In the rapidly evolving world of B2B eCommerce, optimizing the checkout experience is essential to your success. Problems during the sales process are one of the main incentives for buyers to fail to close a transaction, leading to the loss of important revenue opportunities. Studies by online fraud prevention platforms Forter display that 30% of customers abandon their carts if they have to re-enter information like credit card numbers or shipping details. This highlights the challenge B2B businesses face in crafting a frictionless checkout process.

In our recent Shopify Plus webinar, Liz Pham, an expert on optimizing shopping pages for B2B brands, shared valuable insights on optimizing B2B shopping pages. Based on her extensive experience, Liz emphasized the importance of integrating specific functionality to achieve a smooth checkout experience with Shopify Plus.

Ready to dive deeper into these functionalities and discover how to create a B2B checkout experience that drives sales? This blog explores the key features and techniques you can use to streamline your B2B checkout process with Shopify Plus, using Liz Pham’s expert insights. Let’s get started!

What is the B2B eCommerce Checkout Experience?

Defining B2B Checkout Experience

The B2B checkout experience encompasses the entire online process that a B2B customer goes through to complete a purchase. Unlike B2C customers, where individual customers make relatively simple purchases, B2B customers involve more complex multi-stakeholder processes. This complexity is due to several factors, including bulk ordering, custom pricing, multiple decision-makers, and the need for integration with existing business systems such as ERP and CRM.

Defining B2B Checkout Experience

One of the primary differences between B2B and B2C customer behavior during checkout is the purchasing process itself. B2C customers typically make quick, often impulsive buying decisions based on personal preferences and needs. In contrast, B2B customers are more deliberate and strategic in their purchasing behavior. They often have to follow internal procurement procedures, seek approvals from various stakeholders, and adhere to budget constraints. As a result, the B2B checkout process must accommodate larger order volumes, complex pricing structures, and specific payment terms such as purchase orders or net 30 payment terms.

Furthermore, B2B buyers expect a streamlined, efficient checkout process that integrates seamlessly with their operational workflows. They value features such as bulk ordering capabilities, personalized pricing, and the ability to save and manage multiple shipping addresses.

The Current State of B2B Checkout Page

Despite the growing importance of B2B eCommerce, many businesses still struggle to deliver a checkout experience that meets the needs of their customers.

One of the most pressing issues is the lengthy and complex nature of the checkout process. B2B transactions often require multiple steps, such as inputting detailed order information, navigating through various approval stages, and managing custom pricing or bulk order discounts. This complexity can deter buyers from completing their purchases, leading to high abandonment rates.

The Current State of B2B Checkout Page

Statistics highlight the severity of these issues. In 2019, a survey by online fraud prevention platform Forter revealed that 30% of US shoppers abandon their cart if asked to re-enter their credit card number, and 25% do the same if they have to re-enter their shipping information. Furthermore, 50% of shoppers indicated they are less likely to complete a purchase if the checkout process takes more than 30 seconds. These figures underscore the importance of a streamlined, efficient checkout process.

Another common problem B2B businesses face is the limited payment options available during checkout. Unlike B2C transactions, which typically involve straightforward credit card payments, B2B transactions often require more complex payment methods such as purchase orders, invoices, or extended payment terms. The lack of these options can frustrate B2B buyers and result in abandoned transactions. Furthermore, mobile optimization often falls short, leaving buyers struggling to navigate the checkout flow on their smartphones.

limited payment options for good B2B checkout experience

The consequences of a poor B2B checkout experience are far-reaching. High abandonment rates translate to lost sales and decreased revenue. Additionally, a frustrating checkout process can damage customer satisfaction and erode brand loyalty. In today’s competitive landscape, B2B businesses can’t afford to alienate their buyers with a clunky checkout experience. The need for a frictionless and efficient B2B checkout has never been greater.

Why B2B Checkout Optimization Matters?

Optimizing the B2B checkout experience is crucial for several reasons, each directly impacting a business’s bottom line and long-term success. Here’s how a frictionless and streamlined checkout process can fuel your B2B business:

Why B2B Checkout Optimization Matters

Boost Conversions and Reduce Abandonment

A frictionless and streamlined checkout process can lead to increased conversion rates and significantly reduced cart abandonment. When the checkout process is straightforward and efficient, buyers are more likely to complete their purchases, directly boosting sales and revenue.

Happy Customers, Loyal Customers

Improved customer satisfaction and loyalty are also key benefits of an optimized checkout experience. When B2B customers encounter a hassle-free, quick, and reliable checkout process, their overall shopping experience is enhanced. They’re more likely to return for future business and recommend your platform to others, building brand loyalty.

Faster Order Processing and Fulfillment

An optimized checkout process can streamline the flow of order information, reducing delays and errors. This efficiency ensures that orders are processed and fulfilled more quickly, leading to faster delivery times and increased customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Brand Image and Reputation

Businesses that provide an exceptional customer experience stand out in the competitive eCommerce landscape. A seamless checkout process reflects a commitment to customer convenience and reliability, fostering a strong brand reputation and encouraging positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Better Data Accuracy and Management

Beyond these direct benefits, optimizing the B2B checkout experience can also lead to better data accuracy and management. By integrating systems like ERP and CRM with the checkout process, businesses can ensure that customer and order data is accurate and up-to-date, facilitating better decision-making and strategic planning.

Ultimately, B2B checkout optimization goes beyond just the checkout page. It’s about creating a customer-centric journey that fosters long-term relationships with your B2B buyers. The benefits extend far beyond the initial purchase, leading to increased customer lifetime value and a thriving B2B eCommerce channel.

Shopify Plus: A Robust Platform for Streamlined Checkout

Shopify Plus is a powerful platform designed to meet the complex needs of B2B businesses. Building your B2B store on Shopify Plus provides a solid foundation for crafting a streamlined checkout experience that delights your customers. Here’s how Shopify Plus empowers you to create a frictionless journey:

Customizable Checkout

One of the standout features of Shopify Plus is its customizable checkout. This capability allows businesses to tailor the checkout experience to their specific requirements. This includes features like guest checkout options for faster purchases, pre-populated order forms for returning customers, and custom fields to capture relevant B2B purchase information. For example, you can add custom fields for company purchase order numbers, tax-exempt IDs, or specific department details for order delivery.

Customizable Checkout - Optimize B2B checkout experience


As your B2B business thrives, you need a platform that can keep pace. Shopify Plus is built to handle high order volumes with ease, ensuring a smooth checkout experience even during peak buying periods.

For example, a B2B electronics distributor runs a major sales event on Black Friday. Shopify Plus can efficiently process thousands of orders simultaneously without any lag or slowdown, ensuring that every customer experiences a quick and smooth checkout process regardless of traffic spikes.

Advanced Security

Security is really important in B2B transactions. Shopify Plus offers robust security features to protect your business and your customers’ data. With robust security protocols, including PCI compliance and advanced fraud detection tools, Shopify Plus ensures that sensitive customer information is protected. For instance, a medical supplies company dealing with sensitive client data can rely on Shopify Plus to handle transactions securely, maintaining customer trust and compliance with industry regulations.

Advanced Security - Optimize B2B checkout experience

By leveraging the customizable checkout feature of Shopify Plus, businesses can integrate additional functions that can further boost, or even double, your conversion rates. This flexibility allows for the incorporation of specialized tools and processes that cater specifically to the needs of B2B customers, such as those highlighted by Liz Pham.

See all Shopify Plus benefits

Ready to unlock the full potential of B2B checkout optimization on Shopify Plus?

Our BSS Commerce expert team can guide you every step of the way. We’ll start by helping you build a strong and robust B2B store on Shopify Plus, ensuring a solid foundation for your online sales channel. Once your store is up and running, we can then leverage our expertise to tailor the checkout experience to your specific B2B needs and integrate features proven to drive sales.

3 Functions for a Customized Checkout Experience on Shopify Plus

Checkout Validation

The first essential function for a customized checkout experience on Shopify Plus, as shared by Liz Pham, is Checkout Validation. Checkout validation involves setting up rules that ensure orders meet specific requirements before they can be completed. This ensures compliance with your company policies, reduces errors, and ultimately enhances the customer experience by providing clear guidelines and preventing invalid orders.

Checkout validation - Customized Checkout Experience on Shopify Plus

For example, a supplier might require customers to order a minimum of 100 units to qualify for bulk pricing. If a customer attempts to order fewer than 100 units, the checkout validation will trigger an alert, preventing the order from being processed until the requirement is met. This helps businesses manage inventory efficiently and maintain profitable pricing structures.
With checkout validation function, businesses can set rules that restrict orders based on the customer’s location. For example, a company might have different shipping policies or restrictions for international orders. Checkout validation can automatically apply these rules, ensuring compliance with location-based policies and preventing logistical issues.

Discover now: Top Successful Shopify Plus Stores That You Can Learn From

Customizing Payment & Delivery Methods

The second essential function for optimizing the B2B checkout experience on Shopify Plus is Customizing Payment & Delivery Methods. This feature allows businesses to tailor the checkout experience by renaming, showing, or hiding specific payment and delivery options based on the customer’s type, whether B2B or D2C. Customizing these options ensures that each customer sees the most relevant choices, enhancing satisfaction and reducing cart abandonment.

B2B transactions often involve different payment preferences compared to B2C purchases. With the function “Customizing Payment & Delivery Methods”, you can customize the payment methods displayed during checkout. For example, you can:

  • Show: Highlight relevant B2B payment methods like purchase orders or net 30 terms, catering to the needs of your B2B customers.
  • Hide: Hide B2C payment options like credit cards, PayPal, or other instant payment methods during the B2B checkout process to streamline the experience and avoid confusion.
  • Rename: Clearly label existing payment options for B2B contexts (e.g., rename “credit card” to “corporate credit card”).

Delivery methods can also be tailored to match the requirements of different customer segments. For example, B2B customers placing large orders might need freight shipping options, which are suitable for bulky or high-volume shipments. On the other hand, B2B customers needing urgent supplies might benefit from same-day delivery options.

customize delivery methods - optimize B2B checkout experience

By customizing payment and delivery methods, you ensure your B2B customers see the most relevant options at checkout. This simplifies the purchase process, reduces friction, and ultimately leads to higher conversion rates and happier customers.

Explore now: 5 Pillars to B2B Growth with Shopify Plus

Customizing Promotions

The third essential function for optimizing the B2B checkout experience on Shopify Plus, as highlighted by Liz Pham, is Customizing Promotions. This feature allows businesses to offer targeted promotions and incentives that are visible and applicable only to specific customer segments, such as B2B buyers. By implementing customized promotions on your Shopify Plus checkout page, businesses can drive sales, build customer loyalty, and differentiate themselves from competitors.

Businesses can offer discounts that are visible only to B2B customers during checkout. For instance, you can offer a 10% discount for orders exceeding $1,000, applicable only to business accounts. This targeted approach ensures that B2B customers receive incentives that are relevant to their purchasing behavior, encouraging larger orders and repeat business.

Customizing promotions on B2B checkout

B2B transactions often involve placing large orders. Motivate B2B customers to increase their order size by setting free shipping thresholds at checkout. For instance, a business could offer free shipping on orders over $500. This not only incentivizes customers to buy more but also enhances their overall shopping experience by providing added value.

For businesses operating in both B2B and D2C markets, creating a seamless checkout experience is crucial. In addition to essential functions like checkout validation and customizing payment and delivery methods, utilizing apps or custom apps that work with Shopify’s checkout extensibility can further enhance the checkout page. By adding more functional elements to create a smooth checkout process, businesses can provide a superior experience tailored to both audiences. This approach not only streamlines the purchasing process but also makes the overall shopping experience more convenient and enjoyable for all customers in the online store.

Ready to unlock the full potential of B2B checkout optimization on Shopify Plus? Our B2B Shopify Plus Development Service can help you build your own B2B Store, implement these advanced functionalities, and tailor the checkout experience to drive sales and create a loyal B2B customer base.

Case Study: Clear Price Transformed the Checkout Experience of Provisions Site

For businesses operating in both B2B and D2C markets, creating a seamless checkout experience is crucial. By utilizing apps or custom solutions that work with Shopify’s checkout extensibility, businesses can enhance their checkout pages to cater to the specific needs of their customers. Provisions Co-op Wholesale, a division of Orcas Food Co-op, is a perfect example. Established in 2020, Provisions Co-op Wholesale focuses on strengthening their island community’s food supply chain by promoting local businesses and offering wholesale operations.

Provisions Co-op Wholesale - BSS Commerce's Shopify Case Study

Provisions Co-op Wholesale website

However, their initial checkout experience presented a significant challenge. Prices displayed on the search bar were rendered by a separate app that couldn’t accommodate custom pricing for their B2B customers. This led to potential customer confusion and a non-seamless checkout experience, ultimately resulting in dropped sales.

The BSS Commerce team identified the root cause of the issue – conflicting price displays. We recommended a solution to hide prices in locations that could cause confusion for B2B customers. Following this, we customized the product and collection pages to display three key prices that aligned with the merchant’s requirements:

  • Compare Price: A reference point for customers.
  • Original Price: The base price before any discounts or adjustments.
  • Final Price: The customer’s final price after applying custom pricing or volume discounts. This clear and consistent price presentation transformed the checkout experience for Provisions.
Provisions Co-op Wholesale website - Product page

Provisions Co-op Wholesale website – Product page

Provisions Co-op Wholesale website - Collection page

Provisions Co-op Wholesale website – Collection page

This clear and consistent price presentation transformed the checkout experience for Provisions Co-op Wholesale’s B2B customers. They now have a seamless and transparent view of pricing throughout the buying journey, eliminating confusion and streamlining the checkout process.

Provisions Co-op Wholesale praised BSS Commerce for their effective solution, stating:

“We use this app to help our wholesale customers have a seamless experience with price breaks and custom pricing. The customer service was top-notch.”

See the full case study here: Provisions Co-op Wholesale Shopify Case Study


In this blog, we explored several key tactics to optimize B2B checkout experience on Shopify Plus. These include implementing checkout validation to ensure compliance and reduce errors, customizing payment and delivery methods to enhance customer satisfaction and reduce cart abandonment, and leveraging targeted promotions to drive sales and build customer loyalty. Each of these strategies contributes to creating a seamless and efficient checkout process that can significantly improve conversion rates and overall customer satisfaction.

At BSS Commerce, we offer specialized B2B Shopify Plus Development Services designed to help you achieve these goals. As a trusted Shopify Plus partner, we have a proven track record of success with B2B stores, including numerous success stories like that of Provisions Co-op Wholesale. Our extensive range of apps and custom solutions can help you leverage your B2B store and optimize your checkout page to meet your specific business needs.

Contact BSS Commerce Shopify today to learn how we can support your B2B eCommerce journey and help you create a checkout experience that delights your customers and drives your business forward.