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Magento 2 SEO Extension Suite

Trusted by customers from our ecosystem:

Magento 2 SEO Extension Pro Suite is your all-in-one solution for boosting search rankings and driving more organic traffic. This cost-effective tool automates key optimization tasks, lightening your workload. While at the same time, giving you full control over every aspect of your store’s SEO to ensure efficiency.

From on-page to technical SEO, our Magento 2 SEO Suite owns significant features to secure you at #1 on SERPs:

  • Mass-optimize SEO metadata using templates
  • Stand out on SERPs and be more informative with Rich Snippets
  • Better crawling and indexation with XML & HTML sitemap
  • Canonical Tag to address duplicate content and ensure unique URLs
  • Reduce broken links & 404 pages with automated redirects
  • Advanced breadcrumbs for better site navigation
  • Auto-create & manage image ALT text in grid
  • Control indexing with Robot Meta Tag
  • SEO toolbar & reports to ease & fasten optimize tasks
  • Work best with Magento 2 ChatGPT
  • Compatible with Hyva theme & M2.4.7.

New: Basic Plan available - Only $89!

Special Price $149.00 Regular Price $199.00

Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x

One-Time Payment

30-Day Money Back

Free 1-Year Support

Free Installation & Lifetime Update

Magento 2 SEO Extension Pro Suite is your all-in-one solution for boosting search rankings and driving more organic traffic. This cost-effective tool automates key optimization tasks, lightening your workload. While at the same time, giving you full control over every aspect of your store’s SEO to ensure efficiency.

From on-page to technical SEO, our Magento 2 SEO Suite owns significant features to secure you at #1 on SERPs:

  • Mass-optimize SEO metadata using templates
  • Stand out on SERPs and be more informative with Rich Snippets
  • Better crawling and indexation with XML & HTML sitemap
  • Canonical Tag to address duplicate content and ensure unique URLs
  • Reduce broken links & 404 pages with automated redirects
  • Advanced breadcrumbs for better site navigation
  • Auto-create & manage image ALT text in grid
  • Control indexing with Robot Meta Tag
  • SEO toolbar & reports to ease & fasten optimize tasks
  • Work best with Magento 2 ChatGPT
  • Compatible with Hyva theme & M2.4.7.

New: Basic Plan available - Only $89!

Theme Compatible

Get Double Optimization

Special Price $149.00 Regular Price $199.00

Special Price $109.00 Regular Price $129.00

Save -$81.40


1. Every website needs SEO. No visibility or low rankings means no or less traffic for you, ending up with very few conversions.

2. SEO is so many things to take care of - Don’t know where to start?

3. The budget is tight while Magento 2 SEO services are costly?


Our Magento 2 SEO Extension Suite will help you to:

1. Handle essential SEOs to get faster indexation & high rankings
2. Automate heavily manual optimization tasks
3. Save budget with x10-less cost than SEO service

Get better results and generate more revenue with SEO extension for Magento 2 now!

Magento 2 SEO Extension Suite - Detailed Features

Magento 2 SEO with Rich Snippets - Make Websites More Highlighted on SERPs

Default Magento 2 supports a few snippets for product pages to display on Search Result Pages (availability, rating, price). But if you want to make products highlighted on SERPs and steal customer attraction, your products need more than that!

Our Magento 2 Rich Snippet stays here to help you:

  • Show various product snippets on SERPs (price, rating, review, availability, brand, custom properties, etc.)
  • Display snippets for a category (name, description, image, and product offers)
  • Optimize snippets for business (name, logo, description, business type, price range, etc.)
  • A search box to let customers directly search store items from SERPs
  • Support Open Graph & Twitter Card for sharing pages on social networks
  • Allow breadcrumbs to present better site navigation on SERPs.

Advanced Breadcrumbs - Better Site Navigation (Pro)

Why should you need Breadcrumbs? Because Google loves it and it's good for Magento SEO obviously!!

Breadcrumbs let Google figure out how your site is structured and Google highly evaluates the site if it is built with good navigation. The default Magento 2 does support Breadcrumbs, but the problem is that it still has a lot of limitations.

Our Magento SEO extension inherits default features and adds more advanced functions to make your site both user-friendly & Google-friendly:

  • Determine how breadcrumbs are presented with 2 types of Breadcrumbs: Use Short URL Path or Long URL Path
  • Easily adjust breadcrumbs based on category priority ID.

Magento SEO Plugin with HTML Sitemap - Give Users an Overview of Websites

An HTML sitemap instructs customers to explore the whole website! It’s also recommended that you provide an HTML sitemap to reach a higher ranking on SERPs because Google will reward a website with user experience improvement.

Even though the default Magento 2 doesn’t support HTML, our Magento URL Rewrite extension can resolve the problem by helping you get an out-of-box HTML Sitemap.

  • Generate an HTML sitemap containing products, categories, CMS pages, and additional links
  • Allow the admin to exclude products & categories from HTML sitemap in the edit page
  • Enter a unique URL key for the sitemap
  • Create a specific HTML sitemap for each store view
  • Show a sitemap shortcut in the footer or header
  • Auto-update if there is any change in the store’s structure.

XML Sitemap - Instruct Google Crawlers to Read Websites, Faster Indexation (Pro)

Unlike HTML Sitemap, an XML sitemap is used for Google crawlers to read the content of your website. This sitemap works as a table of contents, making it easy for the crawler to check what’s on your website and then index it.

Default Magento 2 allows you to set up a very basic XML sitemap, but it’s not adequate for your website. Our ultimate SEO Magento extension helps to improve your XML sitemap:

  • Generate an XML Sitemap containing homepage, product, category, CMS pages, and additional links
  • Exclude category, product, and CMS pages from Magento 2 XML sitemap
  • Exclude links from the sitemap in the product/category edit page
  • Divide the sitemap by category, date, and manufacture
  • Specify a root path for the sitemap
  • Add title and description for the sitemap
  • Provide the best interface for XML sitemap ever.

Customize H1 for Certain Pages without Changing the Product Name

This feature is very useful for store owners when they want to customize the display content of Heading 1, without having to change the product or category name in the system.

For example: If you run a product promo, and want to place an eye-catching Heading 1 without changing the default setting (product name). You can enter a custom H1 like “Hot Deal 50% OFF Strive Shoulder Pack | Today Only”.

Result: Customers now see the new heading, instead of the original Heading 1. And better, the product name is unchanged and is still displayed on the shopping cart and checkout page.

SEO Extension with Robot Meta Tag - Instruct Crawlers to Index Websites

In default Magento 2, you can set up the Robot Meta tag as INDEX, FOLLOW, or INDEX, NO FOLLOW, … when you want Google to index your website. These settings play a role in instructing crawlers to index the site and check back later.

However, it is limited that you are not allowed to customize for each specific page. In some cases, specifying a Robot Meta Tag for a page is quite necessary because you may not want Google to index some unimportant URLs.

Hence, it’s nothing but this Magento 2 SEO suite can bring you useful features to make Robot Meta tag advanced:

  • Assign Robot Meta Tag for each URL conveniently
  • Select pages to set up NOINDEX, FOLLOW Robots Meta header
  • Edit custom instruction of robots.txt File.

Canonical Tag - Guarantee Unique Content

In terms of SEO, Duplicate content happens when multiple URLs point to identical content on a website.

Google doesn’t like this at all because it cannot know which version of a page to index or rank for relevant search queries. Hence, you can be penalized by Google and your ranking on SERPS will be negatively impacted.

To overcome these issues, the canonical tag is a very ideal solution to tell Google which pages to index and give it greater weight than others with the same content.

This Magento 2 SEO extension also helps you to set up canonical tags easily and quickly:

  • Canonical tag for homepage and product pages
  • Canonical tag for category pages
  • Add canonical URLs from the edit page in the backend
  • Use Next/Previous tag in categories to apply the canonical tag for pagination
  • Add Canonical Tag to layered navigation for filtered results or sorting options.

HREFLANG Tag - Avoid Duplicate Content in Multiple Store Views

For multiple store views sites, SEO extension for Magento 2 is more complicated. You need to inform the crawlers that you have various versions of the site in different languages. Hence, Google can serve the right content with the right language for the suitable user.

In case you don’t include this Hreflang tag on your site, Google considers the duplicate content issue due to the similar content between versions of your page.

Our SEO plugin Magento stands by you to eliminate the duplicate content issue:

  • Add the Hreflang tag for each store view
  • Select language and country for a store view
  • Enable the Hreflang tag for the homepage, product, category, and CMS pages.

301 Redirects - Increase User Experience, Avoid Broken Page Display (Pro)

When you delete product pages, customers can face 404 pages without any content. This not only creates a bad user experience but also hurts your SEO so much. Both removed product pages and images inside will drop out of rankings on SERPs.

Redirects now are a must-have to direct customers to a new page instead of a 404 page.

With the SEO plugin for Magento from BSS Commerce, it is easier than ever to make redirects come to reality:

  • Select the default destination to redirect users accessing the deleted product pages
  • Specify a time period to keep redirecting on the website
  • Adjust category priority ID to determine breadcrumbs.

Meta Tag Template - Auto Generate Meta Tags

Default Magento 2 already supports you to create a meta template for products with only 3 variables like {{name}}, {{description}} and {{sku}}.

However, these 3 variables are not enough to describe your products on meta title and meta description on SERPs, then attract customer clicks.

So how to create informative metadata in the eye of a blink? This all-in-one Magento 2 SEO extension assists you without any difficulties:

  • Add various Meta Tag templates to apply for multiple products & categories
  • Add meta title, meta description, meta keywords, URL keys, and description to each template
  • Support diverse variables to insert into meta tag templates
  • Exclude products/categories from meta tag template updates
  • Track the process of generating meta tag templates
  • Determine the maximum text length of metadata, URL key, and maximum meta keywords
  • Auto-sync new meta data with the default one.

Image ALT Tags - Make Image SEO-Friendly (Pro)

It is a mistake to underestimate the effectiveness of ALT texts for images on the content page.

Google crawlers cannot understand your images without alt texts, as a consequence, you may miss out on a chance to be highly ranked on SERPs of Google Image.

Hence, adding ALT text provides image information for crawlers to read, giving the image better rankings than others without ALT. Explore our ultimate SEO extension Magento 2 and you can add alt for images quickly:

  • Create an ALT tag template to apply to all product images on the website
  • Manage all images on a grid and manually edit the ALT text of an image right on this grid
  • Exclude product from alt tag template updates
  • Create product image name template.

SEO External Links - Retain the Power of Page (Pro)

This awesome function of this advanced Magento SEO module allows you to auto-mark external links as NO FOLLOW so that Google doesn’t crawl these links anymore. You can also exclude URLs from a whole domain!

Hence, Google understands that the power of the URL is not transmitted to external links inside the content

Also, you can add specific URLs to exclude them from the module’s impact.

SEO Extension Toolbar - Full SEO Analysis for Every Frontend Page (Pro)

Default Magento 2 cannot show you how SEO on your page is performing, but our solution can do it!

On each page on the front end, you can get an overview result of your Magento search engine optimization. Our Magento SEO extension's analysis will display the following information:

  • URL of the current page
  • Canonical URL
  • Metadata (meta title, meta description & meta keywords)
  • The number of headings
  • The number of images without ALT text
  • Open Graph and Twitter Card compliance.

When your information meets SEO requirements, a green tick appears and in case there are still issues, a red exclamation mark is shown in front of the line.

SEO Audit in the Backend - Track SEO Compliance while Editing (Pro)

If the SEO Toolbar provides the SEO results on the frontend, SEO Reppsorts hel you check the current SEO situation of your page on the backend. Our SEO extension for Magento 2 gives you a hand to:

  • Show a visual bar to specify the meta title and meta description text length
  • Suggest a range of proper text lengths for the meta title and meta description
  • Make an SEO audit and show SEO results (metadata, main keyword, description & outbound links).

Monitor SEO Effectiveness with Management Dashboard & Performance Report (Pro)

Our Magento 2 SEO extension suite provides a centralized dashboard that will assist you in managing all SEO data of all URLs on your store. This way you can have an overview of your optimization tasks and take further necessary actions.

To enhance your insights & site performance further, this module also enables connecting with a search engine console (Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools), giving you comprehensive reports on Impressions, Clicks, Avg. Position on SERPs.

These are powerful reports that can drive better results for your SEO, leading to more traffic & conversions for your store.

Choose The Best-fit Plan Based on Your Needs

Basic SEO
Essential functions to start building SEO strength

Basic SEO Suite Features:

  • Custom H1 without changing product name
  • Diverse Rich Snippets
  • Meta Tag Templates
  • Canonical Tag for unique URLs
  • Hreflang Tag for multiple store views
  • HTML Sitemap for easy navigation
  • Indicate Indexation with Robots Meta Tag
$ 89.00
All you need for good SEO results & better ranking

Everything in Basic, plus:

  • XML Sitemap for faster indexing
  • Advanced Breadcrumbs
  • Image ALT Text
  • 301 Smart Redirects
  • Manage External Links
  • SEO On-page Analysis Toolbar
  • SEO Audit Report in edit page
  • SEO Management Dashboard & Performance Report

$ 149.00
ChatGPT Integrated
Make a powerful tool with OpenAI's ChatGPT - Save 20%

Everything in Pro, plus Magento 2 ChatGPT functions:

  • Mass-generate content for product, category & CMS pages
  • Auto-generate Metadata
  • Quick already-made prompts
  • Custom prompts with attributes
  • Buttons for quick ChatGPT in edit page

$ 207.00

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

How to send customization request for this extension?

What is a Magento 2 SEO extension?

How do I choose the most suitable SEO extension?

How do I install an SEO extension?

Release Note

    • v1.1.2 (Jan 10, 2025): BSS Seo Report M2
    • v1.0.2 (Jan 10, 2025): BSS Seo External Links M2
    • v1.0.8 (Nov 14, 2024): BSS Seo Alt Text M2
    • v1.2.2 (Mar 13, 2024): BSS RichSnippets M2
    • v1.2.7 (Dec 21, 2023): BSS Meta Tag Template M2
    • v1.0.7 (Nov 03, 2023): BSS Seo Core M2
    • v1.1.4 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Breadcrumbs M2 
    • v1.1.1 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Canonical Tag M2
    • v1.1.3 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS HTML Sitemap M2
    • v1.1.1 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Redirects 301 Seo M2
    • v1.1.1 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Redirects 301 Seo M2
    • v1.0.6 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Robots Meta Tag M2
    • v1.1.1 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Seo Report M2
    • v1.0.3 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS Seo Toolbar M2
    • v1.2.0 (Jun 13, 2023): BSS XML Sitemap M2
    • v1.0.0 (Feb 20, 2023): BSS Breadcrumbs
    • v1.0.0 (Feb 20, 2023): BSS HTML Sitemap
    • v1.0.0 (Feb 20, 2023): BSS RichSnippets
    • v1.0.0 (Feb 20, 2023): BSS Seo Toolbar
    • v1.0.1 (Nov 11, 2022): BSS Seo External Links M2
    • v1.0.7 (Jun 27, 2022): BSS HrefLang M2