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Access Control Lists in Magento

As you may concern, Magento uses an Access Control Lists (ACL) to authorize and control user access within the system with the purpose of effectively managing the site. So today I will share how to setup and authorize a backend menu.

1. Declararing location

Go to  <adminhtml> (in config.xml file or in adminhtml.xml file)

2. Declaring Configuration in the system

               <title>Allow Everything</title>
                         <name of section>
                           <title>Title of section</title>
                         </name of section>

3. Declaring menu

For example, create a new menu named “Hello” in Catalog Menu

             <title>Manage Hello Menu</title>

 – Declare acl for this above menu:

                            <hello translate="title">
                                <title>Manage Hello Menu</title>

4. Declaring Action in Controller

 – Create custom acl for the module which contains Router admin “Hello”, set Manage for Controller and other Actions in Controller are Index , View , Edit , delete :

            <hello translate="title">
                <manage translate="title">
                    <actions translate="title">
                        <index translate="title"><title>Index</title></index>
                        <view translate="title"><title>View</title>lt;/view>
                        <edit translate="title"><title>Edit</title></edit>
                        <delete translate="title"><title>Delete</title></delete>

– Edit controller admin to grant permission to Action according to each user’s permission (check again)

Declare function _isAllowed        

protected function _isAllowed()
                   //get the name of action
        $action = strtolower($this->getRequest()->getActionName());
       //set true and allow to access to action if resource acl is chosen
        return Mage::getSingleton('admin/session')->isAllowed(hello/manage/actions/'.$action);

5. Set up permission for each account

– Go to Roles to declare permission

 – Choose the applications that are allowed to access to that Roles  

– Set Roles for User

That’s it. I hope this article will help you find the way to handle your problems.

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