On Shopify, countdown timers boost sales by encouraging swift action from potential customers before time runs out. This piece will examine Shopify countdown timers, their roles, and methods of installing them. Additionally, it highlights the top 3 Shopify countdown timer apps to increase your Shopify sale­s.

What is Shopify Countdown Timer?

Shopify countdown timer

A countdown timer is a digital clock that begins counting down from a certain date or number. This points to the start or end of a specific event.

These countdown timers are now also incorporated into the checkout process, previously confine­d to landing pages. The role of a countdown timer is to introduce a time urgency, re­minding customers that time is limited.

Additionally, companies utilize countdown timers for making notifications about a period left before commencing a sale or any other offer sensitive in regards to time. The method stimulates people’s natural desire for more information, which makes them want more.

Benefits of Shopify Countdown Timer

Considering this, what reasons may there be to include a countdown timer for your website?

Initiate a sense of urgency

Countdown timers prove to be incredibly effective in generating an initial sense of urgency. These timepieces, promine­ntly displayed with a ticking clock, serve as a powerful reminder to visitors about time-limite­d offers, flash sales, or limited product availability. The­ immediate and pressing nature­ of this urgency compels potential custome­rs to swiftly take action, resulting in a significant boost in conversions. When shoppers perceive­ a limited timeframe for an offe­r, they are more like­ly to make prompt purchase decisions.

Fear of missing out

Countdown timers utilize a powerful psychological trigger called the­ fear of missing out (FOMO). When individuals observe­ the ticking timer on a deal or promotion, it instills a se­nse of urgency and exclusivity, compe­lling them to make a purchase. This fe­ar-driven impulse can greatly e­nhance your conversion rates, as it taps into the­ innate human desire to se­ize a great opportunity before­ it slips away.

Enhances the value of the product

Countdown timers possess an extraordinary capability to enhance the perceived value of your merchandise. By highlighting their limited availability, exclusivity, and urgency to make a purchase, clients are inclined to understand them as quite sought-after gadgets. The concept of time ticking away can render your products more attractive and suitable, ultimately driving sales and fostering consumer interaction.

Ease of work

Countdown timer apps are designed to be person-pleasant, making them accessible to proprietors with varying technical expertise. You can without difficulty personalize and configure these apps to maintain your brand’s branding and design, and most do not require any coding capabilities.

This ease of use ensures that you can enforce countdown timers effectively without a steep learning curve. Whether you’re a pro eCommerce expert or new to the world of online retail, these apps provide an easy way to incorporate the power of countdown timers into your Shopify store.

How to Add a Countdown Timer for Shopify?

how to add shopify countdown timer

There are two techniques to add a Shopify countdown timer: through coding or by way of the usage of a Shopify app. Therefore, in relation to including a countdown timer in your Shopify save, one approach is adapted to people who are proficient in coding, even though the alternative is designed for non-coding marketers. Let’s explore both alternatives:

Add Countdown Timer Using Code

This method is appropriate for merchants who are careful with coding. It necessitates familiarity with HTML for growing the timer’s shape, CSS for styling, and JavaScript for functionality. Additionally, guide editing of the timer code is needed each time you wish to trade the date or time.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Open your Shopify admin and go to Online Store > Themes.
  2. Select a topic to edit, then click on the 3 dots (•••) > Edit code.
  3. In the Snippets folder, create a new snippet.
  4. Name the file countdown timer.
  5. Copy and paste the subsequent code into the brand new snippet.
  6. Save the adjustments and publish the sales countdown timer.

{% if end_date != blank %}

 <div class=”timer”>

   {% if title != blank %}<h4 class=”timer__title”>{{ title }}</h4>{% endif %}

   <div class=”timer-display”>

     <div class=”timer-block”>

      <span class=”timer-block__num js-timer-days”>00</span>

       <span class=”timer-block__unit”>Days</span>


     <div class=”timer-block”>

       <span class=”timer-block__num js-timer-hours”>00</span>

       <span class=”timer-block__unit”>Hours</span>


     <div class=”timer-block”>

       <span class=”timer-block__num js-timer-minutes”>00</span>

       <span class=”timer-block__unit”>Minutes</span>


     <div class=”timer-block”>

       <span class=”timer-block__num js-timer-seconds”>00</span>

       <span class=”timer-block__unit”>Seconds</span>





   .timer {

     background: #f6fafd;

     padding: 10px;

     margin: 10px 0;


   .timer–expired {

     display: none;


   .timer__title {

     @extend .paragraph;

     text-align: center;


   .timer-display {

     display: -webkit-box;

     display: -ms-flexbox;

     display: flex;

     -ms-flex-wrap: wrap;

     flex-wrap: wrap;

     -webkit-box-pack: justify;

         -ms-flex-pack: justify;

             justify-content: space-between;

     margin-top: 5px;


  .timer-block {

     position: relative;

     width: 25%;

     padding: 0 10px;

     &:not(:last-child):after {

       content: ‘:’;

       position: absolute;

       right: 0;

       top: 3px;




   .timer-block__unit {

     display: block;

     text-align: center;



 <script type=”text/javascript”>

   var second = 1000,

     minute = second * 60,

    hour = minute * 60,

    day = hour * 24;

   var countDown = new Date(‘{{- end_date -}}’).getTime(),

       x = setInterval(function() {

       var now = new Date().getTime(),

           distance = countDown – now;

     document.querySelector(‘.js-timer-days’).innerText = Math.floor(distance / (day)),

     document.querySelector(‘.js-timer-hours’).innerText = Math.floor((distance % (day)) / (hour)),

     document.querySelector(‘.js-timer-minutes’).innerText = Math.floor((distance % (hour)) / (minute)),

     document.querySelector(‘.js-timer-seconds’).innerText = Math.floor((distance % (minute)) / second);

    }, second)


 {% endif %}

To show the Shopify countdown timer, use the following code snippet for your subject matter, ensuring that you regulate the date to your desired countdown date:

Add Shopify countdowntimer by using code

Advantages of adding a timer by using code:

  • Customization: You have full control over the design and functionality of the countdown timer.
  • Affordability: You won’t want to pay for third-party apps if you can force them yourself.
  • Faster load instances: code-primarily-based solutions tend to be lighter and faster as compared to third-party apps.

Disadvantages of adding a timer by using code:

  • Technical knowledge required: You want to be familiar with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Time-consuming: Creating a countdown timer from the ground up could take a lot of time.
  • Maintenance: You’ll want to frequently update the timer code as soon as it is in the region.

Add Shopify Countdown Timer Using Apps

The simplest way to incorporate an income countdown timer bar or an embedded banner in your Shopify is by means of the use of a Shopify countdown timer app. All you want to do is deploy the app, and you will have access to various capabilities that could create an experience of urgency and, in turn, increase your income.

Step-by-step instructions:

  1. Visit the Shopify App Store and set up a Shopify app that includes a countdown timer.
  2. Configure the timer settings, including the countdown kind, timer fashion, messaging, and behavior.
  3. Add the timer to the particular page where you need it to appear, whether it’s a product web page, an ordinary page, or a set web page.
  4. Preview the timer to make certain it seems as predicted, after which keep your modifications.

That’s all there is to it! Adding an income countdown timer is a trustworthy technique while using the Shopify app.

Advantages of adding a timer with Shopify app:

  • Easy setup: You do not need technical understanding to feature an app.
  • Time-efficient: Much faster compared to coding; just a few clicks are required.
  • Regular updates: Ensures the right functionality and compatibility with Shopify.
  • User-friendly interface: Intuitive interfaces make it easy to set up and manage the timer.

Disadvantages of adding a timer with Shopify app:

  • Advanced features may additionally require paid plans.
  • Limited management over layout and functionality as compared to coding it yourself..

Top 3 Best Shopify Countdown Timer Apps To Grow Sales

Now, let’s discover the top 3 Shopify countdown timer apps that provide functions to force sales to boom.

#1 Essential Countdown Timer Bar

Essential Countdown Timer Bar is a valuable & top-rated free Shopify countdown timer that could help companies of all sizes boost income and improve conversions. By incorporating countdown timers into your save, you may correctly trigger client motion and force a boom in income, making it a vital addition to your Shopify toolkit.

essential coutndown timer bar - shopify countdown timer app

Pricing: The app offers various pricing plans, such as a 7-day free trial. Merchants can pick from various subscription alternatives to suit their needs:

  • Free plan
  • Starter: $6.99/month
  • Essential: $9.99/month
  • Professional: $29.99/month

Key features:

  • Strategically use countdown clocks to increase purchases by creating a sense of urgency.
  • Choose from 20 pre-made countdown timer patterns to match the style of your store.
  • Shopify Countdown timer patterns that are very adjustable to match your branding and design
  • Easily integrates with the newest Shopify themes.
  • Direct integration is possible within the Shopify admin.

#2 Hextom: Countdown Timer Bar

The Hextom Shopify Countdown Timer Bar app gives businesses the ability to increase sales by giving their sales events a strong sense of urgency. This app offers a flexible solution to improve client interaction and your marketing tactics with its comprehensive targeting and customization capabilities. Hextom’s Countdown Timer Bar may revolutionize your Shopify business, regardless of whether you’re organizing special events or operating flash deals.

Hextom - shopify countdown timer app

Pricing: Hextom provides 2 pricing options, ranging from a free plan to a premium plan that includes more advanced capabilities.

  • Free plan
  • Premium plan: $9.99/month

Key Features:

  • To increase sales and conversions, instill a sense of urgency and a fear of missing out.
  • Provides a range of timer types to suit various sales occasions, such as one-time, auto-recurring, daily, and weekly timers.
  • For customized marketing, advanced targeting options such as geolocation, customer, page, product, and device targeting are available.
  • Sales events may be easily scheduled in advance, which is perfect for holidays like Black Friday.
  • Complete customization with options to fit your brand for rotation, motion, backdrop images, and styles
  • Eliminates the need for coding by providing user-friendly configuration support for all pages.

#3 Countdown Timer Ultimate

Businesses trying to instill a sense of urgency and boost sales will find Countdown Timer Ultimate to be an adaptable tool. It’s appropriate for a range of sales events and promotions because of its configurable designs and scheduling choices. With the aid of this countdown timer Shopify app, you can optimize the potential of your Shopify store, regardless of whether you’re doing time-limited flash discounts or special day sales.

Countdown Timer Ultimate - shopify countdown timer app

Pricing: A 3-day free trial and a premium plan with more sophisticated capabilities are among the variable price choices offered by the app.

  • Free plan: customizable product timers
  • Premium plan ($3.99/month): extra timers, quick assistance, and personalized actions when timers expire.

Key Features:

  • For marketing and sales needs, there are lovely and customizable designs for product countdown timers.
  • Highlights the short window of opportunity for customers to take advantage of discounts, hence increasing sales conversion.
  • Provides seven distinct primary design timer styles, customizable animation kinds, and a variety of color options to fit your theme.
  • Offers a variety of time scheduling options, such as weekly timers, repeating timers, timers for specified periods, and new timers for new users.
  • Enables you to conditionally display timers on products based on certain tags, during sales, for items that are out of stock, or throughout the entire website.

The Final Words

In conclusion, the Shopify Countdown Timer is undeniably one of the best solutions to boost your online sales and create a sense of urgency among your customers. With its ability to drive conversions, increase engagement, and enhance the overall shopping experience, this tool is a must-have for any e-commerce business looking to stay competitive in the digital marketplace. Whether you’re running flash sales, promoting limited-time offers, or simply trying to captivate your audience, the Shopify Countdown Timer can make a significant difference.

We sincerely hope that this blog will help you create the ideal Shopify Countdown Timer for your virtual store. Please visit BSS Commerce Shopify for further details or to learn more about eCommerce.

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