BSSCommerce Magento 2 Extension Update – February 2022

by Chloé Nguyen

Dear valued customers, 

We hope you are all doing well and have a great start to 2022!

This February 2022 is such a fruitful time for our Magento 2 extension updates. And, as always, we now want to inform you of all of our upgrades, improvements and new features. 

In brief, in this monthly update, our BSS Commerce team has fixed many issues and bugs on our products, upgrading the functionalities and compatibility with Magento version 2.3.5, etc. 

Let’s take a journey with us to have a detailed look at what we’ve done for BSSCommerce Magento 2 Extensions Updates in February 2022 NOW!

magento 2 extension updates

1. Administration 

1.1. Magento 2 Guest to Customer v1.1.5: Fix Undefined variable – customerData when placing order.

1.2. Magento 2 Catalog Price Rule per Store View v1.1.2 CE: Update area GraphQl API.

1.3. Magento 2 Import Export Category v1.0.9: Fix bug – Undefined index export.

1.4. Magento 2 GeoIP Switch Store Extension v1.4.1: Fix issue Call to a member function getId() is null.

2. Order Management 

2.1. Magento 2 Admin Payment Method v1.0.2: Fix composer vendor name to indifferent with GitHub name.

2.2. Magento 2 Price per Customer v1.0.6: Update code to compatible with third-party extension using the slider. Update reindex logic after saving product and customer. Fix issue cannot search the customer name.

2.3. Magento 2 Auto Cancel Order v1.0.7: Fix issue button Apply Now run after cron.

3. Product Improvement 

3.1. Magento 2 Configurable Product Matrix View v1.1.8: Fix bug increasing server load when enabling the module. Update compatible with M2.3.5

3.2. Magento 2 Simple Details on Configurable Product v1.3.4: Fix issue can not update/remove items in the checkout cart; v1.3.3: Fix bug Add to Cart action for configurable child product compatible with MSI.

>>> CHECK OUT NOW 140+ free and premium Magento 2 extensions to boost up the functionality of your online store!

4. B2B Extensions

4.1. Magento Request for Quote v1.2.0. 

– Fix not change Shipping & Handling (Flat Rate – Fixed) when changing qty item in frontend quote. 

– Support Add quote from wishlist page. 

– Fix not submit request4quote when a site has storeviews(before Install module or disable module has created new storeview). 

– Fix Jquery compact Fallback. 

– Fix the wrong quote email template sent to the customer. 

– Fix not update region when updating quote (request for quote submited).

– Fix synchronizing display “created at” date in frontend quote detail page. 

– Fix backend quote Expired Day to be compatible with admin interface locale. 

– Fix display in quote detail, grid manage quote, when email customer change. 

– Compatible print PDF quote in the frontend with Magento 2.4.3. 

– Fix bug view backend quote detail after deleting the customer. 

– Allow admin and customer to delete quotes. 

– Fix bug when creating new address while updating the quote. 

– Optimize code: Fix phpcs, phpmd 

– Change tax for a quote when changing the configs: change customer group, 

– New config: Auto change quote price when changing customer group 

– Fix not filter customer id and customer email in grid manage quote 

– Fix Security when updating requests for quotes.

5. User Experience 

5.1. Magento 2 Quick Order v1.3.8: Fix bug showing notification “SKU does not match or do not exist on the site” while adding product to the Fast order form. Fix bug translating the top menu. Fix bug when entering “space” to the fast order form.

5.2. Magento 2 Infinite Scroll v1.1.6: Fix bug not showing tooltip color name/image when hovering swatch option (full Magento version). Fix bug showing number of items in category page after adding at least 1 product to cart.

6. Checkout 

6.1. Magento 2 Minimum Order Amount For Customer Group v1.1.4: Fix issue showing backend message while disabling the module.

7. Sales Motivation

7.1. Magento 2 Popup v1.1.5: Compatible Preview function with Magento version 2.3.5 and above.


*Note: The latest version of the BSSCommerce extension is available on your account.

Please login to your account and go to My Downloadable Products to get the link to update the version on your site.

Besides manually installing Magento 2 extensions via SSH, we also support installing via composer.

Advantages Of Using Composer:

  • Quick installation
  • Easy management
  • Synchronization with Marketplace

Please take a look at our guide for composer installation support:

If you have any questions or require any assistance, please feel free to contact us.

We are always willing to support you.

For more reference, see our Magento 2 Extension Update in January 2022.

Next Reading Suggestions

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Business registration certificate no. 0106064469 issued by Hanoi Department of Planning and Investment on 19 December 2019.
Legal Representative: Mr. Nguyen Quang Trung.