If you have a store on Shopify, Facebook Pixel Shopify is a tool you should not ignore. It is a wonderful tool to boost sales and convert potential customers to real customers. In case you are not clear about Facebook Pixel, this article will provide you ultimate information that is needed.

About Facebook Pixel Shopify

What is Facebook Pixel?

First and foremost, let’s have a clear understanding of the Facebook Pixel definition. Facebook Pixel is a tool/code that you can add to your Shopify in order to track the people’s actions on your website. Based on that information, you can measure how effective the advertising is.

How does Facebook Pixel work on Shopify stores?

To give a precise output, Facebook Pixel will track:

  • HTTP Headers: These are information that the browser sends to the website server when customers visit your page. They include things like your IP address, browser type, language, and device information.
  • Pixel-specific Data: These are data that the Pixel generates or receives from other sources, such as cookies, local storage, or browser settings. They include things like the Pixel ID, Facebook user ID, Facebook click ID, and consent status.
  • Button Click Data: These are data that the Pixel collects when a user clicks on a button on your website, such as “Add to Cart”, “Purchase”, or “Sign Up”. They include things like the button text, button ID, and button URL. The Pixel uses this data to track the conversions and events that happen on your website.
  • Optional Values: You can optionally pass these data to the Pixel when you track an event on your website. They include things like the conversion value, content type, and content ID of the event. The Pixel uses this data to measure the performance and return on ad spend of your campaigns.
  • Form Field Names: These are data that the Pixel collects when a user fills out a form on your website, such as a contact form, a newsletter subscription, or a registration form. They include things like the name, email, phone number, and address of the user. The Pixel uses this data to create custom and lookalike audiences based on your website visitors.

🎁 For your reference: 10+ Best Shopify Apps to Increase Conversions

Where to find Facebook Pixel?

To find Facebook Pixel, you could follow these steps:

  1. Find and click Events Manager
  2. Then choose Business Account
  3. At Data Sources, click on Facebook pixel ID
connect Facebook Pixel to Shopify

First step to connect Facebook Pixel to Shopify

However, it is important to note that you can only find Facebook Pixel when you are successfully created.

Is Facebook Pixel free?

If you are wondering whether Facebook Pixel Shopify is free or not, the answer is totally free.

Something You Need to Have Before Adding Facebook Pixel to Shopify

To set up Facebook Pixel and Shopify successfully, you need to make sure that you already have these things:

  • A Facebook page that is set to Business mode
  • A Shopify store that is not password-protected
  • You have already connected your page with Facebook Business Manager
  • You get administrator permissions
  • Having a Facebook Ads Account. Make sure that the account is set up and ready to run ads.

3 Ways To Add Facebook Pixel to Shopify

It is not difficult to add Facebook Pixel to Shopify if you follow strictly the steps mentioned below. There are 3 main ways to do that which are using a Shopify integration, adding manually, and installing code.

However, first and foremost, you need to create Meta pixel to Shopify. Let’s follow this guide to create a Facebook pixel:

  • Step 1: Open your Facebook ad account
  • Step 2: Find “Event Manager
  • Step 3: Finding the “Connect a New Data Source” part first, and then in this part you click on “Web

setup facebook pixel on shopify


  • Step 4: Continue looking at the “Name Your Pixel” part in the “Create Pixel” section, you enter a name for the Facebook pixel and then choose “Create Pixel
Enter the name to install facebook pixel on shopify

Enter the name to install facebook pixel on shopify

After finishing 4 steps, you will be moved to the “Check for partner integration” part. At this point, to connect Facebook pixel to Shopify, you can follow one of the three ways below.

Add the Shopify Facebook Pixel integration

After successfully creating Meta or Facebook Pixel to Shopify, you can use the “Use partner integration” method. This is the fastest and easiest way to add the Facebook Pixel Shopify.

Please follow step by step:

  • Step 1: Select “Shopify”  from the “Choose a partner” menu that will allow you to connect Facebook pixel to the Shopify store.
  • Step 2: Go to your Shopify admin panel click on Online Store and then choose Preferences.
  • Step 3: Scroll down to the Facebook Pixel section and click on Set up Facebook.
  • Step 4: You will be redirected to Facebook’s Business Manager, where you need to log in with your Facebook account and select or create a pixel for your store. First, click on “Add app”  to add to your store.
  • Step 5: Then follow the instructions: Settings -> Apps and sales channels -> Open Sales Channel -> Data sharing settings -> Enable data-sharing (in the Customer data-sharing)
  • Step 6: In the “Choose data-sharing level“, you can choose one of three Standard, Enhanced, or Maximum.
  • Step 7: Finally, pick your Facebook pixel from the list and end by clicking on “Confirm

Manually add the Facebook Pixel to Shopify

Another way to install Facebook Pixel on Shopify is to do it manually. However, it is not as difficult as you think, let’s follow the guide here:

  • Step 1: Go to your Facebook Business Manager account and click on Events Manager.
  • Step 2: Select the pixel you want to use and click on Settings.
  • Step 3: The code will appear, you copy the Facebook pixel code from the Install Pixel section.
  • Step 4: Then, you go to your Shopify store’s admin panel and click on Themes.
  • Step 5: Click on Actions and then choose Edit code for the theme you want to edit.
  • Step 6: Find the theme.liquid file under the Layout section and open it.
  • Step 7: Paste the pixel code right before the closing </head> tag and save the file.

Ask the web developer to add the Facebook Pixel to Shopify by installing the code

The last method to add the Facebook pixel Shopify is to ask your web developer. However, it is a little costly and time-consuming. In case, you  still find this method convenient, you can read this instruction:

  • Step 1: First of all, you need to go to the “Events Manager” section and then you pick the pixel you want to add to Shopify.
  • Step 2: After choosing, you need to click on “Continue Pixel Setup“.
  • Step 3: Lastly, you choose Email Instructions and enter the email of your web developer.

How to Customize Events After Adding Facebook Pixel to Shopify

If you have added Facebook Pixel to your Shopify store successfully, it is time for you to customize the events that are tracked by the Pixel. By customizing the events, you can measure and optimize your Facebook ads more effectively.

Types of events

In general, Facebook Pixel Events are actions that visitors take on your website and do some particular action. There are two main types of events which are Standard Events and Custom Events.

  • Standard events: Standard events are predefined by Facebook and cover the most common actions that online shoppers take such as Add to Cart, Add Payment Info, Intiate Checkout, Purchase, Search, View Content…
  • Custom events: Custom events are events that are not included in standard events. You can give them a name and customize based on your specific business goals.

How to set up events

After fully understanding the types of events and choosing which one is fit for your business, let’s learn how to set up Facebook Pixel Shopify Events.

  • Step 1: First, open Facebook Business Manager and go to Menu, then click on “Events Manager
  • Step 2: At this box, you choose “Add events“, three options will pump up, you choose the last one which is “From the Pixel
  • Step 3: Click “Open Event Setup Tool“, you see a box, you put your website’s URL in full format here and continue clicking on “Open website

That’s all, you may now add a button click or URL tracking to each page of your website. You can also update or delete existing events by viewing their details. You can also use the “All Events” option to see, edit, or delete events that you’ve created on other pages of your website. Please keep in mind that if you create an event manually in your website code, you will not be able to see, change, or delete it using the Event Setup Tool.

Tips To Maximize The Effectiveness Of Facebook Pixel 

To maximize the effectiveness of Facebook Pixel, you should follow the tips mentioned below:

Create a custom audience

Creating Custom Audiences from your website visitors is one of the most beneficial aspects of having a Facebook Pixel.

A customer audience allows you to reconnect with people who have previously interacted with your Shopify store. It’s definitely the most effective type of Facebook targeting because you’re focusing on people who are already in your sales funnel and are more likely to convert.

Custom Audiences can be used for two purposes: To run retargeting advertisements and use them as a source for Lookalike Audiences.

There are two types of customer audiences that you should start with:

  • Cart abandoned: Make a Custom Audience out of people who left items in their carts. They were almost ready to buy something, but something stopped them. Whatever the reason, these people were almost ready to buy from you. All they may need is a little push to make it happen. Such as, you could use the fear of losing out in your advertising. Your ad could say that there aren’t many things left, so people need to act quickly. You could also give a small discount or ship the item for free.
  • People visit your Shopify store in the last 30 days: People who have been to your Shopify store in the last 30 days make up another basic Custom Audience. All website visitors will see your ad, so it’s best to make the message of your ad general. But if you want to make ads that are more relevant to each person, you can divide your website users into groups and target different product pages.

✅ Explore: Shopify Marketing Strategy: Guide to add sales channels in Shopify

Set up customer conversion

Another tip to maximize the effectiveness of Facebook Pixel Shopify is to set up custom conversion. You can see how your ads influence customer behavior, such as adding products to a cart, initiating checkout, or making a purchase. It also allows you to optimize your ad campaigns based on the conversion events that matter most to you, such as purchases, leads, or registrations. You can retarget people who have visited your website or taken specific actions, such as adding products to their wishlist or abandoning their cart.

Run dynamic product ads

If you want to track conversions and optimize your campaigns, you may want to consider running dynamic product ads (DPAs). DPAs are a type of remarketing ads that show personalized products to people who have visited your website or app. They use the information from your pixel to match the right products to the right audience, based on their browsing behavior, purchase history, and preferences. DPAs can help you increase conversions, reduce acquisition costs, and improve customer loyalty.

It would be best if you had a product catalog with all the details about your goods, like name, price, description, picture, and URL in order to run DPAs. You should also set up a product feed that sends changes to your catalog every time the prices or quantity of an item changes.

The catalog manager on Facebook lets you make and control your product catalog and feed. You can make a DPA campaign in the ads manager once your product is ready. Besides the feature of picking different templates and layouts for ads, you also might use rules and filters to decide which goods to show to different groups of people.

How To Change Or Remove Facebook Pixel Shopify

In case, you find that Facebook Pixel Shopify does not fit with your store but you don’t how to remove it, don’t worry because this part will help you. Let’s learn how to change or remove Facebook Pixel to Shopify

Change or remove a Meta (Facebook) Pixel from your online store

If you want to change or remove a Meta pixel from your online store, follow these instructions. It is so easy so you can do it by yourself:

  • Step 1: Go to Shopify admin and choose “Facebook
  • Step 2: Then, you click on “Settings
  • Step 3: “Data sharing settings” sections open up, you choose “Disconnect” to remove Facebook Pixel,

Remove Pixel code from themes file

If you want to remove the Pixel Code from your Themes file, you need to follow these steps:

  • Step 1: Locate the Themes file in your WordPress dashboard. It is usually under Appearance > Theme Editor.
  • Step 2: Find the header.php file and click on it to edit it.
  • Step 3: Look for the code that starts with <script> and contains the word “pixel“. It should be near the end of the file, before the closing </head> tag.
  • Step 4: Delete the entire code block that contains the pixel code. Be careful not to delete any other code that is essential for your theme.
  • Step 5: Save your changes and refresh your website to see if the pixel code is gone.

Remove your Meta pixel in your online store preferences

If you want to disable the Facebook pixel Shopify on your online store preferences, this is the guide for you:

  • Step 1: Go to your Online Store Preferences page in your Shopify admin.
  • Step 2: Scroll down to the Meta Pixel section and click on the Manage button.
  • Step 3: Uncheck the box that says Enable Meta Pixel.
  • Step 4: Click on Save.

Some Errors When Using Facebook Pixel Shopify

While using Facebook Pixel Shopify, you may encounter some common errors. What are they and how to fix them? Let’s find the answer in this part.

Facebook double-tracking

The first error you may encounter is Facebook double-tracking. This happens when the same pixel code is installed twice on the same page, resulting in duplicated or inflated data. The error can affect your tracking accuracy, conversion optimization, and remarketing campaigns. To fix this error, you need to identify and remove the duplicate pixel code from your Shopify store.

Facebook Pixel can’t track an event

A problem that a lot of people have is that the Facebook Pixel Shopift can’t follow an event on sites. This could happen for a number of reasons, including installing the pixel code incorrectly, having a browser setting that blocks cookies, or doing something by the user that stops the event from happening. You can fix the error by using the Facebook Pixel Helper tool which is a Chrome extension that lets you see the state of the pixel on any web page.

Use Pixel Helper to fix error of Facebook Pixel Shopify

Use Pixel Helper to fix error of Facebook Pixel Shopify

Facebook Pixel fails to run properly

This can happen if you have installed the pixel code manually and there are errors in the code or the placement. To avoid this, you can use the Shopify app to integrate Facebook Pixel Shopify automatically and ensure that it is working correctly.

“Not a standard event” error

This means that the pixel is sending events that are not recognized by Facebook, such as “addToCart” instead of “AddToCart”. To fix this, you need to ensure that the events you use match the standard events supported by Facebook.

“Facebook Pixel is not paired with any product catalog” error

This error means the pixel is not linked to a product catalog that contains the products you are advertising. To fix this, you need to create a product catalog on Facebook and associate it with your pixel.

Frequent Questions About Facebook Pixel Shopify

There are many people who have the same questions on Facebook Pixel Shopify so this part will collect all the frequent questions and give the answers.

How do you add a “Shopify Thank you page”?

A Facebook Pixel Shopify thank you page is a page that customers see after they complete a purchase on your online store. It is also known as the order confirmation page or the order status page. A Shopify thank you page can help you increase customer loyalty, generate more sales, and collect feedback. Here are some steps to add a Shopify thank you page to your store:

How to add Thank you page along with Facebook Pixel Shopify

How to add Thank you page to you Shopify

1. Create a new page in your Shopify admin and title it, such as “Thank You”.
2. Add the content that you want to show on your thank you page, such as a thank you message, a discount code, a product recommendation, a survey, or a social media link.
3. Save the page and copy its URL.
4. Go to Settings > Checkout in your Shopify admin and scroll down to the Order processing section.
5. Under After checkout, paste the URL of your thank you page in the Additional scripts box.
6. Save the changes and test your checkout process to see your new thank you page in action.

Can you multiple Pixel for the Shopify store?

Most of the time, Shopify only lets you add one Facebook pixel per shop.

Why my Facebook Pixel is red

If your Facebook Pixel Shopify is red, it means that it is not working properly. There are several possible reasons for this, such as:

  • Your pixel code is not installed correctly on your website.
  • Your pixel code is outdated or incompatible with your website platform.
  • Your pixel code is conflicting with other scripts or plugins on your website.
  • Your pixel code is blocked by ad blockers or browser extensions.
  • Your website traffic is too low or too irregular to trigger the pixel.

To fix your pixel, you need to identify the root cause of the problem and take the appropriate steps to resolve it. The Facebook Pixel Helper tool can diagnose and troubleshoot your pixel issues. You can also refer to the Facebook Pixel Shopify documentation for more guidance and best practices.

Final Thought

Facebook Pixel Shopify is really a wonderful tool that will help your store in the journey of conquering customers through ads. Hope that all the information BSS Commerce Shopify provides you in this article makes you feel easy when accessing Facebook Pixel.