magento 2 company account

Why Wholesalers Must Create & Manage Magento 2 Company Account?

by Stephanie Greene

If you are a Magento 2 B2B seller interested in our series B2B features on Magento 2 EE new version, this third article is the right for you. Let’s figure out the reason why more and more B2B customers ask for company account to streamline their B2B work and how Magento 2 B2B Company Account feature makes your B2B business different from other competitors.

The Complex Management Structure in B2B E-commerce

In the e-commerce world, B2B customers face a massive amount of work, say, the large order quantity transaction, the bulk pricing negotiation, or the partner relationship maintenance. Hence, the B2B online business management is so complĩated that it is essential to involve a team with various individuals taking over different roles.

Usually, there is a super-administrator who has the utmost power to deal with the Magento 2 B2B overall tasks. Under his/her, sub-admins are appointed to shoulder the management burden. For example, a sales representative is assigned to be the point of contact related to the company or a senior buyer is responsible for tracking sales and quotes, as well as an assistant buyer performs the order placement. This sub-level can be expanded to even lower if wanted.

In such a scenario, the buyers often require a shared resource, such as Magento 2 Company Account, where the charged people can freely access the data flow. In other words, the Magento 2 B2B company account must be a multi-user account.

The Limitation of The Magento 2 B2C Customer Account When It Comes To B2B Business

Initially, Magento 2 was developed to facilitate the shopping experience of B2C customers rather than B2B buyers. Thus, the customer account information only includes name, email, and password, which can be maintained in the account dashboard. Customers can keep track of orders, wishlists, shipping address, billing history, and more. Besides, there are several functionalities for B2B buyers to take advantage such as Order by SKUs or Sharing Magento Account. Nevertheless, those features are still not rich enough to meet the demand of the wholesale business.

In Order by SKUs, buyers can place quick orders by two options: adding individual SKUs or uploading a list of SKUs. The Sharing Magento Account functionality allows granting the access to customer account to the new user with limited permission. The information of sub-users consists of the name and email only.

What’s more, there is the total lack of B2B quotes and B2B Requisition List – the two essential functions requested by almost all B2B customers.

The Benefit of Creating and Managing A Magento 2 Company Account in Magento 2.2 EE

In Magento 2 EE, B2B customers must register a company account to employ the full features for business-to-business, which include: (COMING SOON)

  1.  Company Account – The first Magento 2 B2B Feature in the EE
  2. Quick Order – The Second Essential B2B Feature for Magento 2 stores
  3. Requisition list – The third must-have B2B features to speed up reorder process
  4. Request Quotes – The Final B2B Features You Shouldn’t Leave Aside

In the perspective of B2B customers who take the role of the super-administrator in Magento 2 Company Account, they can:

  • Track their purchase and the related data: orders, quotes, wishlists, billing and shipping address, etc.
  • Manage and update company information as wanted: name, address, company admin email, etc.
  • Stay aware of company credit: outstanding balance, credit limit, and available credit.
  • Define company structure, company users and assign specific roles and permissions per user.
  • Place bulk orders by SKUs or product names via Order by SKUs tabs of company account dashboard.
  • Simplify the reorder with My Requisition List.

On the other hand, B2B sellers, can also manage Magento 2 Company Account for their favorable purposes in Admin Panel to:

  • Create Magento 2 B2B Company Account and assign them to customers.
  • Manage and update company accounts in Companies Grid.
  • Establish special pricing and structures for custom shared catalog to restrict access to the customer group.
  • Set up Payment Methods for specific company accounts.
  • Speed up B2B ordering process and improve B2B customer experience.


In short, Magento 2 Company Account is the must-have B2B feature that is beneficial for both store owners and wholesaler customers. Are you ready to enhance your B2B business with Company Account in Magento 2.2 EE? If yes, you must check the following article on the series How to Create B2B Company Account in Magento 2 EE?”

Also, check all B2B solutions by BSS Commerce.

magento 2 B2B features

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