Best Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension Free

Top 8 Free & Paid Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extensions for your E-commerce Store

by Lily Tran

When searching for something on Google, have you ever noticed there are some results having more information than others? Besides website titles or page URLs, you can see a wide variety of things from ratings, reviews, prices, etc. to breadcrumbs, product information, event details, or company information.

Just by a glimpse, your audience can get almost important information on what they’re looking for, thus clicking on the link. That feature is called “rich snippet.” In this article, we’ll show you everything about rich snippets, the collection of the best Magento 2 rich snippets extension free, some paid modules, and how you can easily control them on your Magento 2 website.

All About Magento 2 Rich Snippets You Need To Know

The Amazingness of Magento 2 Rich Snippets

What is a snippet?

There are still several different opinions on what is a snippet. In general, as described by Google software engineer Matt Cutts, we can define a snippet as “a description of or an excerpt from the webpage” that follows the title and precedes the URL.

But as said by some other experts in content creation and SEO, a snippet is the sole single search result appearing on the search engine result page (SERP).

In other words, it consists of a title, a URL, and a page description. The snippet content matches parts of the search query and you’ll see your keyword highlighted in the summary of the snippet.

To fill in the sections that make up the snippet, search engines also use pieces of your text. Search engines decide the best snippet possible for you in most situations, but you may try to override that by adding a meta description to your webpage.


The snippet is one of the very first touchpoints of your potential customer toward your brand and you have to make it as tempting as possible.

You need users to click on your page without, of course, misleading them. That’s why a useful snippet can attract organic visitors to fill the top of your funnel. Only after that, your other promotional media like websites, images, and videos could do their job.

Then what’s a snippet that is “rich”?

As you can see in the example above, a “normal” snippet can and will include three basic types of information about a website:

  1. Title: bold, blue, big font, containing a link to the website
  2. Navigator (breadcrumb): black, showing website address and breadcrumb to navigate
  3. Brief description (Meta description): a brief introduction to the content of the site

And if you pay attention, you will see that there are some websites in addition to the above content with more extra, quite eye-catching information. There are other results that are presented under a completely different structure and put in a particular place like the right-hand side. Such is the rich snippet, which I will discuss in detail in this article.


A standard snippet will look like this,


but a rich snippet is “richer” in terms of information.

The rich snippet is an informative (more than usual) snippet of a website on a search engine results page (SERP). Rich snippets usually include the fundamental part of the Title, URL, Meta Description, and additional details such as navigation, rating, internal links, avatar …

9 Essential Types Of Rich Snippets

Despite the fact that there are many types of rich snippets, some of them are nearly the same, and some don’t affect SEO results very much. So in this section, I will only highlight and illustrate the most common ones.

On the search result pages (SERPs), each web page can display one or more rich snippets at the same time. Basically, the more categories that are shown, the more beneficial it is for SEO.



This Rich Snippet is well-suited for a website offering a specific product, with particular specifications for that product line. For example, in the picture below is the iPhone, with parameters of machine weight, operating system, and screen resolution.

Review & Rating

This category provides additional information about the average user score for a product (a 5-point scale, represented by a star image), as well as the number of votes users rated.

As you can see In the image below, BSS Commerce’s Google Rich Snippets Extension has 36 votes with a rating of 90%.


The presence of this type of information makes the website more eye-catching, especially with the orange stars. And if the rating and number of reviews are high enough (the bigger, the better), it will create an initial trust for users to visit the page.

This type of rich result is excellent for e-commerce sites, review articles or product/service pages.

Find out detailed instructions for Magento 2 reviews here to effortlessly add, remove, and manage reviews on your store



This snippet is pretty interesting for food and cooking blogs. This feature will display important information of a culinary article such as completion time, calories in the dish, and article rating information. In addition, there are illustrations of the dishes for users to preview



When you publish an application or software on the website and want to display information related to the application in addition to the search results, you should use this. Besides standard information on products like rating, number of votes or price, you can see the software’s version, classification, and release date on different platforms.



People have seen a rising trend in music marketing in recent years. If you decide to pursue that strategy, music-type rich results are gonna help you a lot. It shows you lyrics, the release platform of the song, information about the artist, the album, and links to its music videos. You can also find links to other versions like cover or remix.

Above are the five most popular types of rich snippets, in which information is always added to the regular result boxes.

In the next section, I introduce some other types of rich results for your reference. The structure, appearance, and position of the results change differently, possibly completely different from the regular search results.



This is a rectangular block containing quite detailed information about an organization or brand. The location is usually on the right side of the screen. You can quickly see its name, address, open hours, telephone number, rating, even product list or FAQs.

Top Stories


This is a list of some articles on a particular topic that is of interest to many people. These results are usually from big news sites or social networks.


Images are very illustrative and attractive rather than text, so it is quite useful for SEO.

This type of result is usually a series of 3 video thumbnail images from 3 video links related to the search term. This series of videos can be on YouTube, or your website, somewhere on or between organic search results.

You can use this to do SEO for many types of businesses, especially e-commerce and tourism or even websites specializing in evaluation, guidance, and training.


Featured Snippets

Featured Snippets are summary excerpts that answer a question, and are positioned above both organic results and paid results, that is, above the Top 1 (should also be known as Top 0).

In fact, this type of snippet is completely decided and controlled by Google, you cannot interfere with its appearance. But, you can increase the chance of being selected.

You must know that your website doesn’t have to compete for the top ranks if it provides the right answer to the right search query. That’s why you have to optimize your content as much as possible.


As you can see, Magento 2 rich snippets are quite crucial for your website. But how to get them? How to install them on your Magento 2 website?

In fact, you don’t need to know code to be able to benefit from rich results. There are some amazing Magento 2 rich snippets extensions that help and guide you in the creation and management of rich snippets on your website.

>>> Check out this article about SEO For Magento 2 to learn 13 mind-blowing hacks no one tells you.

How to adjust rich snippets settings in the Magento 2 backend?

As a matter of fact, default Magento 2 DOES support rich snippets, but in a very vague and difficult-to-manage way. It shows only product snippets, more precisely rating and review snippets.

And that is exactly why you need a Magento 2 rich snippets extension to fulfill this gap. It not only makes the configuration easier for you but also provides numerous additional features that your website can benefit from.

>>> Don’t miss our newest Magento SEO guide

Why Is Rich Snippet Important To Your Magento 2 Store?

Increase your website space on SERPs: This is very beneficial, as the search engines limit the size of essential information items to the number of pixels or the number of characters. So, once your page “occupies” more area, it means taking advantage of more opportunities to promote and attract users.

Make the website more prominent: A Magento 2 rich snippet attracts attention from users, thereby increasing the likelihood of users visiting the site, which means expanding the CTR – click-through rate.

Improve website ranking: Due to the improvement in CTR, Magento 2 rich snippets have indirectly affected the website’s ranking on the search results page. The more users on the page, the more Google will appreciate and rank higher.

Top 8 Best Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension Free & Premium

Before going into detailed reviews, let’s take a look at the policy comparisons for all 8 extensions in the table below:

Extension providers Price Installation fee Support policy Update policy Refund policy
BSS Commerce 79 – 229$ No Free 1-year support Free lifetime update 30-day guarantee
Mageworx 99 – 198$ 69$ Priority support 99$

(included in EE version)

Free lifetime update 30-day guarantee
Amasty 129 – 429$ N/a Free 90-day support

Priority support 99$

(included in EE version)

Free lifetime update 60-day guarantee
Atwix 129 – 210$ 60$ 3m: 30$

6m: 50$

12m: 80$

n/a n/a
WeltPixel 0 – 99$ 199$ 1m: free

1y: 129$

3y: 199$

Free lifetime update 30-day guarantee
Magmodule ~77.5$ ~54$ 6m: free

12m: ~30$

24m: ~54$

Free 6-month update 14-day guarantee
Wyomind ~214.6$ ~60$ 6m: free

12m: ~107$

18m: ~203$

24m: ~287$

Free lifetime update 30-day guarantee
MageSolution 19 – 290$ n/a Free 90-day support

Normal support: free

Priority support: 100$

Free lifetime update 15-day guarantee

#1. Magento 2 Rich Snippets by BSSCommerce


Price: $79 – $229  (for Community and Enterprise edition)

Highlight features:

  • Display various rich snippets for the product (price, rating, review, availability, brand, category, custom properties).

Rather than daily unattractive product details in the search results, a rich snippet will enrich the product with an eye-catching view to your clients. They can perceive almost immediately price, rating, stock status,… just by glimpsing at the product page. It would give customers a good rundown of the product and trigger them to click on it.

  • Enable breadcrumbs (show navigation path) in the search result.

In general, the URL paths are shown under the product or category name in the SERPs. With the Magento Rich Snippets breadcrumbs feature, those URLs are replaced with a clear navigation path.

  • The show featured snippets for business information (name, logo, business type, contact, social links, etc…) on SERPs.

Remember the organization type of rich snippet mentioned above. Consumers generally look for information about the vendor before making a buying decision. Thus, sponsored by Magento 2 rich snippets, your store will be seen on the SERPs with the most comprehensive details.

Administrators can add a company name with contact details (phone, email address), logo, business form, price range, social links, and so on in the backend setup of this Magento 2 Rich Snippets module. Moreover, with the help of Google My Business, you can drastically increase your brand awareness and leave a special footprint on the minds of your consumers.

  • Add a specific search input box for your Magento 2 store.

Not every “searcher” is used to this feature but if you give it some time and educate them, you can help them strongly reduce their scrolling time by adding a search box right under your snippet title. By letting them search directly in the box, you can redirect them to your proper SERP within your own store, thereby optimizing your funnel and generating more leads.

  • Support Open Graph and Twitter Card for sharing on social networks.

Previously when you share a link on social networks like Facebook and Twitter, you can control how they appear on your post. But now in an attempt to combat fake news and clickbait, Facebook will not allow the modification of link preview anymore. So with the help of Open Graph, for example, you can easily change the link title, description, and even image.

This extension is a part of our SEO solution bundle.

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#2. Extended Rich Snippets by MageWorx


Price: 99 – 198 $

Highlight features:

  •   Use markup tags on category pages (next to rich product/category list excerpts),
  •   Include product offerings, cover category markups with NOINDEX Robots and show category listings on social media to draw more buyers.
  •   Influence the success of your social media with Open Graph/ Twitter Cards
  •   Support for the newly introduced speakable data markup.

#3. Google Rich Snippets for Magento 2 by Amasty


Price: 129 – 429$

Besides regular features like breadcrumbs, product information, or search boxes, this Amasty rich snippets extension has many unique features that others don’t have.

Highlight features:

  •   Support Twitter summary cards
  •   Support Rich Pins on Pinterest
  •   Display Google Image Search Badges

Example of Rich Pins on Pinterest

#4. Rich Snippets by Atwix


Price: 129 – 210$

Highlight features:

Product and Search Box rich snippets for CMS, category, and product page

  •   Manage structured data for breadcrumbs and category pages by, RDF or JSON
  •   Offer a wide variety of meta tag options:
  •   Additional website name meta tags
  •   Twitter Cards, Open Graph meta tags
  •   Configurable meta tags
  •   Social meta tags for Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter, Google Plus

#5. Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension Free by Welt Pixel


Price: 0 – 99$. 

It’s FREE. That’s right; it’s a Magento 2 rich snippets extension free. For the pro version, you will have to pay 99$ more, of course. But if you just need to manage primarily structured data (product name, image, price, SKU, and social media post), the free version of Wetpixel rich snippets is enough.

Highlight features:

  •   Add breadcrumb, review, and item condition data into rich results
  •   Display your social profiles in search results
  •   Manage product GTIN and MPN code structured data
  •   Use the store logo or upload a new logo for snippets

#6. Rich Snippets Suite by Magmodules


Price: 65€ (~77.5$)

Unlike other solution providers who propose 2 versions for CE and EE Magento edition, Magmodule offers only one option for their rich snippets extension. I appreciate the way they have well-arranged their product features into easy-to-understand categories.

Highlight features:

  •   Product Rich Snippets: title, image, SKU,…
  •   Website Rich Snippets: site name, logo
  •   LocalBusiness Rich Snippets: company type, name, address, ….
  •   Organization Rich Snippets: contact, social links…
  •   Follow the latest Google standards
  •   Use with unlimited store views
  •   Use the extension with unlimited products and customers

#7. Google Rich Snippets by Wyomind


Price: 180 € (~214,6$)

Wyomind is another company that offers only one choice for their snippet extension. It has an entirely different interface than other rich snippets extensions.


Highlight features:

  •   Build new rich snippet templates without any coding expertise at any time
  •   Edit template while being able to view code pattern for those who wish to
  •   Integrate an extension testing tool
  •   Support all three types of structured data: JSON-LD,, RDFa

#8. Google Rich Snippets by Magesolution


Price: 19 – 290$

Mage Solution Google Rich Snippets is a Magento 2 rich snippets extension free. However, you need to choose one of three services ranging from $19 to $50

  • Installation Service +$19.00
  • 1 Month Support +$29.00
  • 3 Months Support +$50.00

Highlight features:

  • Help user in rich snippets audit: determine data lacking any errors
  • Enable rich snippets breadcrumbs and search box
  • Manage product & organization data


Tips For Choosing Magento 2 Rich Snippets Extension

So how to choose the right Magento 2 rich snippets extension among plenty of providers? Well, here are a few tips for you.

Read the policies

Actually, not only for this type of extension, but before buying any extension for your Magento eCommerce shop, or before buying anything, it is really vital to know the rules.

For example, can you get free support, if yes, during how much time? Do they help you install the extension? Is that free? Can you get a refund if something happens? How can you contact their support executive?

After reading all this information, if you say yes, you can continue to buy & download and if not, check another extension or ask Certified Magento Developers to do your job in the most efficient direction. Some rich snippets extensions require an installation fee but if you already have a team, reduce the cost.

Consider the price, of course

As you can see, different rich snippets suppliers have different pricing plans and options. They usually present one version for CE and another one for EE, but some companies like Magmodule afford only one version. Some extensions are free for CE but come with a high cost for EE. The Magento 2 rich snippets extension free is suitable for small businesses, while the paid one is for merchants who looking for advanced features. Review your budget and think clearly.

Always compare

Many extensions provide the same amount of features at different prices, based on demand and supply. If the price is lower, more consumers are likely to buy. Not sure if they review features such as performance, support services, update policy, refund policy, and more.

Here are some of the things that you should check before choosing a trustworthy Magento 2 rich snippets extension provider:

Online feedback

Try reading reviews on Marketplace or common forums/social platforms. Some relevant elements to check include privacy policy, consumer policy, business history, and more. Reviews will give you a simple understanding of how to deal with a particular provider and use a specific extension.

Speak to the community

Social media threads are the right place to get to know the perspectives of other online users. You can create a post on Reddit, Quora, or even Magento on Twitter.

Check out the background of the service provider

Reviewing the reputation of the provider helps you to see if they recognize their goods as they are in this business, whether they are top-ranked or not, their consumer base, etc. There are various players on the market who serve free and paid extensions, so it is essential to verify how many of them are legitimate.

Check the pace of updates

It is vital to ensure that the extension is improved on a regular basis. You need to verify whether the developers are involved enough to upgrade the version, uninstall the requisite bugs, and improve the extension with new functionality.

Check to see if a demo/trial version is available

If it is available, you need to test it carefully. If there’s a chance to look at both the frontend and backend processes, that’s much better. You need to be sure that extensions can be set up easily, and run seamlessly, and that’s just what you need.

Get in touch with the service provider

Now it’s time to contact the seller directly. This is a last and valuable way to know the service provider, including their goods and services. It’s a smart idea to build and send a ticket to the support staff to check how easily they react to your emails or tickets.

It helps you decide how they respond to your ticket and lets you know whether they target sales only or react in the manner you want, including who they really are, what they’re doing, what they can’t do, and if they can assist you further with your questions or not frankly.

Communicating with the extension supplier lets you assess the nature of the business in working with potential consumers and clients and allows them to make a buying decision.

Therefore, we recommend that you first interact with them in order to see how they support you in terms of questions and goods and services before proceeding to buy them.

Wrap up

It’s been a long way here. I hope this article can help you in choosing an excellent and reliable Magento 2 rich snippets extension provider for your eCommerce business. You can choose between Magento 2 rich snippets extension free or paid Don’t hesitate to share this link if you feel it useful and want to spread the knowledge.

>>> CHECK OUT Best Magento SEO Extensions – the all-in-one solutions to make your site SEO-friendly with out-of-box features!

BSS Commerce is one of the leading Magento extension providers and web development services in the world. With experienced and certified Magento developers, we commit to bringing high-quality products and services to optimize your business effectively. Furthermore, we offer FREE Installation – FREE 1-year Support and FREE Lifetime Update for every Magento extension.

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