In the eCommerce market, it is your website that mostly comes into direct contact with customers and through which you make the sales.

Choosing the right theme plays a significant role in improving your online visibility and achieving your brand objectives. For there to be success, equal attention should be paid between design and built-in features. Expanse Theme Shopify might be your perfect match for showcasing your brand and products in the best manner possible.

This review is a comprehensive guide on the Expanse Theme Shopify as it outlines the styles, benefits, demerits, unique aspects, and more all at once.

Expanse Theme Shopify Overview

What is Expanse Theme Shopify?

Expanse Theme Shopify is a premium theme for Shopify experienced for its top-shelf features and outstanding look. This friendly design comes equipped with all the instruments to build and run your store, along with a rich set of design features. As for the reminder that Expanse is designed for high-velocity shops, it would be perfect for any size inventory. It was developed in 2021 and presents various features such as a clean design and multiple presets.

Expanse Theme Shopify

With Expanse, simplicity reigns. Substantial navigation and filtering capabilities offer no more browsing and searching, enabling customers to locate products swiftly. From the newest technologies to the oldest classics, Expanse makes sure that every single thing is only a click away.


The free trial with no limitation enables you to work with your own products, brand colors, and customize the theme with no charges at all. Unlock its total functionality, bring a host of additional features and modes in its capacity for $380, which will be required to publish it on your store.

Expanse Theme Shopify is Best For

Expanse is the perfect Shopify theme for businesses with large inventories, thanks to its clean and versatile design. It offers advanced navigation and filtering features, allowing customers to quickly find what they are looking for. This makes Expanse Theme Shopify ideal for:

  • Fashion & Apparel Stores: Modern and clean with high-quality images of clothing and accessories and a clear categorization of products.
  • Homeware & Decor Stores: Emphasize home decor products with a neat arrangement of the accessories.
  • Beauty & Cosmetics Brands: Advertise beauty products that include aspects such as product reviews and the option to purchase related products.
  • Electronics & Gadget Stores: Feature specifications and multiple product images so as to assist the customers in arriving at the right products.

Best Shopify Themes For Each Store Model

3 Expanse Theme Styles


Classic style of Expanse Theme Shopify

Classic style brings the fundamentals of the classical period with lesser focus with colors but more on black, white, and gray. These two colors are flexible enough to use as branding tools when in the process of creating brand awareness but at the same time retaining a professional look.

Striking and concise menu names prepare customers for intuitive product sections, allow them to easily find what they want, and ensure an effective and enjoyable shopping experience.

🎁 Give it a try: Classic Style


Modern style of Expanse Theme Shopify

Modern style differs from others, as it is highly synonic with such terms as bold and contemporary color options. Bright colors and bold gradients give a feeling of liveliness and fun.

Products are categorized in the best appealing ways including: a carousel with multiple amounts of products and staggered grid formats. Product hover effects are also large, which enable the additional detailed description of products.

🎁 Give it a try: Modern Style


Contemporary style of Expanse Theme Shopify

With a clear division of function and style, the Contemporary layout creates a distinctly chic and practical presence. The design features and its accents: this website is ideal for brands striving to attract the customer’s attention in the Web-stores’ world.

If you are promoting handcrafted items or new-age electronics, the Contemporary makes certain that your merchandise takes center stage.

🎁 Give it a try: Contemporary Style

Key Features of the Shopify Expanse Theme

Showcase And Promote Large Product Catalogs

With Expanse Theme Shopify, your expansive inventory truly takes center stage. This theme is ideal for a great variety of products and offering the best opportunity to present all your offerings. Whatever the list of categories is pointed or vast, Expanse will guarantee the proper representation of each item.

Boost Upsell And Cross-Sell

This forceful feature helps customers to navigate through other related products and consider a higher level of their purchase than originally intended. This way, Expanse guides the website visitor to consider other related products and/or products of higher value and, thus, contributes to increase the store’s average order value and do not miss opportunities to improve your sales.


This is evident in Expanse Theme Shopify, a mobile-first Shopify theme that is created with this aspect in mind. The integrated upsell and the cross-sell features work well in any screen size to transform simple browsing into an exciting shopping affair for your mobile customers.

This approach on mobile is more than increasing the overall order value. Due to presenting related products, Expanse gives you the opportunity to solve all the customer’s problems, and it promotes a sense of dedicated care for the client.

Quick Buy

Quick buy feature of Expanse Theme Shopify

This feature is especially beneficial if you have a lot of products in your store, especially for the cases of dropshippers. Quick Buy enables customers to select products on their site and put them in the cart, without leaving the current page. It perfectly enhances the experience of your buyers, allowing them to check out quickly, which in return increases sales.

Mega Menu

Mega menu helps in easy navigation and provides a lot of options with minimal submenu levels. This feature allows customers to move around your store seamlessly by providing them with the options to view categories, sub-categories, and collections. No more meaningless browsing and hello to intuitive, pleasure-oriented web interfaces.

Clean Design

In the highly competitive field of online retail, convenience becomes of utmost value. Expanse’s clean design ensures your products stand out without distractions, providing a seamless browsing experience that keeps customers engaged and focused.

Product Filtering And Sorting

Now you no longer have to endlessly scroll or search for content that actually provides something of value. The main features of Expanse Theme Shopify that differentiate it from other boots are the flexible product selection and sorting tools: multi-category sidebar filters, multi-column menus, subcollection tiles, and quick view capability; thus, browsing is easy.

Product Filtering And Sorting feature of Expanse Theme Shopify

Enhanced Search

The expend search makes it fast and easy for the customers to locate what they are looking for. When a user searches by a keyword, category or by any kind of attribute, Expanse ensures that the shopper gets the right results each time allowing for a simplified shopping experience.

Expanse Theme Shopify’s Pros & Cons


Effortless Setup and Management

There are easy-to-follow instructions that allow anybody to set it up easily; making it ideal for sellers who want to get their stores online as soon as possible. It is heavily structured and coded in a manner which makes it as easy to use for store owners as it is for customers. This means that one can easily edit the page, include the products, and update the content without even consuming much time or making a lot of mistakes.

Built for Conversion

However, Expanse Theme Shopify is specifically aimed at increasing sales, and it has tools integrated to help with both upselling and cross-selling. It is less complicated and helps manage distractions, improving satisfaction and conversion rates due to better customer attention on purchasing.

Explore Top 15 Best Converting Shopify Themes

A Modern & Appealing Storefront

The clean and uncluttered appearance of Expanse helps your company project a professional and credible image. It captures the client’s attention and gives your store an edge over the other similarly designed stores with obsolete looks. Since the layouts are attractive and the pictures of products are clear, the customers are more attracted to them and satisfied with the service.


Expanse Theme Shopify is already equipped with features like quick buy buttons, navigation filters, and inventory controls among others. Such features optimize store work, reduce time, and enable you to work on other aspects of the business. Further, it offers upsell and cross-sell suggestions for raising the average order price or overall sales capacity.



Expanse Theme Shopify costs $380 USD, which might place it way beyond the reach of users who are just starting out or have a small business. Despite the diverse features it comes equipped with as well as flexibility, it is costly in the beginning and may not be affordable for all firms.

Lack of Live Chat Support

Live chat support is missing, and customers can only rely on documentation and video tutorials provided by Expanse. This can become a major inconvenience for users who require help in addressing a technical problem or a question related to a show’s theme. Email support or forums may result in taking time and effort to fix the issues.

Low Loading Speed

Most of the customers have mentioned that the Expanse Theme Shopify may affect its speed. It can affect the overall usability of your store along with its SEO performance as loading speeds are an important factor to both users and search engines.

🎁 Refer to our Speed Optimization Services now!

Best Alternatives to the Expanse Theme Shopify


Eurus - Alternative to Expanse Theme Shopify

Eurus is one of the high-speed, feature-rich Shopify themes for the mobile-first generation of modern ecommerce stores. Since it is highly customizable and has a great performance, Eurus can be used in almost any type of online business.

Price: $240

Key features:

  • The enhanced mega menu improves the flow of the site’s layout and the overall UX.
  • Increase Shopify load speed for enhanced site performance and user satisfaction.
  • Fully customizable with over 40 add-ons and 80+ skins.
  • Includes support for EU translations, a store locator, and an event calendar.
  • Age verification and time left on a promotion counter.
  • Such features as breadcrumbs, sticky headers, and product filters and sorters.

🎁 Give it a try: Eurus Theme


Kalles - Alternative to Expanse Theme Shopify

Kalles is one of the most popular Shopify themes on ThemeForest, and it provides heaps of options and built-in functionalities. It provides a one stop shop for merchants who wish to set up shop for online business. Kalles offers over 50 beautiful demos and other features, and our Edd service offers the freedom to design a memorable online shop.

Price: $69

Key features:

  • The Mega Menu feature improves navigation through an effective menu structure.
  • The optimized search layout ensures customers find products quickly, improving satisfaction and conversions.
  • Ajax product filter support enables a real time filtration of the products to enable easy search for the product.
  • Fast loading speed encompasses speed for improved user experience and search engines.
  • Multi-currency support shows prices in different currencies to create a customer-centric interface.
  • Retina ready and responsive design – to create comfortable work with any device.
  • Mobile product layouts provide more than 15 versions to match your brand imagery.
  • Trust badges visible on the webpage increases customers’ confidence in the security of the transaction.


Molla is a clean and minimal ecommerce template tailored for today’s upmarket online retailers. Its sleek design and comprehensive features cater to the specific needs of ecommerce entrepreneurs. Currently, Molla offers 20 niche demos and more features are in the making, the goal is to revolutionize ecommerce.

Molla - Alternative to Expanse Theme Shopify

Price: $99

Key features:

  • The mega menu with advanced options helps in easy navigation and better user flow.
  • Fast performs make for a fast loading of the pages for an enhanced Internet user experience.
  • The product grouped feature makes it easier to sort and display the products.
  • Real-time search capabilities allow swift and effortless identification of products.
  • Ajax filters offer an ability to filter the store with this or that product for a customer.
  • The Quick View Popup allows users to view details without navigating away from the current page.
  • Responsiveness and mobile first help maintain the appearance and aesthetics of the website on any device perfectly.

The Final Words

With the countless features that are included, Expanse Theme Shopify performs well in terms of ease of navigation, promotional options, and minimalistic interface. It is a strong selling proposition to the merchants who would want to improve their online marketing strategies.

For further exploration of themes, BSS Commerce Shopify offers a variety of resources, including theme reviews, tips, and comparisons. Such resources make you able to make the right decision and choose the proper theme for the successful development of your online store.