
Perfecting Configurable Product Magento: Display & Pricing Edition

by Robin Tran

Among Magento 6 types of products, configurable is arguably the most popular and a gold-mine for visual improvement.


FULL CONTEXT: Create configurable product Magento within 6 steps- showcase variables + manage Magento configurable prduct inventory easier!

That being said, from pricing to display, there are tons of choices within configurable product creation and implementation.

Take this article as your handy assistant to understand the art of showcasing your configurable product!

Make a vibrant demonstration for configurable products Magento 2

It’s not only your theme – there’s more to the process of displaying a product, and we will discover them together!

But first.

Why it’s necessary to pick one

Now, editing your product appearance is a process of decision-making. In context, a string approval process on showing specific product’s attributes.

What do you show?


What do you NOT show?

This process is often a zero-sum game with huge opportunity costs. Why? 

It’s because you are working in a relatively small bit of time and space to communicate everything vital to the customers while cutting down their decision-making process. 

Since we’re showcasing these products digitally, how we’re going to do that – and this is a big word: Verisimilitudinous.


That means a believable version of reality. Your buyers know what they’re seeing is fake (since it’s digital), but they can buy into it and feel it can apply to the real world.

Therefore, they will be more likely to go through with the purchase – just like in the physical store. And that’s our ultimate goal.

How many ways are there to show a configurable product Magento?

Generally, there are 4 ways + 1 extra solution you can showcase your configurable product based on how you organize the attributes.


You can do precisely this with the default setting within Magento.


Let’s start by choosing your set of attributes – what combo of details of the product you want to show.

As you can see from the picture above, we have *Color and *Size. And you can include more attributes, but they need to meet these criteria:

  • Scope: Global
  • Catalog Input Type for Store Owner: Must be one of these – Dropdown, Text Swatch, Visual Swatch
  • Valued Required: Yes

This way works amazingly for your store if your product doesn’t have a lot of attributes. And, it’s cost-saving since this is a built-in feature.


Magento 2 configurable product grid view costs more, but it is worth every penny.

Here is the customer stimulation with the grid view.


EXPERIENCE NOW: Magento 2 Configurable Product Grid View – suitable for B2B and B2C.

As you can see, every product variable is shown in the table with a visual swatch. This way, the ordering process becomes quicker.

Besides, customers can add multiple products all at once – a must feature if you’re a B2B business.

However, the grid view does have multiple downsides – mainly user-friendly performance. The table now becomes a nightmare to navigate if you have a more significant set of attributes with multiple values attached.

So what is the takeaway here? This display is both B2B and B2C friendly for a fewer-attribute-type-of-product!


You can think of this as the advanced version of the grid view.


CHECK THIS OUT: Magento 2 Configurable Product Matrix View – a more visual-focused approach to mother and children products of Magento.

As you can see, the grid is now more organized with attributes and options. Image swatch is also attached for color differentiation. 

Here is where it gets interesting: You can apply this view option for selected products!


This way, your demonstration gets more vibrant and excited while being selective. The pop-up note for each child product is also a sweet touch to boost your sales.

But, this matrix has deleted the complete wrap-up underneath the grid table. For some, this causes little to no difference – however, if you’re a B2B business, it’s a massive disservice in terms of user experience.  

Since then, make sure you use the selective nature of this Magento 2 configurable product extension with the right set of products.  

Wholesale table view

It’s the best of both worlds. Rather than showing every possible product version, this extension smartly groups them under the color attribute then expands to the detail table below.


DON’T MISS OUT: Fast order + impeccably smooth experience with Magento 2 Configurable Product Wholesale Display

From the gif, you can also see customizable options all in one interface. It’s a small addition but can immensely improve the customer exploring experience.

This module is also responsive across devices, making converting platform-wise easier – especially when mobile is becoming more prevalent in online shopping.

A small thing that holds the add-on back is that, unlike the matrix option, you can’t opt out a specific product you don’t want to appear with this demonstration.

Improved view + adding your requested feature

So far, we’ve mentioned all of the fixed solutions for showcasing the configurable products.

Now, let’s take the matter into your own hand and build the preview yourself!

2.Magento-2-Improved-Configurable-Product-with-Tier-Price_1 (1)

REQUEST YOUR FEATURE: Magento 2 Improved Configurable Products aims at advanced product presentation with emphasis on SEO.

This extension is an attempt at finessing the configurable product in the eyes of customers as well as web crawlers. It contains every feature of the wholesale view above to ensure a smooth user interface with your product. 

Moreover, the provider is mindful of SEO betterment with the inclusion of:

  • Ajax technique for faster loading speed.
  • Simple details to make the product more vibrant and stand out right on the category page.
  • Automated SEO tactics with URL generation, XML sitemap, and content differentiation to quality traffic + lead

Not only that, but this extension is also open for request feature – which means you can customize your bespoke module for your own store! 

Manage the pricing of configurable product

Because different versions of a product will have different pricing – it costs more/less to produce that particular child product. 


Because different versions of a product will have different pricing, it costs more/less to produce that particular child product. 

But that’s only the surface reason. There is a difference between price and cost that goes beyond production. 


Pricing is inherently driven by supply vs. demand relationships. Just because it costs less to push out the black color of a T-shirt doesn’t mean it is cheaper than the pink one (basic block-color like black and white is often the primary demand.)

And it’s more complicated for Magento 2 configurable product; you want to add a special price for every child product while maintaining the leverage of basic price. Because that’s how you increase your net profit.


This study shows a 1% change in price tier leads to an 11.1% surge in price profit, a 7.8% increase in variable cost, 3.3% in volume sales, and 2.3% on fixed cost alone. 

Now that you understand the importance of pricing management let’s talk about how we can do that in Magento.

How many ways can you announce the price of the configurable product?

Price range

Giving out your price spectrum is a generally good pricing strategy.

Why? Because it’s indicative of options. And buyers love them. It gives out the spectrum in which customers can quickly emerge in or out.


But, you can also see where the price range is against you – when the two poles are too far from each other. It dilutes the whole purpose of pricing, and buyers will find it unproductive to customize their order.

They would just turn into other products, if not another website.

Price per tier

Tier pricing refers to the offer of a special discount for an individual storeview or customer group.


You can see examples of this strategy within the matrix and wholesale table view earlier. Classify price like this is a lovely touch and will be welcomed by a large portion of your customer (B2B more likely).

However, it has a tremendous impact on your logic at the back end. Once, it can make no sense at the frontend and confuse your customer.

But the more dangerous it is when your calculation is flawed, chances are you’ll lose your money because of it.

Therefore, be careful with this strategy.

Started from/As low as

There are two cases in which using this pricing strategy works: 

  • There is little to no difference in child products’ prices (B2C-friendly.)
  • Keep your price a secret as competitive leverage (B2B-friendly.)



Rather than that, I don’t recommend you apply this to your website. It takes the price conceptualization out of the customers, and when they don’t know/don’t sure about pricing – they will just find other products.

We have a better choice if you want to hide your price due to business privacy, and let’s learn about it!

Hide/call for price

If you’re B2B-focused, this is the pricing strategy for you.

There are personal touch + competitive preservation when it comes to hiding/calling for price options. 


B2B-FRIENDLY MODULE: Magento 2 Hide Price/Call for Price to maximize conversion in negotiating-fashion.

From both owner and customer’s perspectives, this strategy hits every right note. It’s engaging, flexible, fronting, yet private.

But, concealing price in online shopping does have disadvantages. Building a relationship with a customer is great until you have to answer a lot of unresponsive inquiries to get there.


Now, it’s time-inducing and budget-draining. Moreover, it can be counter-intuitive if your customer persona is more transparent-driven.

Wrap up

After all, display and pricing for configurable products Magento 2 is a process. It does require trial and error to find your sweet spot.

Hopefully, this article will help you cut down the time doing so.

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