Best Magento 2 SEO Extensions

25+ Best Magento 2 SEO Extensions to Drive More Traffic in 2024

by Lily Tran


SEO for Magento 2 plays a very significant role in boosting sales in online stores using this platform. However, default Magento 2 does not contain enough functions for remarkable SEO performance. Don’t worry! A Magento 2 SEO Extension can remove those limits.

Here we introduce the top 25+ best Magento 2 SEO Extensions to improve your website ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) and drive more organic traffic for your Magento 2 store. Let’s delve into it! 

Why SEO Matters For E-commerce Websites

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”, which means making a website friendly to search engines. This activity aims to help that website stand out in search engine result pages (SERPs). 


So, why does SEO matter for e-commerce websites? 

First, good SEO performance makes your website noticeable in SERPs. Then, it can attract prospective customers to visit your website when they search for things you also buy. The more customers you reach, the more sales will happen. Furthermore, once your website appears at high positions in SERPs naturally, it will become more trusted. 

Second, SEO is an economical method but brings higher traffic and conversion rates compared with paid marketing efforts. Good SEO performance delivers the right information that users need, unlike interrupting ads that drive them crazy.

For those reasons, never underestimate the importance of SEO if you want to sell more. 

Drawbacks Of SEO Features In Default Magento 2

Default Magento 2 embraces features to support SEO for Magento 2 websites, including Metadata, Sitemap, URL Rewrite tool, etc. Unfortunately, it still contains limitations that prevent you from the best SEO performance, such as: 

  • It’s impossible to customize the Robot Meta Tag for each specific page.
  • There’s no room for HTML. It also means there’s no HTML sitemap. 
  • There’s no Hreflang tag, which helps you avoid the duplicate content issue. 
  • Default variables of meta templates are often not enough to describe products. 
  • For each frontend page, SEO analysis is not supported.

DISCOVER Full Magento 2 SEO Guide to know what defaut Magento 2 supports for SEO!

It is no longer a big deal as you can easily find a complete solution and exclusive Magento 2 SEO tips right here. Keep reading the next part for 25+ best SEO plugins for Magento choices.

25+ Best Magento 2 SEO Extensions To Enhance Online Visibility in 2024

#1. Best Magento 2 SEO Extension by BSS Commerce



Exclusive: Get 5% OFF the module price now – Enter code: BSS5 at checkout!

Magento 2 SEO Extension is one of the best-sellers of BSS Commerce. The extension is the integration of significant SEO modules and covers full settings to boost your rankings. At a reasonable price, it ensures high compatibility with no conflicts.

Key features: 

  • Rich Snippet: Highlights your store on SERPs more strongly with extra snippets: Price, Rating, Review, Availability, Brand, Custom Properties, etc. It also supports a search box to let customers search for store items right in SERPs. 
  • Advanced Breadcrumbs: The module upgrades default breadcrumbs with advanced functions to make your store more friendly with both Google and customers.
  • HTML Sitemap: Site visitors can easily navigate a website with an HTML sitemap. With this best SEO plugin for Magento 2, store owners can get a sitemap including products, categories, CMS pages, and additional links and create one for each store view. 
  • XML Sitemap: Divided by date, category, and manufacture, this is surely the best interface for an XML site map ever. 
  • Robot Meta Tag: The module allows you to assign a Robot Meta Tag for each URL to inform search engines which page they should not index.
  • Hreflang tag: it is used to inform search engines like Google about multiple versions of the same content in different languages. Thanks to this, users can be served with the right content in a suitable language. 
  • Canonical tags: These tags are used to alert search engines of the official version of a website. Then, you no longer worry about duplicate content issues or being penalized by Google. 
  • 301 redirects: Take customers to an alternative whenever they access a deleted page to improve user experience.
  • Meta Tag Template: add more variables into meta templates.
  • ALT Tags: Create an Alt Tag template to use for all images. Those images are displayed on a grid for convenient management. 
  • External Links: Auto-mark external links as NO FOLLOW. In this way, Google crawlers will not follow these links and the power of your URL will not be transmitted inside. 
  • SEO toolbar: one of the best Magento 2 SEO extensions gives you the results of your SEO on each page in the frontend.

Price: $149

Take advantage of ChatGPT for Magento 2 module to easily and quickly generate high-quality & SEO-friendly content for your store! 

#2. Magento 2 SEO Ultimate Extension by Mageplaza


Magento 2 SEO Ultimate Extension by Mageplaza was developed for any Magento 2 store with the following features: 

  • Prevent duplicate content issue
  • Structured data
  • Metadata Template 
  • Hreflang Tag
  • SEO Report
  • Enriched Rich Snippets
  • HTML/XML Sitemaps
  • SEO Checklist
  • Link Alternate Tag: provide a link to an alternative version of a site easily.
  • Cross-Linking: link all relevant pages together in a blink of an eye.

Price: $99

#3. SEO Tool Kit Pro for Magento 2 by Amasty 


SEO Tool Kit Pro for Magento 2 is an SEO suite gathering several Magento SEO plugins for these functions in one.

Highlighted features:

  • SEO analysis for any page
  • Automated meta tags templates
  • Enriched Rich Snippets
  • Advanced pagination and Redirects
  • Automated internal and external cross-links
  • Advanced HTML/XML Sitemaps
  • Unique product URLs against duplicate content

Price: $349

#4. SEO Suite Ultimate extension for Magento 2 – Mageworx


Being highly appreciated in the market, Mageworx SEO Suite Magento 2 can completely handle important SEO settings you need to boost up your site. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Streamlined page URLs and metadata 
  • Advanced HTML/XML Sitemaps
  • Advanced Rich Snippets
  • Complete arsenal of SEO tools
  • Detailed SEO reports 

Price: $299

#5. SEO Ultimate Pack by FME Extensions

SEO Ultimate Pack - FME Extensions

Another best Magento 2 SEO extension we want to recommend is SEO Ultimate Pack by FME Extensions. It is a combination of 7 powerful tools that automate your SEO, which helps: 

  • Auto-generate SEO Meta Title, Description & Keywords Generate SEO 
  • Optimize Alt Tags for product images 
  • Support XML & HTML Sitemaps for store 
  • Add extended Rich Snippet
  • Handle content language duplicates with Hreflang Tags
  • Add No Index No Follow Tags to any page 
  • Add Canonical Tags to prevent duplication

Price: $279.99

#6. Advanced SEO Suite for Magento 2 by Mirasvit

Magento 2 Seo extension Mirasvit

Most of the SEO configurations are included in Advanced SEO Suite Magento 2 – a Mirasvit SEO Magento 2, which saves time and money for store owners and SEO specialists.

Check out the functions of this Mirasvit SEO Magento 2 extension:

  • Manage SEO configurations for pages, categories and layered navigation
  • Highlight your website with advanced rich snippets
  • Create Meta-tags by templates
  • Generate advanced Sitemap for Google
  • Control all redirects quickly and easily
  • Configure canonical URLs
  • Support SEO analysis of every page

Besides, $179 is a reasonable price making this SEO plugin Magento more favorable.

#7. SEO Pro Extension for Magento 2 by Magedelight


SEO Pro Extension can enhance online stores’ visibility on SERPs to increase traffic. How does this SEO plugin Magento help you? Check out the functions of the best Magento 2 SEO extension:

  • Support a smart toolbar to review on-page SEO
  • Track user activities by Facebook pixel
  • Create flexible HTML/XML sitemap with ease
  • Support Canonical tag 
  • Redirect users when they encounter the 404 error
  • Serve dynamic meta tags

Price: $149

#8. Magento 2 SEO Extension by Webkul

best-seo-extension-for- magento-2-advance-seo-manager

Best Magento SEO Extension by Webkul offers various tools and configurations to improve the SEO performance of your store at a noticeable price ($149). Let’s look through the benefits of this best SEO plugin for Magento:

  • Display more product information with advanced Rich Snippets
  • Display categories of your store on SERPs
  • Provide social sharing options
  • Support SEO meter to analyze your SEO performance
  • Generate sitemaps easily

Price: $99

#9. SEO Suite For Magento 2 by Swissuplabs


This SEO Suite For Magento 2 is a combination of various best Magento SEO extensions. Therefore, it is also a good choice for those who expect a better ranking for their stores on SERPs. 

Features of this best Magento SEO extension: 

  • Auto-generate meta tags for product and category pages
  • Add HTML sitemap
  • Extend XML sitemap with more settings
  • Add extra Rich snippets
  • Support Hreflang tags
  • Create cross-links with ease

Price: $79

#10. Defer Javascript for Magento 2 by BSS Commerce



Magento 2 Defer Javascript can reduce loading time and improve online store performance and customer experience. 

Key features:

  • Defer Javascript parsing to increase web rendering speed
  • Effectively defer Iframes embedded on websites
  • Exclude the homepage from shifting the impact of Javascript
  • Allow listing controllers and paths to be unaffected by deferring Javascript
  • Raise your ranking on SERPs

Price: $79

#11. Rich Snippets by BSS Commerce



Magento 2 Rich Snippets is one of the best SEO extensions for Magento 2 at a higher price. Once installing the module, it will improve your rankings on SERPs to enhance your website visibility and highlight your page better.

How does this SEO plugin Magento support online stores? 

  • Supply various Rich Snippets for products such as price, rating, review, availability, brand, category, etc.
  • Display rich snippets on categories
  • Show breadcrumbs in the search result for easy navigation
  • Display Rich Snippets including business information (name, logo, business type, contact, social links, etc..) on SERPs
  • Show a specific search input box for your Magento 2 store
  • Open Graph and Twitter Card are available for sharing on social networks

Price: $79

#12. Google Page Speed Optimizer Pro by Amasty


There is no doubt that page speed plays an important role as one of the fundamental factors for SEO. Google Page Speed enhances web page performance in order to place your store at the top of Google search rating.

This Magento 2 SEO plugin helps: 

  • Accelerate store loading on mobile and desktop
  • Streamline JS, CSS, and HTML code structure
  • Display pages faster with the Webp images format and Lazy loading
  • Make your store SEO-friendly with a higher Google rating
  • Completely compatible with the Porto theme

Price: $259

#13. Meta Tag Template for Magento 2



Like we include in the SEO Extension for Magento 2 by BSS Commerce, the meta tag template increases your store visibility in search engines. Meta Tag Template for Magento 2 enriches this function in your store, which allows admins to:

  • Tailor meta template for products and categories including meta description, meta title, and meta keywords
  • Auto-add description for product pages and category pages
  • Support multiple variables for making meta tags template
  • Use priority to choose a template for products belonging to multiple categories
  • Easily manage the process of generating meta tag templates 
  • Exclude products/categories from meta tag template updates

Price: $79

#14. XML Sitemap by BSS Commerce 

XML-Sitemap- BSS-Commerce 


For those who seek a Magento 2 SEO module that automatically generates XML Sitemaps in an efficient way, Magento 2 XML Sitemap is one of the recommended options. The best SEO plugin for Magento will give you the flexibility to: 

  • Provide admins with a friendly Magento 2 XML sitemap including all links on your website
  • Divide XML sitemap into smaller sitemap.xml files by top-level category, manufacture, or time
  • Exclude selected links from the XML sitemap file by category, product type, or product ID and CMS page
  • Exclude product or category pages from the XML sitemap with configurations in the edit page
  • Specify the priority and frequency of updating the XML sitemap
  • Include extra links to the XML sitemap

Price: $119

#15. Magento 2 Lazy Load by BSS Commerce (Free)



Magento 2 Lazy Load by BSS allows loading product images when scrolling down the pages to shorten the loading time for better performance. This SEO plugin for Magento comes with extra concentrated functions to: 

  • Load product images when customers scroll down (if they don’t scroll to the end of the page, images placed at the bottom of the page aren’t loaded.)
  • Load product images on time or before they appear on the screen
  • Save internet bandwidth and offload for server
  • Make your site SEO-friendly: Google, Bing, and Yahoo can index lazyload product images

Price: Free

#16. Import/Export URL Rewrites



Magento URL Rewrite is a popular technique used to rewrite the URLs of websites to make them clearer and more friendly to users. So, the extension is a must-have in SEO for Magento 2 that covers these significant features: 

  • Allows admins to import URL rewrites via a CSV file
  • Provide a sample CSV file to help administrators conveniently import data and reduce errors.
  • Validate the CSV file before importing and display messages to notice import results
  • Allow admins to export available URL rewrites into a CSV file format also
  • Support importing and exporting 301 and 302 redirect types

Price: $99

#17. Cross-Linking for Magento 2 by Amasty


Every SEOer will advise you to have a significant number of internal and external links within your site. A proper cross-link system is necessary to increase the power and take users from page to page. In this way, it improves the architecture and boosts traffic on your website.

How does this Magento SEO module help online stores? 

  • Generate internal and external links
  • Create links to any product, category, or CMS page
  • Automatically include links on category and product pages
  • Replace keywords with related links
  • Set the maximum number of links per page

Price: $109

#18. Auto Interlinking Products


The Auto Internal-linking Products is another solution to build internal links within your site to help Google easily find out your related content and evaluate the value of that content by supportive features:

  • Easy control auto-interlinking keywords & URLs from the backend
  • Keyword replacement activation filter for product pages, category pages & CMS pages
  • Max Replacement Count setting for each page & keyword
  • Import mass keywords via CSV file
  • Export interlinking keywords with mass editing action

Price: $59

#19. Super Easy SEO by Magenest


Added to the collection of best Magento SEO extensions, this Magento 2 SEO plugin is another package of Magento SEO extensions that also brings a relatively thorough solution for e-commerce. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Edit robot meta tag for multiple pages easily
  • Include canonical tag in main pages
  • Create and submit sitemaps
  • Create product and category Magento SEO templates
  • Auto-generate image alt tags
  • Auto-create cross-links within your websites
  • Manage redirects with ease
  • Optimize images 
  • Include Content analysis toolkit
  • Support SEO data live preview

Price: Free

#20. Alternate Hreflang Tags by Magmodules 


Many Magento 2 stores translate their content into different languages in order to reach more customers from different parts of the world. With Alternate Hreflang Tags, those stores can avoid problems of duplicate content.

Highlighted features: 

  • Allow admins to group the right language store views together
  • Generate Hreflang tags to tell search engines if there are any alternative languages available for pages
  • Follow the latest Google Standards
  • Include complete documentation
  • Compatible with the latest versions of Magento 2

Price: $35

#21. SEO Page Title Overwrite by Weltpixel


This Magento 2 SEO module allows you to rewrite products and categories page titles, which greatly improves SEO results.

Highlighted features of SEO Page Title Overwrite:

  • Rewrite titles for your products and categories, then use SEO-friendly descriptions 
  • Support search engines’ descriptive long-tail keywords for products and category page names
  • Help customers to find the products they are looking for with ease
  • Complete the commercial title and the SEO title on product/category pages without difficulties

Price: $199

#22. Noindex Nofollow Tag by Cynoinfotech


You might have known how important Robot.txt is to help Google easily index your website. Noindex Nofollow Tag is a practical Magento 2 SEO module that modifies the Meta Robot tags of the category, product CMS pages, and custom URL. 

Highlighted features of the SEO plugin Magento: 

  • Optimize Meta Robot tags of the category, product, CMS pages, and custom URLs
  • Specify which pages that should or should not be indexed or followed by search engine crawlers
  • Set noindex and nofollow on the category pages and all products of that category pages 
  • Set noindex nofollow for any custom URLs
  • Guide search engines to move the link juice to other pages, which harms the SEO score of the store
  • Prevent products from being indexed and followed by crawlers
  • Help your stores avoid duplicate content
  • Limit indexing your confidential pages 

Price: $55

#23. SEO Friendly Rename Images by MageGadgets 

SEO Friendly Rename Images by MageGadgets 

Magento 2 SEO Friendly Rename Images extension by MageGadgets is a practical Magento 2 SEO plugin that allows admins to rename product images using a combination of product attributes such as ID, name, or SKU. It also adds more functions that allow prefixes and postfixes in the backend. In this way, it can dynamically bind the prefix and postfix to the URL while renaming the product images.

Highlighted features: 

  • Combine product attributes to make images more descriptive 
  • Support the Prefix and Postfix fields to make product image names dynamic 
  • If a product has multiple images, all images will be renamed at the same time 
  • Provide admins with the renamed image list with details like old image path, new image name, and product ID

Price: $25

#24. Short Category & Product URLs by Mageworx 

Short Category & Product URLs for Magento 2 - Mageworx

URL has a significant effect on the SEO score of every page. We all know that a short and readable URL is always recommended to use for the best practice. For this reason, this Magento SEO module is used for shortening the length of category and product URLs to make them more attractive for both customers and search engines. 

Highlighted features: 

  • Shorten URL length for more SEO-friendly URLs 
  • Easily remove the parent category element in URLs 
  • Smart URL optimization technology allows no conflict between new and existing URLs to happen 

Price: $99

#25. Google Custom Search Integration by Solwin Infotech


This wonderful Custom Search Integration extension helps to add Google CSE to your eCommerce website. Furthermore, it can enhance search functionality for your site. In addition, your SEO can also benefit from this module!

Highlighted features:

  • Improve your Google search results with images
  • Allow set up Search Engine Unique ID
  • Enable Autocomplete feature to accelerate queries even faster
  • Support Multiple store view

Price: $79

Wrapping Up

In this post, BSS Commerce has compiled the top 25+ best Magento 2 SEO extensions that can improve your website performance and get more new customers for your business. There’s no difficulty in finding Magento SEO Plugins/Extensions in the market. However, the most suitable one will support you best in enhancing your website SEO effort, leading to higher customer satisfaction and engagement. 

BSS Commerce is one of the leading Multi-platform eCommerce solutions and web development services providers in the world. With experienced and certified developers, we commit to bringing high-quality products and services to optimize your business effectively.

CONTACT NOW to let us know your problems. We are willing to support you every time.

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