If you intend to start an online store, there are many things you need to do to attract traffic from customers to visit your store. It is very time-consuming and expensive, especially for start-ups.

No matter your business type on Shopify, creating Shopify Landing Pages is essential for your success. This is an excellent way to boost your conversion rates and sales.

So, making landing pages is a really obvious thing all businesses need to do. If you want to make perfect Shopify landing pages, this article is for you.

BSS Commerce Shopify’s articles have everything you need to start your successful online store with Shopify Landing pages.

What are Shopify Landing Pages?

A Shopify Landing page is a landing page for your online Shopify store that highlights your product and services in marketing campaigns. The goal of these Shopify landing pages is to encourage users to visit your store and create conversion actions like filling out their email to receive information, filling out a form, and making a purchase,…

In simple words, you can understand that it helps visitors into buyers. It is like an extremely attractive invitation for customers to visit the landing page on your store and causes customers to take immediate action at the “Call to action” button.

A Shopify Landing page is ideal for your online Shopify store

But what makes it unlike the homepage?

Your Shopify store’s homepage can do many things, like showing off your brand or discussing your products. But landing pages have just one job: to make more people buy products or services from your online store, even though they’re similar sometimes.

Why You Should Create Landing Pages for Your Shopify Store?

The best reason to use landing pages is simple: they make more people do what you want by giving them a better experience.

Some reasons why you should create landing pages for your Shopify store:

  • Choose the right Target Audience: When you make special landing pages that show things different groups of people like, those visitors will know they’re in the right place. This makes them more likely to buy stuff.
  • Test to Get Better: If you try different things on your landing pages and see what works best, it takes the guesswork out. You can use the information to see how good your marketing is. That way, you can keep changing your Shopify landing pages to ensure they work for the people you want.
  • Make Ads Work Better: When the pages people see match what they searched for, your ads are more efficient. This means you get more value from your ads because people don’t have to search all over again.

Types of Landing Pages with Shopify

The goals for getting people to do things on your website depend on the kind of business you run, what you want to achieve, and how you market your stuff. That’s why there are different types of Shopify landing pages for different jobs. Let’s look at some of them.

Squeeze page

A squeeze page’s job is to get a visitor’s email. You can send them good stuff and special offers when you have their email. The most common squeeze page asks for your email to get something special, like a newsletter, ebook, or other cool stuff.

Just be sure your squeeze page is easy to use, your request to give your email is tempting, and it’s easy for visitors to say no and still get the cool stuff they came for.

Shopify encourages people to share their email. When they do, they can enjoy special offers, like a 3-day free trial and only paying $1 for the first three months. If you don’t have a Shopify account, you can sign up now to grab these fantastic deals.

Campaign landing page

A campaign landing page is like a special page all on its own. It’s there to tell people about a special sale or event happening on your website. Whether you have new stuff to show, it’s a holiday, or you’re offering deals, this page gets people excited. Plus, it makes them more likely to look at the things you’re featuring on this special page.

Product landing page

You can create a landing page to highlight a certain group of products or a physical store.

This type of page helps people put a particular item from a group into their shopping cart. Or, if you’re selling to other businesses, it shows them where they can buy the product.

Click-through page

A click-through page is like a warm-up exercise. It gets visitors ready to go to another page where they can do something specific when they click a button.

This page usually has big pictures, an attention title, short descriptions of the product, and a button that stands out. The idea is to make visitors want to click the button and go to the next page, where they can do what you want.

Think of click-through pages as a filter. When you use them, you’re more likely to get visitors who trust you, and they’re more likely to do what you want as they move through your sales and marketing process.

Seasonal landing page

A seasonal landing page is like a regular one, but it’s made just for a special time of the year, like Christmas or Valentine’s Day. The page’s look changes to match the holiday, but the main goal stays the same.

Having more info in front of the people you want to reach makes it more likely they’ll do what you want. A seasonal landing page can do a few things:

  • Get more people to do what you want.
  • Let you customize and talk to different groups of people better. This builds trust and keeps customers coming back.
  • Help your page appear more often in online searches when people look for things related to that season.

Sales landing page

Sales pages are tricky to make because they’re used to turning someone who’s just looking into someone who buys something. You can use Shopify’s tools to create them, but most templates only have sections for product details and recommendations. To make a sales page, you need to customize it.

A sales page can be long or short, depending on what you’re selling and how much info you need to convince someone to buy or click the “Do Something” button. If your product is expensive or complicated, you might need a longer page to answer people’s questions and make them feel sure about their purchase.

For example, look at the sales page for “Eat Fat, Get Thin.” It’s all about healthy eating, and the pictures show that too. The page has three “Do Something” buttons. As you scroll down, you can see stats about how this diet helps with health and blood sugar control.

Key Elements of Effective Landing Page Design

Now, look at the important parts of making a landing page. It’s important to remember that only some design ideas will work for your customers. What you pick depends on who you’re trying to reach and what they want. Just choose the things that will work best for you – you don’t have to use everything!

Above-the-fold content

“The fold” is what you see on a webpage without scrolling. It’s different for all devices, like computers, tablets, and phones, because they have different screen sizes. But usually, it’s about 600 pixels from the top of the browser window.

Most people who visit your landing page will only scroll down on a computer or a phone. Most visitors won’t scroll.

Imagery and colors

Just like your words should match your brand, the pictures, fonts, and colors on your landing page should, too. Even if you can be creative with your landing page, keeping your brand the same everywhere people see it is important.

Your landing page design should use the right colors and fonts and have good pictures in the right places. Some people start with the words on the landing page and then add images to make it all fit together. And when we talk about pictures, we mean drawings and videos as well as photos of your products.

Landing page copy

Your landing page words are what you write on the page, like what you say about the product, what you tell people to do, the main titles, and the short description in search results. To start your landing page, use a strong headline discussing a problem.

When you write the words for your landing page, think about how your customers talk. Read what they say in reviews and on social media, and use their comments on your landing page.

Talk about the good things your product does, not just what it has. For example, if your landing page is for a phone case that can go underwater, talk about how people can take pictures while swimming, not just that it’s waterproof.

And when you write, think about how your brand talks to people. Be the same, even when you’re doing special promotions and ads.

Customer reviews

Putting a quote at the top of your page is a good way to make people trust you. It’s like having your customers say good things about your product so others don’t have to search for reviews. Pick quotes about how your product helps or solves a problem.

You can also have a whole section just for customer reviews, so shoppers can read what real people who bought your stuff think. It’s a good idea to show a few bad and middle-range reviews too, so everyone can see what people like and don’t like.

Call-to-action (CTA)

Every landing page has to have a “Do Something” button to work well. This button tells people what to do, like “Learn more,” “Buy now,” or “Subscribe.” If it’s important, you can also put the price here.

Where you put this button depends on what your visitors need. You’ll figure this out by testing different spots to see which makes more people do what you want. Usually, it’s a good idea to have a “Do Something” button at the top where you don’t need to scroll, and also in different places on the page, especially if the page is long.

Tips for Achieving Best Practices of a High-Converting Shopify Landing Page

Starting with a clear goal

Each page should have one main thing it wants to do. When you know your goal, it’s easier to put the right info in the right order.

For example, if you want to sell more, focus on what problems your customers have, not just what’s good about your product.

Understand your target audience and their needs

To make a good landing page, you need to know who you’re talking to and what they want. People who come to your page have something specific in mind. You have to understand what they’re looking for and give it to them.

It’s a good idea to create different landing pages for different groups of people, instead of giving everyone the same thing.

You can figure out your customers by asking yourself these questions:

  • What are they like? How old are they? What do they do? Are most of them men or women?
  • What problems do they have? What issues do your products help with?
  • What’s important to them when they buy stuff?

Determine your value proposition

After you figure out what problems your customers have, think about how your products can help with those problems. You want your products to be the best choice, better than other options.

Your value proposition is like a statement that tells people why they should pick your products. It should be a big part of your landing page. The best way is to have your value proposition talk about the problems your customers have and convince them to do what you want. It should be the same everywhere people see your brand.

Once you know your value proposition, discuss it in everything you write on your landing page.

Using social proof

It’s super important to show that people trust your brand. Whenever you can, put up good comments from past customers to show that your business is trustworthy.

To make your brand even more believable, you can use different types of social proof, like reviews, ratings, what people say about you, or even a guarantee that you’ll give them money back if they’re unhappy. It makes your brand look even more reliable.

Remove conversion barriers

Your landing page should make it easy for your visitors to do what you want. So, you need to get rid of anything that might stop them from using your website. Here are some common things that can get in the way:

  • Slow loading: People might leave if your page takes too long to load. For every second it’s slow, you can lose 11% of your visitors and 7% of the people who were going to do what you wanted.
  • Extended checkout: People will give up if it’s too hard to buy something. So, check how you take orders and make it as simple as possible.
  • Not enough information: Your customers need all the details to make good choices. That means they should know how to contact you, where their stuff is going, and what to do if they want to return something.

Improve your search engine optimization (SEO)

SEO is really important for making your page show up more on the internet. If you do your SEO well, you can get more people to come to your page and have a better chance of turning them into customers.

The first thing to do is find good keywords for your landing page. Then, use those words in your writing, the title of your page, the meta description, and the URL.

There are free tools that can help you check how good your SEO is. You can try SEO Site Checkup, Seobility, or SiteChecker to see how your page is doing and find any problems.

🎁 Check out: Shopify SEO Guide: 6 Best SEO Apps for Shopify Site Optimization

Effective Shopify Landing Page Examples


Path is a company that edits photos virtually, and they have a Shopify website. They mainly offer services to edit product photos. They use email to talk to their customers, and they have a special page just to get people to sign up for their email newsletter.

Examples Of Effective Shopify Landing Page

Examples Of Effective Shopify Landing Page

This page is all about one thing: getting people to sign up for the newsletter. It only has a few other stuff that might distract from that goal. You can’t easily find this page on their website, but they can use special campaigns to get more people to visit this page and sign up for the newsletter.


Let’s check out how OneWheel introduces its cool product. They do it in a fantastic way on their landing page. They use videos, pictures, and words to make a Shopify landing page that wows people as soon as they open it.

Examples Of Effective Shopify Landing Page

On their landing page, you can see many different stuff like videos and pictures, but the page loads quickly, and everything works smoothly. In addition to info about their product, OneWheel also has a part where people say good things about it to make others trust their products even more.

Soko Glam

Here’s an example from Soko Glam, a company that sells Korean skincare stuff. They have a simple but good “Guide” landing page that helps visitors learn more about their products.

Examples Of Effective Shopify Landing Page

Examples Of Effective Shopify Landing Page

When you scroll down, you’ll see some banners with just a title and a button that tells you to “Learn more.” Even though they look basic, these banners make people look at the “Learn more” buttons and click on them.

Soko Glam also uses colors that match their brand goal, which is all about giving you great products for healthy skin.

Top 5+ Best Shopify Landing Pages Apps

#1. Tapita Landing Page Builder

Tapita Landing Page Builder

Regarding apps to create the best Shopify landing pages, you definitely should check out Tapita Landing Page Builder by Tapita if you’re looking for a great Shopify landing page app. With Tapita, you can easily create good-looking home and landing pages, product pages, blog posts, and popups even if you don’t know how to code.

They have a big library with lots of page and element templates, so you don’t have to start making pages from scratch. You can change things and make your pages look really nice, which helps turn more people into loyal customers and makes your brand look great.

Key Features:

  • Translate your page with just one click
  • Choose from over 100 user-friendly templates
  • Create widgets like popups and promotional bars with our widget builder

Cost: You can use it Free | Start from $9/month

Rating: 4.9/5

#2. PageFly Advanced Page Builder

Shopify store owners who want to make more sales and get more people to buy from them will like the PageFly Advanced Page Builder app. It’s a top tool for online stores used by thousands of people worldwide.

With this app, you can easily make your store look great using drag-and-drop features. You can also change things on your store with custom options on the admin page. You can create high-quality content with custom icons, images, and text layouts.

Plus, there are tools in this app that can help you get more people to buy, like a countdown timer and an “Add to Cart” button. The best part is it’s simple and free to download and use.

PageFly Advanced Page Builder

Key Features:

  • Make and change landing pages, homepages, product pages, and more without needing to know how to code
  • Over 100 tools to get more people to buy, like a countdown timer, a way to see more about a product, and a “Add to Cart” button
  • More than 70 ready-to-use templates made by Shopify experts
  • Works with over 30 top Shopify apps, like Product Reviews and ways to get people to buy more stuff
  • You can see how your store is doing with Google Analytics, Facebook Pixel, and built-in data
  • Help and support are available all day, every day

Cost: You can use it for free | Start with $24/month

Rating: 4.9/5

#3. GemPages Landing Page Builder

GemPages Landing Page Builder

GemPages Page Builder is the app that Shopify store owners want. It makes their stores stronger. With lots of templates to pick from, GemPages helps users create special landing pages. It’s known for having a clean and easy-to-use editor, which makes it one of the best Shopify page builders. This app also gives you tools for dropshipping, which helps with shipping. So, customers are happier and buy more stuff.

GemPages turns your Shopify store into a place where more people buy things without knowing how to code, which sets it apart from other apps. Plus, it makes sure your product pictures look great on all devices.

Key Features:

  • Has lots of beautiful templates
  • Lets you design the homepage, landing pages, and more
  • Works with Facebook Pixel and Google Shopping catalog
  • You can add and use small apps
  • Easy to use on different devices

Cost: Starts at $15 per month. You can try it free for 10 days.
Rating: 4.9/5

#4. EComposer High-converting Page Builder

Ecomposer is an example of Shopify Landing Page

EComposer Landing Page Builder is a new and easy-to-use tool for making Shopify web pages. It has many great designs for different types of pages like landing pages, homepages, product pages, and more. You can create a professional store without spending much time or money.

One cool thing is that EComposer has an extensive library of extra tools, like 15+ Shopify apps and connections to other popular Shopify apps. Want to save money? You can try EComposer for free to see how it works!

Key features:

  • Works for all types of pages like landing pages, homepages, and more
  • Easy-to-use page builder with nice pre-made designs
  • Comes with useful tools like image compression, sticky add-to-cart, and more
  • Works with top Shopify apps like Judge.me, LOOX, and others

Cost: There’s a free plan available | Start with $19/month
Rating: 5/5

#5. LayoutHub Easy Page Builder

LayoutHub wants to help you make your website look good.

LayoutHub wants to help you make your website look good. They have pro designs that experts say will help you sell more stuff. They even add 30 to 50 new designs every month, so you can pick one you like from their collection.

Key Features:

  • Easy to use
  • Lots of designs to choose from
  • Can change how things look easily
  • They update things often
  • They have support available 24/7

Cost: You can use it for free | Start with $14.99/month
Rating: 4.9/5

✅ View more: Top 8+ Best Shopify Page Builder Apps For Your Online Store


BBS Commerce Shopify provides you with all the information you need to know about Shopify landing pages. While there’s a lot involved in creating them, you now have the key knowledge to become skilled in this field. It’s time to put what you’ve learned about How to Create Shopify Landing Pages To Boost Sales into action and start increasing sales for your business!


Is it possible to make a landing page on Shopify?

Yes, it’s possible. You can make a template for a landing page and use it for different campaigns. The issue is that the sections in your template are the same for every page, not customized for each one.

The better way to make a landing page on Shopify is to use a page builder app. With it, you can easily put together a page by dragging and dropping elements.

How can I make my Shopify landing page better?

Here are some helpful tips to improve your Shopify landing page and get more people to do what you want:

  • Figure out what kind of landing page is right for your store.
  • Make sure your page loads quickly.
  • Use a simple and clear layout so people can understand what you’re saying.
  • Add pop-ups to make your page more engaging and show people important stuff.

What’s the contrast between a product page and a landing page?

A product page is where you share info about your stuff, but a landing page is designed to get people interested in your marketing campaign and sign up for it.