. Magento 2 Wholesale Fast Order extension is really a must-have because it helps ease the B2B customer experience from site discovery to the order process right before checkout, speeds up purchasing decisions, reduces the burden on admin order management, and minimizes seller’s support costs.


Outstanding features:

  • Search products by name and SKU;
  • Add multiple products to the cart simultaneously in the blink of an eye;
  • Fasten searching by autocompleting keywords and supporting AJAX when customers type some characters on the search box;
  • Choose to open the Fast Order form for certain customer groups; 
  • Allow admin users to customize the design;
  • Ensure maximum convenience for fast order with CSV import function;
  • Work with almost all Magento 2 product types

#2. Quick Order for Magento 2 by Amasty ( $199)

As an alternative to the Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free requirement, Amasty’s extension costs $199. Of course, the price comes with quality. This extension enables AJAX product search and creating massive orders. In addition, it can also validate SKU mismatch, and offer features such as product thumbnails and auto-complete search suggestions to improve user experience.

This extension is also compatible with both mobile devices and desktops and allows customers to place quick orders right from category pages.

#3. Quick Order for Magento 2 by Mirasvit (Hide Price)

Mirasvit’s Extension was developed with the desire to solve the time-consuming problem of online shopping, when customers want to bulk order but are unable to do so. Mirasvit’s extension also has functions similar to other extensions of the same name, such as quick search using names or SKU, CSV upload, fast checkout, and mobile compatibility. Furthermore, it is simple to integrate with digital stores and does not necessitate extensive technical knowledge.

This extension, which costs $99, is appropriate for startups as well as small and medium-sized businesses.

#4. Quick Order for Magento 2 by Mageplaza ( $199)

Mageplaza’s extension is a feature-rich extension that is highly responsive on multiple devices and compatible with Magento themes. It has an easy-to-configure and implement-friendly user interface.

Priced at $199, the extension provided by Mageplaza claims that the purchase can be processed in just 3 clicks – definitely lives up to the name of Quick Order extension. In addition to the same features as other options – such as searching products by name or SKUs, allowing CSV file uploads, and customization of URLs & design –  one of the special features of this extension is that it integrates Magento 2 Quick Order GraphQL to provide an easier and more accurate experience for wholesale customers.

Outstanding features:

  • Support API/GraphQL
  • Allow customers to instantly search for products by names or SKUs;
  • Add products to the cart in bulk directly or via a CSV file;
  • Duplicate a row to select multiple products with different attributes;
  • Customize the design to match the store’s theme;
  • Custom URL & Page title;
  • Provide fast order link position;
  • Allow you to set up quick orders for groups

#5. Quick Order – Dckap ($249)


Coming first on our list is a product from Dckap – a company specializing in digital commerce development. Their quick order form can be considered quite unique and eye-catching.

While competitors place a fast order link to another page, the Dckap extension presents a quick order table on the popup, which minimizes the loading time and unnecessary redirection. 

As such, B2B customers can search and order products as quickly as possible without diving into all categories to find targeted products. 

Outstanding features:

  • Search and place the products right on the quick order popup, without redirecting to other pages;
  • Easily add products using dynamic rows in the popup;
  • Add multiple products quickly by specifying the SKU and the quantity of the products in a text area in the popup;
  • Configure the number of rows to be shown in the popup;
  • Change the no. of characters for product auto-suggest to work in the popup;
  • Allow admin to add quick orders on any CMS Page using a widget option.


  • Be unable to view product images on the form;
  • Support only simple and configurable products;
  • Limit table customization in the backend settings; 
  • Quite expensive. 

#6. Quick Order for Magento 2 – Magedelight ($99)

Quick Order by SKU by MageDelight

It would be flawed when it comes to the mid-range module without mentioning the Magento 2 Fast Order extension from Magedelight. Bearing full basic features of a quick order module, their product helps your B2B customers order the desired products by specifying their SKU and quantity.

Outstanding features:

  • Search and order products using SKU from frontend;
  • Display ordered products’ details;
  • Add multiple products to the cart using a CSV file;
  • Target SKU feature to selected customer groups;
  • Activate/ Deactivate autosuggestion on SKU input;
  • Support all product types;
  • Allow Guests to use the quick order feature;

#7. Magento 2 Quick Order – Webkul ($99)


Together we go through the list of supreme products, and the Webkul supplier once again lies at the top of our Magento market. All operations from placing an order to navigating to another page happen in a snap through mouse clicks. In addition, this module can assist you in implementing effective marketing campaigns by limiting the products that customers can choose to encourage them to make a purchase again.

Outstanding Features:

  • Make checkout faster with a single click; 
  • Allow customers to search for products using SKU or Name;
  • Offer Ajax-based search for adding products to the cart;
  • Show basic details of the bulk order;
  • Upload mass products by CSV file; 
  • Allow both guests and logged-in customers to access the quick order form;
  • Support Simple, virtual, downloadable, configurable, bundled, and grouped product types.

#8. Magento 2 Quick Order extension – Magezon ($129)

For anyone who wants to be able to customize the quick order’s design, it’s a good option. Using Magezon’s extension, you will be able to change the color of the heading and button, as well as allow customers to order all kinds of product types.


Frankly, not all of the Quick Order Magento 2 extensions we listed here work with all types of Magento 2 products. Therefore, this is a huge advantage that makes customers love it.

Outstanding features:

  • Enter Multiple SKUs and change quantity simultaneously;
  • utilize  the quick CSV import function for all product types;
  • Enable B2B customers to order all Magento product types in the form;
  • Setup the color of headings and buttons as you wish;
  • Display Quick order form for specific customer groups;
  • Save previous user actions in case they accidentally reload or go to another page. 

How Can Quick Order Magento 2 Enhance Your Business Performance?

Enhance Bulk Ordering

Using the Quick Order for Magento, clients can stay on one page throughout their buying experience. They do not need to travel to other pages in order to pick product attributes.

Retailers might benefit from the Magento 2 Default because they only buy in modest quantities. They frequently spend 10-20 minutes placing huge orders. It wastes a significant amount of time for internet buyers. Wholesale buyers can access the immediate search box and other functional buttons on the fast order page.

Optimize Ordering Experience

The instant search box plays a vital role in swiftly placing a purchase. Customers can enter one or more terms from the product’s name into the search box. A list of suggested goods emerges, complete with full name, image, and SKU.

They can effortlessly select an object with a single click. Clients can add products to their cart or proceed to the checkout immediately if all product criteria, such as size, color, and number, are met.

Reduce Abandonment Rate

With the quick order Magento 2 feature, it’ll attract your customers through instant search and Ajax uploading. Moreover, this functionality also speeds up the ordering process, moving forward with a lower cart abandonment rate.

Drive More Sales

Because wholesale customers value their time, you can win their hearts if you can save them time. By giving them a quick order experience, you encourage them to return and place repeat orders in your store.

Prevent Mistakes While Purchasing

B2B customers must regularly purchase a particular number of products in each order. Searching for every product to add to the cart can probably lead to some mistakes.

With the help of the add to cart in bulk feature, buyers can quickly create an order easier and quicker by a CSV file. Therefore, it’ll reduce errors compared to adding a large volume of product SKUs.

Understanding SKUs And Gaining Benefits With Their Usage

Wrap up

With the information provided above by BSS Commerce, you should have a good understanding of the Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free and Paid options. You can see that despite being incredibly useful and adaptable, there is a lack of Magento 2 Quick Order Extension Free in the eCommerce industry – in general – and the extensions market – in particular.

There are numerous justifications for this. In summary, the features of the free extensions will be restricted, making it challenging for them to satisfy the demands of digital stores, especially when a business is scalable. In any case, to make the best decision, consider the various functions of each option as well as their costs.

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