The question “How to create a product to sell online?” can be a tough task. Whether you’re an entrepreneur looking to launch a new business or a creative individual with a unique idea, understanding the process is crucial. This step by step guide will take you through everything from idea to market research, design, production and finally launching your product online. Follow these steps and you’ll be ready to turn your idea into a product that will grab your audience’s attention and sell.

Now, let’s dive in and explore how to make a product to sell online!

How to Create a Product to Sell Online in 9 Easy Steps

This guide will walk you through the 9 essential steps to create a product that resonates with your target audience and drives sales.

Step 1. Conduct market research

In the process of creating a product for online sales, starting market research is a crucial first step. Below are several methods to identify trending products, as well as to ascertain the demands of your target audience and how you can offer a great solution.

1. Generate an idea

When creating a product for sale online, starting with market research is key. Many aspiring entrepreneurs get stuck at the very beginning of their journey: ideation and brainstorming. The SCAMPER model is a great framework for generating product ideas by asking questions about current products. Each letter represents a question:

  • Substitute: Replace elements of the product or service.
  • Combine: Merge elements or ideas from different sources.
  • Adapt: Modify the product or service to fit a new purpose or context.
  • Modify: Change the form, shape, or size of the product or service.
  • Put to another use: Find new applications for the product or service.
  • Eliminate: Remove unnecessary elements.
  • Reverse: Turn things around or do the opposite.

These prompts can inspire you to develop novel approaches for transforming old concepts or adapting them to new contexts.

How to create a product to sell - SCAMPER model

2. Research current trends

Use tools like Google Trends to see how consumers are shopping on search engines. Google Trends looks at the popularity of certain keywords and phrases people use when searching for products and services online. This market research will help you come up with ideas for products and marketing in the online space.

3. Find your niche

Finding your niche is key to a successful online product. By knowing your audience and their needs you can create a product that speaks to them. To find your niche consider:

  • Think about your interests.
  • Think about your existing knowledge and expertise.
  • Think about your target audience.
  • Research market trends and opportunities.
  • Think about your USP.

4. Use social media

Social media is a great tool for finding current trends in certain niches and across different demographics. By looking at the Explore tab on Instagram or the For You Page on TikTok you can see what others with similar interests are posting, ideas for niche products. By following hashtags related to the trends and products you want to sell you can see what’s being talked about in your target market, find gaps in the market and how to position yourself as a unique alternative.

Step 2. Decide the product you want to sell

Now you have an idea. But having an idea is not enough. Next you need to decide what product to sell. This will affect everything that follows, design, manufacturing, marketing and sales. When choosing a product think about your own interests, expertise and passion. Also, think about scalability and practicality. Is it producible, shippable and manageable? Can it sustain long term success and growth?

Also, evaluate the competitive landscape in your chosen niche. Who are the main competitors, what are their product lines, pricing models and customer demographics. This will help you to differentiate your product and have a competitive advantage.

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Here are some product ideas that will increase sales for your online store:

Apparel: The clothing for men and women has grown exponentially in the last few years so it’s a great product category for your online store. From organic crewnecks to t-shirts and hoodies, apparel is a timeless and profitable product idea. You can get inspiration for your clothing line from trending meme culture, music or cinematic themes.

How to create a product to sell

Art: With the growing interest in home decor the online art market is a very profitable opportunity. Whether your medium is painting, drawing, sketching or digital design, selling art online is a way to express yourself and run a successful business.

How to create a product to sell art

Accessories: Offer accessories like personalized phone cases, coffee mugs and tote bags in an online store that customers will love for its uniqueness. If you choose to create and market products online, putting your creativity into items that people love is the way to go to profitability.

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How to create a product to sell accessories

Step 3. Estimate your budget

When you’re creating a product to sell online, there are different costs involved. These are the main areas that you have to consider:

Product Costs:

  • Design and Prototyping: Creating the product, prototyping and modifying.
  • Manufacturing: Making the product in bulk by using materials, labor and overheads.
  • Packaging and Labeling: Bags for packing, labels and branding.

Marketing and Advertising Costs:

  • Website: Cost incurred when creating or updating your online shop with the item.
  • SEO: Cost incurred when making your website appear in search results.
  • Paid Advertising: Price paid for online adverts like Google AdWords, social media ads and influencer marketing.
  • Content Marketing: The cost of creating content, blog posts, videos or infographics that promote the item.

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Inventory and Fulfillment Costs:

  • Inventory: Cost associated with buying or producing enough products to meet demand.
  • Storage: Cost for storing the goods that include warehouse rent or charges.
  • Shipping: Costs incurred by shipping materials to customers such as postage and handling fees.

Other Costs:

  • Legal and Regulatory Fees: Cost incurred for permits, licenses and legal advice.
  • Customer Service: Expenditure on customer support such as representatives staff training tools etc.
  • Payment Processing Fees: Charges when accepting online payments like those made with credit cards.

Factors Affecting Budget:

  • Product Complexity: When it comes to product development and production, less complicated items will cost you less while more complex items attracts huge expenses.
  • Target Market: Inadvertently spending can balloon your advertising charges based on a wide range of factors like geographical location and specific industry characteristics.
  • Sales Channels: You need to put into consideration the number as well as different types of distribution channels (for example; internet sales using personal websites or eCommerce platforms) that you decide to use.
  • Scale: Overall costs depend on how big or small an item launch would be and what volume of products sold within a certain period is anticipated.

Tips for Budgeting:

  • Research: Find out how other people in your industry have priced their commodities already by doing some research
  • Create a Detailed Budget: Classify your expenses then create a detailed budget.
  • Consider Contingency: Set aside some fraction for unexpected costs
  • Get Professional Advice: Talk to people dealing with marketing finance or product development matters.

Step 4. Design your unique product

To be different and subsequently successful in a large market, making products that are new and great should be the main thing. Your product design determines the customers you attract and why they buy from you instead of other companies.

Start with everything you need to know about your target audience, including what they like. To know how best to develop a product for them conduct market research, gather comments from various sources, and find out areas where they have challenges.

Secondly, this product should consider both its form and function. Create an amazing design which stands out from others’ creations – make it truly eye-catching! Whether designing a physical object or any digital solution; ensure a seamless experience that is also enjoyable to the user. This is what makes your product design different from others in the field.

And do not forget about packaging and branding. It enhances what people think of although it is not necessary for a single item product such as cosmetics to have appealing packaging in order to be attractive to buyers. When it comes time for customers to receive your shipment or make their purchase; what will be seen by their eyes? Therefore, develop a unique brand that goes along with both your product and target market.

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Step 5. Create a digital prototype

Creating a digital prototype is a fundamental stage in the product development process. It aids in visualizing and testing your product design, user-friendliness, and functionality as you wait before investing in its physical production.

This becomes even more essential for complex products or those with many intricate parts. Digital rendering helps identify any design defects or usability glitches early and repair them thereby saving time and money in future. In order to start building a digital prototype you will need specialized designing software or 3D modeling tools these tools will enable you to create an exact replica of your product with exact measurements and specifications.

Depending on the nature of your product, you might also need to collaborate with product designers, engineering experts or other specialists to ensure that the prototype corresponds accurately to what you have imagined. Then comes analysis and testing time after finishing the digital model.

In addition, you can get opinions from other team members, potential customers or even focus groups because that is where good suggestions come from. This process called feedback loop enables continued modification of prototypes till they meet required specifications while at the same time resonating well with target markets. Don’t forget that a strong digital prototype forms a basis for successful merchandise.

Create a digital prototype

Step 6. Create product samples

Making samples is part of bringing your product to market. This allows you to test and prove your product idea before going into full production. By creating prototypes and mock ups you can get feedback from your target market and make any necessary changes to ensure the final product meets their needs and expectations.

In this step you need to focus on the smallest of details. The materials, finish and overall design will make it look good. Test the sample thoroughly to make sure it works and meets your quality standards.

Also, get feedback from different demographics will give you insight on how the market will react to your product. Get focus groups or surveys to get feedback so you can make informed decisions.

How to create a product to sell - Create product samples

Step 7. Price your product

Establishing product pricing is a crucial task on your To-Do list. When determining the price of a product, take into account the following considerations:

  • What are the production costs associated with the item? (including both design and manufacturing)
  • What are the price points set by competing brands for comparable products?
  • What profit margin do you aim to achieve?

After evaluating these elements, make necessary adjustments to your pricing to arrive at a fair and competitive price that resonates with your target audience. Additionally, consider implementing discounts and promotional offers on digital products to effectively draw potential customers to your store. Such discounts serve as a powerful sales tactic, enhancing your site’s visibility and attracting visitors, even if they do not make an immediate purchase.

Step 8. Set up your online store

Now is the time to set up your online store; but before you do that, choose a sales channel to list your products. The main options for online selling are eCommerce platforms like Shopify or BigCommerce, online marketplaces like Etsy or eBay, or creating a store on your own website.

eCommerce platforms have many advantages mainly because of the customization options available to sellers. These platforms give you full control over your online store branding, from the templates to the overall look. If branding and identity is important to you, then an ecommerce platform might be the way to go.

How to create a product to sell on eCommerce platform

Online marketplaces like Etsy or eBay are a great way to create and sell products online. They have a huge global customer base, so you get to reach a bigger audience. They require minimal initial investment and are easy to set up, especially if you don’t have advanced technical skills and want to start listing products fast.

How to create a product to sell on online marketplace

However, online marketplaces have their own limitations. The level of customization is much less than eCommerce platforms which can hinder your ability to brand yourself. Also marketplaces charge fees for listing and sales which can eat into your profits especially if you have limited inventory.

Creating your own website is another option to create an online store, and you have full control over everything from customer experience to customization to branding. No transaction fees or upfront costs except for the initial cost of setting up your website with a hosting service.

Step 9. Sell online & Promote your product

Once your product is live in your online store it’s time to sell and promote. In the world of eCommerce, social media and email marketing are key to driving sales and visibility.

  • Social Media: Set up social media profiles for your store if you haven’t already so customers can engage with your brand. Use these to show case your products, run paid ads to increase visibility and give your audience a behind the scenes look into your brand.
  • Consider working with influencers in your niche: You can send them a free tote bag or a framed poster to share with their followers.
  • Email Marketing: Collect email addresses from your website or social media to build an email list. When you launch new products send a well curated email that showcases these products, offers special discounts and engages with your audience.

So, the full guide on how to create a product to sell online is done. In the next section BSS Commerce Shopify will show you some tips to make a product more quality and effective that you should check out.

Best Practices for Creating a Product More Quality and Effective

This guide will cover the basics to make your product stand out:

  • Quality. For online sales quality should be number one. Partner with a trusted manufacturer or supplier who has a product range that matches your quality standards. If you don’t maintain quality you will lose customers after the first purchase and they won’t come back for future sales.
  • Brand. In the digital world branding is key. A strong brand allows you to connect with potential customers and build relationships based on shared interests and values. When customers feel a connection with your brand they will be more likely to become loyal long term customers.
  • Testing and Feedback Loops. Testing and gathering customer feedback is a valuable resource for those who want to develop and market products online. By gathering and acting on that feedback you can make informed changes to your products to better meet customer needs. Listening to customer feedback and implementing their suggestions allows you to create products that match market demand.

How to Create a Product to Sell Online – FAQs

1. How can I come up with new product ideas?

Here are some effective strategies to help you come up with innovative product ideas:

  • Brainstorming
  • Customer reviews
  • Test marketing
  • Examining your competitors
  • Audience surveys
  • Social media
  • B2B wholesale marketplaces
  • Idea testing
  • Online consumer trend publications

2. Which platform should I sell on?

Choosing the right platform is key when creating a product to sell. The top platforms for selling custom products online are Shopify, Etsy and Amazon. Shopify is a full ecommerce solution with lots of customizable store features. Etsy is for handmade and unique items and targets a specific niche. Amazon has a huge customer base and great logistics. Since each platform has its own strengths, make sure to consider your own needs and target market during your selection.

3. Can I sell without paying anything?

There are eCommerce platforms that offer free plans but these come with limitations. Free plans may limit the number of products you can show or have transaction fees on your sales. To have a more professional online store and more control over your brand, it’s best to look into a paid plan that has more features and less restrictions.

4. Where to research trending products?

Google Trends, social media analytics tools and ecommerce sites like Amazon and Etsy are great sources of market trends. These resources help you spot patterns and changes in consumer behavior which is important for creating marketable products. Plus using tools like SEMrush or Ahrefs will give you more insight on keyword trends in your niche so you can create products in demand to sell.

Final Verdict

Finally, the guideline “How to create a product to sell online?” is completed. By adhering to the guidelines outlined in this manual, you can more effectively tackle the daunting endeavor of launching a new product into the market. Regardless of the nature of your development project, thorough preparation, including research, planning, prototyping, sourcing, and cost analysis—will position you for a successful outcome.

Hope that these suggestions will be beneficial to you. Should you have any inquiries, please feel free to leave a comment, and BSS Commerce Shopify team will make every effort to assist you.