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Magento 2 Product Tags

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Trusted by customers from our ecosystem:
Magento 2

NOTE: This module is being maintained and is not currently for sale. We are sorry for this inconvenience!

The Magento 2 Product Tag is a feature that was missing from the Magento 2 eCommerce platform. It's now been developed by BSS Commerce to help brands organize their products more efficiently and help customers find related items.

The default Magento 2 is missing a feature, which makes many customers request us to bring this function from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Therefore, we have developed the Magento 2 Product Tags extension to help you find related products faster, keep customers longer, and make purchases!

  • Create new tags for single products or multiple products.
  • Place tags at product detail pages as wished.
  • Use meta keywords as tags if possible.
  • Customize product tags at different store views.


  • Compatible with Hyva Theme
  • Compatible with PHP 8.1
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x

NOTE: This module is being maintained and is not currently for sale. We are sorry for this inconvenience!

The Magento 2 Product Tag is a feature that was missing from the Magento 2 eCommerce platform. It's now been developed by BSS Commerce to help brands organize their products more efficiently and help customers find related items.

The default Magento 2 is missing a feature, which makes many customers request us to bring this function from Magento 1 to Magento 2. Therefore, we have developed the Magento 2 Product Tags extension to help you find related products faster, keep customers longer, and make purchases!

  • Create new tags for single products or multiple products.
  • Place tags at product detail pages as wished.
  • Use meta keywords as tags if possible.
  • Customize product tags at different store views.


  • Compatible with Hyva Theme
  • Compatible with PHP 8.1
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x



1-Year Support


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How Necessary Are Product Tags in Magento 2?

When it comes to shopping, tags are the fastest way for your customers to find the right product. If you’re looking for a specific type of color, trend or occasion, tags can help you quickly find what you’re looking for.

Magento 2 Product tags extensionThe Best Tags extension for magento 2
Create unlimited product tags for magento 2 websiteEasily create and manage product tags on magento website

Product Tags is a feature designed to find the gap between stores and customer desires while helping you effectively create more "touch points" between your products and customers. Product tags could appear on many related products, leading customers from one product to others under the same taste.

This way, your store might increases the chance of conversion rate significantly.

Frontend Capabilities of Product Tags for Magento

Easy-to-see position

With our Plugin, admins can create a new section on the product page called “Popular Tags” to show your customers’ most used tags. For example, if the most popular ones are “blue,” “green,” and “red,” they will be displayed right above the short description section.

Indeed, you can change the name of this section in the backend, we set it as “Popular” here, for example.

 The best magento product tags extensioncreate multiple tags per product

Give customers “a full plate” of choices

When shoppers click on a tag, they will be taken to a page that displays similar items under the same tag along with all created ones. The page can show off your inventory and help customers find products they’d love to add to their orders.

It’s possible that admins can add related products of the same genre or character and create a list of items that look appealing to consumers, which might increase sales for more profits.

Magento 2 product tags extension| Manage tags page easilymagento 2 product tags extension | Create tags for each store view

Backend Functions of Magento 2 Product Tags Extension


On the other hand, Magento 2 Product Tags also add many additional functions to satisfy your need to customize and manage these tags effectively. Our extension allows you to:


  • Tag one or multiple products by Tags management.

If you want to make it faster by tagging multiple products of the same characteristic at one, then it’s possible to do! You can easily create a tag in Tags Management, then add tags to a single product or multiple products as wished.


  • Tag one product right from the Product details page.

If you want to tag one product instantly, just go to the “product tags” section under a product details page. These tags added here work independently from tags created from the tags management and will not be listed in Tags management.


  • Use meta keywords as tags.

Besides, you can cut down on adding tags time by using the meta keywords. If you turn on this configuration, the extension will automatically use meta keywords of all products as product tags. Remember that these meta keywords function more like suggestions to admin than actual tags created by people who understand your product.


  • Customize tags to different store views.

In reality, many sites sell products in multiple languages, so you have to prepare different tags for products in each store view. Our Magento Product Tags extension supports this requirement fully, and you can have one product with different tags in each store view.

Do you think of any tag for your product? We believe that this is an easy way to help you who have developed or created your product lines. If you're thinking of several tag ideas, then go ahead, try our module and tag your products right now.

Purchase to win FREE installation, lifetime updates and 1-year support!

Why BSS Magento 2 Product Tags

Competitive Price

Every merchant needs to survive – we do understand. That’s why we keep the price as low as possible.

Dedicated Support

We are all ears to your problems, either with our extensions or customizations. FREE 1-year support is included.

Open Source

The source code is completely open to inspect, modify and enhance according to your business purposes.

Qualified Code

We have developed a validation tool to ensure that every piece of code follows Magento coding standards.

High Compability

Our modules work well with each other. Even you want ours to be compatible with those of others. We are here to help

Simple installation

We simplify and clarify the installation process, so you can get the extension played for your website in clicks.

Quick Update

Your business and customers’ demands are ever-changing. Our extensions are also up-to-date with new features.

Business expert

Our certified experts get involved from the extension development to support to bring you efficient and budget solutions.

Easy to Use

No need to install bunches of redundant features. We select the most relevant functions to ensure the user-friendliness.

Hear from others

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  • Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

    Yes. You can install Magento 2 extensions via Composer following the instruction here.

  • How to send customization request for this extension?


    Just drop us an email to or contact us.

    We'd like to offer customization service for all BSS Commerce extensions and any third-party extensions.

Release Note
  • v1.0.6 (Dec 12, 2022): Update compatible with PHP8.1, Magento 2.4.4. Fix bug: Errors in the backend. Fix adding tags logic in Catalog > Product Tags.
  • v1.0.5 (Oct 28, 2022): Fix bug error lower text. Fix bug: "Error Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'router_tag' in 'where clause'" and "Error not showing input Tag key in backend tags edit form". Fix bug module affects the memory. Optimize create/update product tags/product logic with many products. Fix bug not redirect to product tag page when clicking on a tag. Fix bug follow default router when entering customized router. Fix issue js grid i console.
  • Hyva theme compatible: V1.0.0 (Aug 24, 2022): First release.
  • v1.0.4 (Nov 27, 2020): Update adding config "Customize Router". Fix bug unseen tags on the product detail pages. Update compatible with Magento 2.3.5 EE and Magento 2.4.0.
  • v1.0.3 (Jul 09, 2020): Fix bug with upper case letter tags; Change logic of tag key; Add detailed notification message when cache flushed
  • v1.0.1 (Oct 17, 2019): Fix bug when using config use Meta Keywords as Tags
  • v1.0.0 (Mar 30, 2019): First Release
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