Home >How to Import Price per Store View in Magento 2 through Magmi

How to Import Price per Store View in Magento 2 through Magmi

In default Magento, the price has the scope of Website level, which means that prices of a product are similar in every store and every store view of a website. Therefore, it is impossible for you to have separate prices of the same product per store or store view.

To solve this issue, you can use Multiple Store View Pricing for Magento 2 to set up prices at the store view level and sell a product at different prices per store view. However, you have to edit the price of each product in each store view. So we want to introduce you a quicker and smarter way to overcome this problem by implementing Magento 2 import prices per store view through Magmi.

DONT HESITATE TO CLICK Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing to set up specific prices for the same product per store view.

Step 1: Download Magmi

Please download Magmi here.

Step 2: Set up Magmi

After downloading Magmi to your computer, let’s extract Magmi folder into Magento’s foot folder.

Go to the following link to access Magmi: http://example.com/magmi/web/magmi.php (replace example.com by the domain of your website you want to import product price ).

Configure Magmi and save configurations.

Some main configurations in paramater such as:

  • Config database: file app/etc/env.php has database information including database name, user, password,…
  • Version Magento: this Magmi has 2 Magento versions: M2.1.x CE and M2.1.x EE.
  • Filesystem Path to Magento directory: fill in “../..”
  • Configurations about multiple separator: permiss for the path and file.

Click “Save global parameters“.

Configure profile and save.

You select the CSV file to import (the file should be uploaded in directory var/import/ before) and options you want then click “Save profile“.

Step 3: Magento 2 Import prices per store view

After you save profile, “Run Import” button will appear.

There are 3 Import options that you can select to apply:

  • Update existing items only, skip new ones: only update products if input SKUs already exist.
  • Create new items & update existing ones: create new products and update the existing ones if input SKUs already exist.
  • Create new items only, skip existing ones: create new products, and skip the existing ones if input SKUs already exist.

You choose one of the above options as you want. Then you upload CSV file into var/import/ folder.

Finally, click “Run Import” button.


  • If you want to import, you need to download sample CSV file New and complete data in the required fields of this file.
  • If you want to update, you just need to enter product SKU and other data that you have intention to edit. You can download the sample CSV file Update_Price.

The result

After completing the 3 steps above for Magento 2 import price per store view, we can set price per different store views, please take a look at our 2 example pictures as below.

This is the tutorial video that gives you easier instruction to make Magento 2 import price per store view:

If you have any problems or need our professional service, please email us support@bsscommerce.com. You can also find the right solution in our best-in-class https://bsscommerce.com/magento-2-extensions.html

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