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Magento 2 Product Questions

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Product Question is an extra feature for Magento 2 that allows customers to raise their questions on the product page from the frontend. This is a very beneficial feature because understanding and answering customer concerns are the keys to business growth.

Magento 2 Product Question extension is a chance for you to figure out all your customers’ concerns about the product and solve them immediately.

  • Allow customers to add questions on the product page
  • Restrict the customer group to add questions
  • Freely customize question form
  • Manage Q&A through mass actions
  • Display Q&A on the product page and my account page

Tips: Answering your customers’ needs has never been so easy with ChatGPT for Magento 2!


  • Compatible with PHP 8.1
  • Compatible with Hyva theme




Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x

Product Question is an extra feature for Magento 2 that allows customers to raise their questions on the product page from the frontend. This is a very beneficial feature because understanding and answering customer concerns are the keys to business growth.

Magento 2 Product Question extension is a chance for you to figure out all your customers’ concerns about the product and solve them immediately.

  • Allow customers to add questions on the product page
  • Restrict the customer group to add questions
  • Freely customize question form
  • Manage Q&A through mass actions
  • Display Q&A on the product page and my account page

Tips: Answering your customers’ needs has never been so easy with ChatGPT for Magento 2!


  • Compatible with PHP 8.1
  • Compatible with Hyva theme




Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x


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Magento 2 Product Questions

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All Customers’ Concerns About Products Should Be Satisfied!

One of the things you should always do for your customers: giving them a satisfying answer or solution to all their questions. By doing that, you can interact with your customers as a dedicated friend. Thereby, the user experience and brand trust of your store are both improved.

Moreover, Q&A is regarded as an ideal way to enrich the content of an online product. That’s where you give your customers such helpful information that you can’t show in the product description section. Instead of replying to the same question to each customer, the shop owner just needs to answer once, and all customers can deeply understand the product.

The default Magento doesn’t support the necessary function of allowing customers to send their questions. Fortunately, you can easily add Magento 2 Questions And Answers to resolve this default limitation as well as resolve your customers’ concerns or problems.

Magento 2 Product Questions Workflow

Magento 2 quiz workflowmagento 2 product questions workflow

The Awesomeness of Magento Product Questions

All the Q&A are shown in the Product Questions tab on the product page. Customers can filter all the questions based on the rating/date in ascending/descending order.

After reading the questions, they are also allowed to rate the corresponding answers. Check it out!

magento-2-quizmagento 2 product questions tab


magento 2 product questions submit question formmagento 2 product questions submit question form

Allow customers to raise their problems

With the Magento product questions extension, customers can submit their questions on the product page.

Moreover, they can mark their questions as private or choose to follow them or not.

In the product questions tab, it is possible for purchasers to filter Q&A based on created time/rating.

magento 2 product questions customer group restrictionmagento 2 product questions customer group restriction

Restrict customer group to add questions/rate answers

Not all customers are able to add/rate questions. It's up to you!

Note: In the default configuration of this module, only logged in customers can rate Q&A.

magento 2 product questions Q&A management gridmagento 2 product questions Q&A management grid

Conveniently manage Q&A from the backend

All the questions are shown in an easy-to-follow grid. Admin can take mass action (edit/delete) on the questions easily. Adding new questions from the backend is also possible.

magento 2 product questions notify emailmagento 2 product questions notify email

Notify admin/customers immediately

After submitting a question, a notification email is sent to the admin. The customer is also notified when receiving the answer as well.

magento 2 product questions edit question submit formmagento 2 product questions edit question submit form

Freely customize the add question form

Admin can decide which information to be shown on the add question form. He can also edit text & color of the button and the background color of the form as well.

All Features of Magento 2 Product Questions Extension

Customer Q&A

  • Add questions
  • Mark questions as private
  • Follow Magento questions
  • Rate answers
  • Filter Q&A based on created time/rating
  • Show Q&A on the customer account page

Admin management

  • Restrict customer group
  • Manage Q&A by a grid
  • Add questions
  • Edit Q&A
  • Assign Q&A to certain products
  • Customize add question form
  • Config the number of questions per page

Other features

  • Auto approve answer
  • Send admin/customer notification emails

Install Magento 2 Product Questions NOW to get FREE installation, FREE lifetime updates & 1-year of support!

Why BSS Magento 2 Product Questions

Competitive Price

Every merchant needs to survive – we do understand. That’s why we keep the price as low as possible.

Dedicated Support

We are all ears to your problems, either with our extensions or customizations. FREE 1-year support is included.

Open Source

The source code is completely open to inspect, modify and enhance according to your business purposes.

Qualified Code

We have developed a validation tool to ensure that every piece of code follows Magento coding standards.

High Compability

Our modules work well with each other. Even you want ours to be compatible with those of others. We are here to help

Simple installation

We simplify and clarify the installation process, so you can get the extension played for your website in clicks.

Quick Update

Your business and customers’ demands are ever-changing. Our extensions are also up-to-date with new features.

Business expert

Our certified experts get involved from the extension development to support to bring you efficient and budget solutions.

Easy to Use

No need to install bunches of redundant features. We select the most relevant functions to ensure the user-friendliness.

Hear from others

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  • Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

    Yes. You can install Magento 2 extensions via Composer following the instruction here.

  • How to send customization request for this extension?


    Just drop us an email to sales@bsscommerce.com or contact us.

    We'd like to offer customization service for all BSS Commerce extensions and any third-party extensions.

Release Note
  • v1.0.5 (Nov 29, 2023): Update module for better SEO
  • v1.0.4 (Jul 11, 2023):
    • Updates:
      • Compatible with M2.4.6, PHP 8.2
      • Responsive design on different devices when full answers are too long
      • Email; Question detail page BE; Product page BE; FE (Big update):
        • EMAIL
          - Enclose in the Email template “Question Notification for Customer” the Question Detail frontend link

          - Modify customer notification logic, add “Save draft answers” functionality
          - Allow Guests to follow question & set question as private
          - Manage questions according to user types
          - Forbid Admin to edit questions submitted by customers/ guests
          - Products Assigned list will be retained when the question status is no longer “Approved”

          - Modify BSS Product Questions grid in backend product detail page

        • FRONTEND
          - Optimize rating questions logic at frontend product pages and My Questions page
          - Let customers choose to use their Full Name or remain anonymous when submitting questions

    • Fix bugs:
      • Error when closing fancy box
      • Error from Marketplace v1.0.3 submission
  • Hyva compatible v1.0.0 (March 22, 2023): First release
  • v1.0.3 (Jan 17, 2023): Fix compatibility with Magento 2.4.4
  • v1.0.2 (Dec 7, 2022): Update: Optimize module to improve performance. Update: Add 4 columns in Question Management Grid (backend): Approval Status, Private Question, Short Answer, Full Answer; sort and filter function. Update: Add default Magento Captcha into Question submit form.
  • v1.0.1 (Mar 19, 2021): Fix special character, compatible with Magento 2.4.2
  • v1.0.0 (May 20, 2019): First Release
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