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Magento 2 Minimum Quantity of Configurable Product

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Minimum Quantity Of Configurable Product is an additional feature for Magento 2 that allows admin to set a minimum quantity of configurable products as the compulsory condition when customers go to checkout.

Magento 2 Configurable Product Minimum Quantity Extension is the ultimate solution for store owners who want their customers to be required to order configurable products with a base quantity.

  • Set the minimum quantity allowed in the shopping cart for a specific configurable product.
  • Tailor messages to notified customers of the minimum quantity requirement.


  • Support REST API
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7 & PHP 8.2


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x

Minimum Quantity Of Configurable Product is an additional feature for Magento 2 that allows admin to set a minimum quantity of configurable products as the compulsory condition when customers go to checkout.

Magento 2 Configurable Product Minimum Quantity Extension is the ultimate solution for store owners who want their customers to be required to order configurable products with a base quantity.

  • Set the minimum quantity allowed in the shopping cart for a specific configurable product.
  • Tailor messages to notified customers of the minimum quantity requirement.


  • Support REST API
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7 & PHP 8.2


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x



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The default Magento allows setting the minimum quantity allowed in the shopping cart for a specific configurable product and its associated products. But these functions turn out not working as they must be.

The Solution To Set Minimum Quantity For Configurable Product!

Our Magento 2 Configurable Product Minimum Order Quantity extension works exactly like its name. In the shopping cart, customers can proceed to checkout only if the units of the configurable meet the minimum quantity requirement.

Minimum Order Quantity of Configurable Product in Magento 2

The Amazing Power of Quantity Of Configurable Product

Save additional costs effectively

Obviously, some products can’t be sold in small quantities for the sake of additional costs such as shipping or packaging fee.

Thus, Magento Min Quantity Configurable Product is the most effective tool to stimulate customers to order in bulks. It will help store owners save additional costs and increase profits.

Encourage customers to purchase a large order

To target specific configurable products for B2B selling, you must set a base quantity of items allowed to add to the shopping cart. It will encourage wholesalers and retailers to buy a large number to at least reach the minimum quantity for checkout.

MOQ (Minimum-Order-Quantity) doesn’t only help you earn big money, but it also brings another amazing benefit: Security of Cash Flow. By implementing an MOQ, you can ensure and maybe even can improve your cash flow.

That’s why Minimum Quantity extention is a must-have Magento Plugins in your store.

Top Features of Magento 2 Configurable Product Minimum Quantity

Apply minimum quantity for specific configurable products

On the configurable product edit page, we add a new field named Minimum Quantity of CP Allowed in Shopping Cart where you can define a specific minimum quantity.

Other default functions remain unchanged.

Set minimum quantity for all configurable products

To save time and effort when it comes to minimum order settings, you can set one minimum requirement for all configurable products.

The small malfunction in configurable minimum quantity not only causes a bad user experience but it ruins your minimum order quantity strategy.

As we mentioned above, MOQ (Minimum-Order-Quantity) is an important factor which can bring you a lot of benefits.

Show an error message to notify the minimum quantity required

The admin can tailor a message to inform customers of the configurable minimum quantity.

In the shopping cart, if the quantity is less than the requirement:

  • The alert message is shown.
  • The checkout button is hidden.
  • Install Minimum Quantity of Configurable Product Now!

Set a base order quantity - Get the base for your business growing. Install Magento 2 Minimum Quantity Of Configurable Product NOW!

Why BSS Magento 2 Minimum Quantity of Configurable Product

Competitive Price

Every merchant needs to survive – we do understand. That’s why we keep the price as low as possible.

Dedicated Support

We are all ears to your problems, either with our extensions or customizations. FREE 1-year support is included.

Open Source

The source code is completely open to inspect, modify and enhance according to your business purposes.

Verified by Marketplace

No worries about the code. This extension has passed the strict Extension Quality Program & been listed on Marketplace.

High Compability

Our modules work well with each other. Even you want ours to be compatible with those of others. We are here to help

Simple installation

We simplify and clarify the installation process, so you can get the extension played for your website in clicks.

Quick Update

Your business and customers’ demands are ever-changing. Our extensions are also up-to-date with new features.

Business expert

Our certified experts get involved from the extension development to support to bring you efficient and budget solutions.

Easy to Use

No need to install bunches of redundant features. We select the most relevant functions to ensure the user-friendliness.

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  • Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

    Yes. You can install Magento 2 extensions via Composer following the instruction here.

  • How to send customization request for this extension?


    Just drop us an email to sales@bsscommerce.com or contact us.

    We'd like to offer customization service for all BSS Commerce extensions and any third-party extensions.

Release Note
  • v1.0.9 (Sep 22, 2023): Update: Add validation for field Minimum Qty of Configurable Product
  • v1.0.8 (Jun 13, 2023): Update: REST API support
  • v1.0.7 (Jun 7, 2022): Fix bug Dicompile: PHP version 8.1/Magento version 2.4.4. Convert file InstallSchema into db_schema.
  • v1.0.6 (Jan 27, 2022): Remove configs from child Configuration Product. Fix text display error when save product. Fix bug generate alt text fail. Add min quantity notification in each frontend configurable product page. Fix bug undefined index when saving scheduled update.
  • v1.0.5 (Jun 03, 2021): Remove popup and show message on cart page
  • v1.0.4 (Apr 05, 2019): Fix validation issue on cart page
  • v1.0.3 (Dec 18, 2018): Compatible with Magento 2.2.7
  • v1.0.2 (Jan 09, 2018): Compatible with Magento 2.2
  • v1.0.1 (Jul 28, 2017): Fix Manage Stock = No issue
  • v1.0.0 (Jul 12, 2017): First Release
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