Paul Nguyen
Content Leader

How Australia Pisen Leverages Its Business with B2B/Wholesale Solution and B2B Login/Lock & Hide Price

Industry: Consumer electronics
Location: Australian
Features used:
Custom Pricing, Tax Display, Manual Orders (B2B/Wholesale Solution)
Passcode to view pages (BSS: B2B Login/Lock & Hide Price)

🔎 Overview

Australia Pisen is an Australian distributor/wholesaler that provides phone accessories and parts, as well as used iPhones and iPads. For mobile phone accessories and parts, Australia Pisen brings premium products of top quality level. For second-hand phones/devices, Australia Pisen is committed to creating a sustainable business environment for customers. They tried to help customers give new life to unused or unwanted phones and offer competitive prices to trade them.  As part of this pledge, Australian Pisen has continuously tried to reach this goal.

💪 Challenge

Australian Pisen on a path to powering their operation. With a growing customer base, Australian Pisen saw a need to manage prices for login customers. The key objective is to change the price to the login customers with the function Price List per Customer. They also needed a solution that blocked the price for non-logged-in-customers, manually approved customers who signed up on the website, set minimum quantity orders, and sold in packs for some products. 

💡 Solution

After investigating the requirements, BSS Commerce’s team acknowledged that our Shopify apps B2B/Wholesale Solution and B2B Login/Lock & Hide Price were selected to fulfil their requests and customized based on specific needs. Here are our solutions for Australian Pisen:

  • Suggest the client use Custom Pricing Rules since it is more compatible with all other modules.
  • Make the new price show correctly after customers log in to all possible pages.
  • Set up the Login to see prices function so that customers cannot see prices and add to their cart without logging in.
  • Suggest the client change settings in the app to manually approve.
    Guide how to set up email notifications for new sign-ups and the sender’s email and fix bugs related to the custom registration form.
  • Suggest and guide how to set up and utilize the function Order Limit (set minimum quantity) and Quantity Increment (sell in the pack).

✅ Result

Within weeks, with the help of BSS Commerce’s team, Australia Pisen had successfully deployed rich B2B functionalities websites that show more consolidated logged-in prices for their customers. Wholesale customers can now order easily and be given their personalized pricing. Thanks to the module Custom Pricing and Login Price of B2B/Wholesale Solution and B2B Login/ Lock & Hide Price offers, Australian Pisen enables better customer sales channels. 

The story of Australia Pisen can inspire any business that wants to provide a comprehensive wholesale solution and Shopify’s built-in features experience. 

BSS Commerce Services

Contact BSS Commerce to supercharge your eCommerce business with our seasoned professionals. Ideally, BSS Commerce can help your B2B brands boost sales with a powerful integrated eCommerce solution. 

Contact BSS now to extend the potential of your store!

#AustraliaPisen #ConsumerElectronics #BSSCommerce

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