Adding Shopify social media integration to your Shopify store is an important aspect of any successful online business. It allows you to connect with customers and drive traffic back to your website from major social platforms. There are two main methods for incorporating social media presented here – including icons directly on your store, and linking profiles to enable automated sharing of content. Both options are very straightforward to configure through Shopify’s admin panel.

Keep following this article below by BSS Commerce Shopify to know more about how to add social media to Shopify.

How to Add Social Media to Shopify Store

Adding social icons connects customers to your brand across networks. Shopify offers easy icon inclusion via the theme customizer, checking allowed profiles and auto-inserting buttons.

Alternatively, icons can be manually added by uploading assets and inserting code. Positioned well, social buttons help visitors follow your business with a single click. Icons increase engagement while offering an effortless way for browsers to connect with your brand through their preferred social channels like Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

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How to add social media to Shopify – By using the Shopify Theme Editor

Step 1: Logging into Shopify

Commence the process by logging into your Shopify account, using your unique login credentials. Once logged in, you’ll be directed to the Shopify Merchant Dashboard, your central hub for making backend modifications, including the addition of a domain and the creation of a Shopify collection page.

Step 2: Navigating to Theme Customization

On the Shopify Merchant Dashboard, locate the “Online Store” section in the left-hand sidebar. Click on “Themes” in this section. All steps will be done fast and easier if you use Eurus Theme. On the Themes page, identify and click on the currently published theme for your store. You’ll find “Actions” and “Customize” buttons on the right side—click on “Customize.”

Step 3: Theme Editing

This action will take you to the Theme Editor, where you can make a spectrum of theme adjustments. Bypass other customization options and find “Theme settings.” Click on this option to proceed.

Step 4: Managing Theme Settings

Within the Theme Editor, locate and select the “Social Media” option. This is where you’ll manage settings related to the incorporation of social media elements into your theme.

Step 5: Adding Social Media Icons to Shopify

On the Social Media settings page, explore the left sidebar until you find the “Social Accounts” heading. Under this section, you’ll encounter empty text fields designated for the URLs of your social media profiles. Here’s an example:

  • Facebook: [Paste your Facebook URL here]
  • Twitter: [Paste your Twitter URL here]
  • Instagram: [Paste your Instagram URL here]

Copy the URLs from your corresponding social media accounts and insert them into the respective text bars. Verify the accuracy of the URLs before proceeding.

How to add social media to Shopify add icons

Once you’ve added the social media URLs, hit the “Save” button at the bottom of the editor to preserve your changes. Now, visit your store’s URL. How to add social media links to Shopify footer? The social media icons should be visible at the bottom of your store within the theme footer. Test the icons by clicking on them to ensure they are functioning as intended.

How to add social media to Shopify – Add Social Media to Shopify by Coding

If you don’t know how to add social media icons to Shopify header or footer, this method requires some coding skills to manually insert social media icons. Useful when the theme does not support automatic symbol combination methods.

Step 1: Login to your Shopify account

First, import your unique login information into your Shopify account.

Step 2: Go to the Themes section

Once inside, look to the left and then go to the “Online Store” section. Scroll down and click on the “Themes” tab.

Step 3: Add social media assets

Inside the theme page you will find an “Assets” folder – this contains all the visual assets of your theme. Click on it and select the “Add new asset” button to upload your icon files, such as your Facebook logo in PNG format.

Step 4: Insert the Icon Code

Let’s paste the code snippet once you know where you want the icon to appear in the title code (such as the footer or header).

Find the filename of the social media icon property you uploaded earlier, such as “facebook-button.png”. Then add the code below where you want the icon to appear:

{{ ‘facebook-button.png’ | asset_url | link_to: ‘’, ‘Follow our journey on Facebook’ }}

You need to be sure to replace:

  • ‘facebook-button.png’ with the actual icon asset filename ‘’ with the URL of your Facebook page
  • You can also change the link text (“Follow our journey on Facebook”) to something more suitable for your business.

Step 5: Save and Review

The code is inserted with the correct details, then click “Save” to keep your changes.

The next step is to check out your live site. With any luck, the social media icon you added should now be proudly displayed, making it easy for visitors to engage with your business on Facebook. And that’s all it takes – it’s a simple process to manually add these helpful icons.

How to Link Social Media Accounts to Shopify

How to add social media links to Shopify store is the problem many businesses concern about. Linking social media accounts to a Shopify store allows automated posts to multiple networks simultaneously. This is done through either the theme settings’ social sharing options or dedicated social media apps.

By checking boxes in settings or connecting profiles via apps, all new blog articles or product updates can now be seamlessly published to linked Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram accounts directly from the store dashboard. This boosts social reach and online visibility for the business.

Post across all platforms

Step 1: Log in to Shopify

First, log into your Shopify admin dashboard by entering your unique login details.

Step 2: Go to Theme Settings

Next, navigate to the “Online Store” section in the left sidebar. Under this section, select “Themes” to view your theme options.

How to add social media to Shopify icons

Locate your currently published theme and click the “Customize” button next to it. This will open up your theme settings.

From here, click on the “Theme Settings” option to access all configuration settings.

Step 3: Check social media accounts

Now select “Social Media” from the left menu. Then choose “Social Accounts” to see your linked profiles.

You’ll notice a “Social Sharing Options” section. Click on this to view the posting controls for each network.

Simply check the boxes next to all the networks you wish to automatically share new blog posts and content to.

Uncheck any networks you don’t want to use for automated sharing.

Finally, click “Save” to apply your selections. Going forward, any new content can now be simultaneously published to all checked social profiles directly from your Shopify store.

Integrate the Shopify store with Social Media accounts

This method allows you to connect Shopify directly to platforms like Facebook and Instagram for cross-promotion.

Step 1: Log into your Shopify Admin

Log into your Shopify admin dashboard at using your login credentials.

Step 2: Browse Available Apps

Select “Apps” from the left sidebar under “Settings”. Browse hundreds of apps that integrate with Shopify.

Step 3: Install a Social Integration App

Search for an app like “Meta for Shopify”. Read its description and install it by clicking the blue “Install” button.

Step 4: Follow App Setup Screens

The app will guide you through authentication and configuration. Study each screen carefully and fill required details.

Step 5: Connect Social Profiles

Click “Connect” to log into your Facebook/Instagram business profiles. Grant the app necessary permissions to sync with Shopify.

Step 6: Locate Sales Channel Section

Scroll down the left sidebar and select “Sales Channels”. View configured sales avenues for your store.

Step 7: Access Facebook Sales Channel

Here, locate the “Facebook” section and click on it to set up Facebook integration.

Step 8: Create a Facebook Business Profile

Follow the prompts to create a new Facebook Shop, or link an existing profile to your Shopify store.

Step 9: Complete Authentication

Fill in the credentials to authenticate the connection. Review the steps and click “Finish Setup”.

Once complete, your eligible Shopify products and blogs can now be seamlessly promoted through Facebook and Instagram from within Shopify.

✨✨✨  Check out: Facebook & Instagram App

>> Read more: Add Facebook Pixel on Shopify: All To Know

Benefits of Social Media to Your Store

It is highly beneficial for Shopify stores to utilize Shopify social media integration. Add social media to Shopify allows businesses to directly promote their products to a vast online audience. Engaging posts on platforms help drive traffic back to stores while simultaneously growing brand awareness. Increased engagement via sharing further amplifies visibility.

Active participation provides valuable customer insights to improve the offerings as well. Shopify social media integration also provides real-time support and helps cultivate email lists to nurture future sales. These platforms effectively multiply a store’s presence, interactions, and transactions in the online business space.

>> Explore more: How Shopify Social Commerce is Revolutionizing Online Business?

How to add social media to shopify

Build Your Social Media Profiles for Shopify Store

It’s important to set up your social media accounts properly before accessing the Shopify store. You should take the time to fill in all the important details of each profile such as your business name, website URL, and contact information. Make sure your branding stays consistent across platforms as well. Remember to only use colors, graphics and tones that are representative of your store. Also, take advantage of any special features websites offer.

For example, set up an Instagram Shop or Facebook Shop page. Once your profile adequately reflects your business and products, the integration process can simplify how you promote on social media. Connecting your custom accounts to Shopify will help you manage them more efficiently by driving traffic back to your online store. This solid social media foundation will set you up for marketing and sales success.

>> Discover more: 5 Pillars of Social Media Marketing for Shopify Stores


In conclusion, both of these social media addition techniques offer Shopify sellers low-effort ways to gain valuable promotional coverage. The theme customizer method streamlines the process while uploading assets provides more personalization control. No matter which approach is taken, the result for business owners is expanded discoverability and engagement opportunities across major networks.

Shopify social media integration helps connect prospects to shop listings, drive sales, and grow communities of brand advocates. Knowing how to add social media to Shopify is your benefit. It gives customers convenient, familiar avenues to follow new product launches or sales. Implementing at least one of these two simple methods will help any online store take its visibility and connections to new heights.

Partnering with BSS Commerce means unlocking the full potential of Shopify’s robust features and capabilities while enjoying personalized support every step of the way. Trust us to seamlessly migrate your online store to Shopify, enabling you to focus on what truly matters—growing your business. Experience a seamless transition with BSS Commerce’s Shopify Migration Services today.

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