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Magento 2 Customer Attributes

Special Price $59.00 Regular Price $79.00
Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x

Own this excellent extension to create unlimited Magento 2 customer attributes on your registration page to collect more important customer data! 

  • Create unlimited customer/address attributes
  • Support 9 input types to add custom attributes
  • Place attributes in various positions on both frontend/backend
  • Display the added fields in emails & sales documents
  • Create new customers with custom attributes in the backend
  • Allow admin to create and configure dependent attribute for both customer attribute and address attribute
  • Support Restful APIs
  • Work with Magento 2 Customer Approval, B2B Registration & One Step Checkout!


  • Compatible with Hyva theme
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7 & PHP 8.2

>> Get this extension & 20 others in the B2B Package wth lower price now!

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Magento 2 Customer Attributes
Special Price $59.00 Regular Price $79.00

Magento 2 Customer Approval

Save -$24.84


magento 2 add customer attributes

Add customer attributes to Magento 2 with 9+ input types

Magento 2 default registration form isn't informative enough! Not to mention, it's too boring for the customers to fill in.

Therefore, Magento 2 Custom Registration Fields extension is born to make the sign-up form for more interesting and informative than ever with 9 input types:

  • Text Field
  • Dropdown
  • Text Area
  • Radio Button
  • Date & Time
  • Yes/No
  • Multiple Select
  • File (Attachment)
  • Checkbox

These 9 input types guarantee that you can gather as many information types as possible such as date of birth, images, and so on!

customer address attribute inforgraphic

Allow admin & customers to manage attributes

Buyers now can manage their own information conveniently on the account page.

Custom attributes Magento 2 are included in the Account Information section and address attributes are placed in the Address Book.

They can freely edit their information if any changes are possible.

Once customer attributes Magento 2 are modified, the information is updated accordingly in relevant sections.

add customer attribute-to checkout

Create customer attributes in both Magento 2 Registration & Checkout

Not only can you create Magento 2 customer attributes in the registration form, but you can also add them to the checkout page in case you allow customers to create an account here.

Along with custom attributes, address attributes are also inserted into the checkout page to make it informative for buyers so that they can enter more details or notes for store owners!

customer attribute email display

Display the added fields in emails

Updating Magento 2 extension attributes is a valid choice for managing incoming customers.

You simply need to add custom fields to customer address attributes on the account & order confirmation emails to notify about collected information and also manage the order implementation more easily.

Magento 2 customer address attributes are also displayed throughout emails for sales-related documents for better synchronization:

  • Order emails.
  • Invoice emails.
  • Shipment emails.
  • Credit memos emails.
magento customer attribute grid

Listing in customer grid & order detail pages

Better management comes with a clean and neat display!

This functionality gives the admin a hand to manage all Magento customer attributes in the backend with maximum convenience.

prioritize magento 2 custom attributes

Prioritize attribute fields as wished

By arranging the Magento 2 custom fields in a logical order, customers can fill in easily and be competent at finishing the registration process.

Moreover, since the Magento 2 Custom Attributes extension supports user-friendly optimization for display, you're able to:

  • Create/add Customer Attributes for Magento.
  • Set it to “Required” or “Optional”.
  • Tailor label per store view.
  • Arrange sort-order for attributes.
  • Select location for attributes in the form.
prioritize magento 2 custom attributes

Up-To-Date Features: Easily create & configure dependent attributes

To prevent a long list of the required fields will annoy your customers and leading to bouncing off the sites, Magento 2 Customer Attributes extension now allow you to create dependent attributes.

Specifically, child attributes will only appear when the customer fills in a specific value in the parent attribute. Thus, it’s a great idea to reorganize the registration form and checkout, which are more customer-focussed.

When customers are willing to finish all the fields, you as a store owner can gain valuable insight and research deeper into customer behavior.

Not only customer attributes, but this function can also apply to address attributes. Besides, you can configure most display settings separately for parent and child attributes.


magento 2 b2b registration

Expand customer database at ease

For the B2B business, the customer database is the foundation for higher leads & sales.

Hence, customer attributes become an ideal solution to collect more data by adding necessary fields to the registration form.

The combination of customer attributes & specified existing fields from Magento 2 B2B Registration promises a perfect solution in expanding the customer database.

Collected data could be used to sketch the buyer persona & journey for possible outreaches that match target customers.

magento 2 one step checkout

Collect massive customer data

Add customer attribute fields to the checkout form of Magento 2 One Step Checkout helps collect contacts & related information for suitable strategies with already-bought customers.

From the collected data, you can easily maintain relationships with customers or even encourage them to be second-time buyers.

Magento 2 Customer Attributes user reviews

Why Choose BSS

Competitive Price
Every merchant needs to survive – we do understand. That’s why we keep the price as low as possible.
Dedicated Support
We are all ears to your problems, either with our extensions or customizations. FREE 1-year support is included.
Open Source
The source code is completely open to inspect, modify and enhance according to your business purposes.
Qualified Code
We have developed a validation tool to ensure that every piece of code follows Magento coding standards.
High Compability
Our modules work well with each other. Even you want ours to be compatible with those of others. We are here to help
Simple installation
We simplify and clarify the installation process, so you can get the extension played for your website in clicks.
Quick Update
Your business and customers’ demands are ever-changing. Our extensions are also up-to-date with new features.
Business expert
Our certified experts get involved from the extension development to support to bring you efficient and budget solutions.
Easy to Use
No need to install bunches of redundant features. We select the most relevant functions to ensure the user-friendliness.


  • Is this extension similar to Magento 2 Customer Attribute for EE?

    Magento 2 EE supports customer attributes. For detailed information, please read here.

    BSS Magento 2 Customer Attributes for Magento 2 CE extension has almost all features of the EE and MORE:

    • Support 9 input types whereas the EE provides only two: text field & text area
    • Show additional Magento 2 customer attributes at 8 places compared to 4 of the EE: Registration, Customer Account, Customer Grid, and Customer Attribute Grid
    • More attractively, it cost less - a lot less: $79.00
    • Support dedicatedly and timely

    Get this Magento 2 custom registration fields extension now!

  • Can I show Magento 2 customer attribute in Checkout?

    From the version v.1.1.5, Magento 2 Customer Attributes extension, a.k.a Magento 2 Custom Registration Fields Extension, supports showing additional attributes at Checkout page.

    Also, we even have an advance extension for your demand >>> Magento 2 Checkout Custom Field. Feel free to create new customer attributes in 7 different types (radio button, dropdown, checkbox, date, yes/no, text field, and text area) and show them off at the checkout.

  • Can Customers Choose Their Group at Registration?


    This Magento 2 Magento 2 Add Field to Customer Registration extension helps do so.

    You can create one drop-down or radio-button attributes named “Choose Your Customer Group.”

    However, customers will not be automatically assigned to that group. Instead, you can check their answers in Customer Grid and add them to the right group by yourself.

    Anyway, adding customer group attribute is helpful for you to segment users right from the start.

  • Can I create customer address attribute in your Magento 2 extension?

    For those who are looking for Magento 2 add customer address attributes, Magento 2 add customer address attribute, Magento 2 add a custom field to customer address, Magento 2 customer address attribute, create customer address attribute in Magento 2; or Magento 2 add custom address attribute, etc.

    For the time being, the customer address is not available in our Magento 2 Customer Attribute extension.

    However, we are plan to update our extension with the EE customer address soon.

    Please stay tuned! You can install our extension now to enjoy existing features. When the updated version is launched, you can get a FREE update!

  • Hello, is possible to add conditional fields in Customer Attributes? thanks

    Thank you for contacting us.

    About your query, we would like to inform you that our module does support adding conditional fields in Customer Attributes.

    Please refer to our demo site for your checking: Backend - Frontend

    If you have any queries, please feel free to let us know.

  • Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

    Yes. You can install Magento 2 extensions via Composer following the instruction here.

  • How to add/create new customer attributes in Magento 2?

    Just install our Magento 2 Customer Attributes extension FREE Installation.

    After enabling the extension, go to Customers ⇒ BSSCommerce ⇒ Customer Attributes.

    how to create new fields in Magento 2 registration form?

    Click Add New Attribute button to create a new custom customer attribute. Then, fulfill 3 tabs: Properties, Manage Labels, and Display Configuration.

    Check the demo to test all functions.

    People also search for: How to add/create new customer attributes in Magento 2?; 

    Magento 2 add customer attributes; Magento 2 add attribute to customer

  • How to send customization request for this extension?


    Just drop us an email to or contact us.

    We'd like to offer customization service for all BSS Commerce extensions and any third-party extensions.

Release Note
    • v1.4.8 (May 10, 2024): Compatible with magento 2.4.7 php8.3
    • v1.4.7 (Mar 25, 2024): 
      • Update:
        • Send customer attributes through email for guest checkout.
        • Optimize compatible with BSS M2 B2B registration.
    • v1.4.6 (Dec 21, 2023):
      • Fix bugs:
        • Error when saving attributes in Order detail page BE/FE and Address Book
        • Compatible issue with PHP7.2
        • Compatible issue with M2.4.5
    • v1.4.5 (Jun 27, 2023):
      • Update:
        • Optimize code and performance of validation attributes
      • Fix bugs:
        • Error when disabling Magento_Csp module
        • Compatibility with M2.4.6, PHP 8.2
        • Converting attribute type to date format without checking the input type of that customer address attribute
    • v1.4.4 (May 30, 2023):
      • Updates:
        • New config "Display in backend customer detail page", only operates when this module is installed together with BSS M2 B2B Registration Form
        • Compatible with Magento 2.4.6, PHP8.2
      • Fix bugs:
        • Not translating labels via email Compatibility issues with BSS M2 B2B Registration Form
        • Validate Customer Attribute with Text field input type at checkout page
    • v1.4.3 (Feb 24, 2023):
      • Update:
        • Setting empty value for datetime attribute when not being configured for all page.
      • Fix bugs:
        • Compatible with M2.3.7 class Magento\Framework\View\Helper\SecureHtmlRenderer.
        • Validate customer address field.
        • Mising customer attribute when enabling the default Magento's customer attributes.
        • Not displaying Customer Attributes at default Magento's registration form.
    • Hyva compatible v1.0.0 (Dec 15, 2022): First release.
    • v1.4.2 (Nov 16, 2022):
      • Updates:
        • Display customer address attributes when creating a new billing address at checkout page.
        • Compatible with M2 B2B Registration.
    • v1.4.1 (Aug 22, 2022): Update missing table and compatible knockout js on M244.
    • v1.4.0 (Jul 28, 2022):
      • Updates:
        • Dependent Attribute.
        • Remove time stamp 00:00:00 of the Date field at the checkout page.
        • Customer address attribute API.
        • Convert setup dir to patch data, db_schema.
      • Fix general bugs. 
    • v1.3.5 (Jun 30, 2022): Compatible with Magento version 2.4.4 and PHP 8.1; Fix bug compatible with Swagger; Update logic: Add variable email template; Fix displays store labels in order detail; Fix not pass when running composer dump-autoload.
    • v1.3.4 (Aug 23, 2021): Fix compatibility issues with BSS M2 Company Account, BSS M2 B2B Registration; Fix edit address sales order when order not custom address attribute; Support type file When edit address sales order; Fix display custom address attributes in order detail when disable module or disable attributes; Fix bug when choosing new address shipping; Fix logic of validating custom address attributes customer; Support type file of custom address attribute when create order backend and in checkout page
    • v1.3.3 (Jul 18, 2021): Show label of customer options in exported file
    • v1.3.1 (Mar 10, 2021):Hide customer attribute type date in customer grid (Applied to Magento version >= 2.4.0); Fix coding issue; Fix bug when click button "Save and Edit Continue" redirect other pages; Fix bug Config Hide If Filled Before set Yes, customer attribute type Yes/No still display on checkout page when choosing No value; Fix bug not display reCaptcha on Edit Account page( Applied to Magento version >=2.4.1); Fix bug on checkout page, customer address attribute on shipping address displays attribute code instead of attribute label; Fix bug Customer B2b having attribute set display in B2b account page = yes and display in account page = no uneditable; Fix bug not change status order; Display type file in order backend; Fix compatibility issue with M2 B2B Registration; Update attribute info to customize price of shipping method; Save new address customer khi place order; Fix bug Attribute address type check box not working with place order; Fix validate type only on magento 2.3.6
    • v1.2.9 (Nov 23, 2020): Fix bug when using M2 customer attribute module without creating customer address; Update logic of notification display when customers upload file Compatible with Magento 2.4.0; Allow upload file with config file size server; Update logic of File type validation; Fix bug of config "Display in Admin Checkout”; Fix bug with M2 default Login as Customer; Fix bug with customer attributes value on checkout page without updating in customer account and order detail
    • v1.2.8 (Sep 28, 2020): Support REST API get order {baseUrl}/rest/V1/orders
    • v1.2.7 (Sep 22, 2020): Add depends into core module Magento_Multishipping on magento 2.4; Fix bug when installing with magento 2, Add customer attribute into API get order {baseUrl}/rest/V1/orders/:id
    • v1.2.6 (Sep 12, 2020): Fix bug not saving/creating/editing customer; Fix bug creating order in backend
    • v1.2.5 (Sep 03, 2020): Support Customer Address Attribute; Using same input types with default Customer Attribute
    • v1.2.4 (August 14, 2020): Support File Attachment Type on checkout page; Fix bug on customer information page
    • v1.2.3 (Jun 26, 2020): Fix bug not required customer attribute on checkout page of checkbox and radio type. Fix save customer issue
    • v1.2.2 (May 27, 2020): Fix compilation issue with M2 B2B Registration by BSS Commerce
    • v1.2.1 (May 20, 2020): Fix error on create account page on the module's version 1.2.0; Fix bug of saving customer in backend in version 1.2.0
    • v1.2.0 (Apr 21, 2020): Work with M2 B2B Registration by BSS Commerce
    • v1.1.9 (Mar 18, 2020): Fix bug can't save email, password, tax vat edit customer frontend; Fix bug with customer attribute which is file type
    • v1.1.8 (Feb 11, 2020): Allow changing position of customer attributes on registration page
    • v1.1.7 (Jan 05, 2020); Compatible with Magento 2.3.3; Fix bug when editting account's email/password in frontend
    • v1.1.6 (Oct 10, 2019): Fix the validate code follow the standard of Magento 2
    • v1.1.5 (Oct 03, 2019): Add new function allowing show customer attribute on checkout page with 2 new configs Display On Checkout page and Hide If Filled Before; Fix bug show customer attribute in order; Fix error not display order & account detail in invoice, shipment, credit memo
    • v1.1.4 (Sep 04, 2019): Fix save attribute issue; Fix display of attribute using File Type on order view detail page; Fix error with the config Set Default Required Attribute For Existing Customer
    • v1.1.3 (Feb 21, 2019): Fix bug when editting customer information from frontend account; Fix bug when editting customer information from backend; Support getting customer and Customer Attribute from API
    • v1.1.2 (Jan 10, 2019): Fix Compilation error on Magento 2.2.2 and Magento 2.1.15; Update new account email sending
    • v1.1.1 (Dec 26, 2018): Fix bug when saving frontend Account Information due to File Invalid and the error on backend Customer detail page due to Invalid Date
    • v1.1.0 (Dec 18, 2018): Support Input type File; Add config Allow Download Customer Attribute File; Fix validation issue of require customer attributes on Frontend Account Information and fix its display issue; Check validation of customer attribute with input type which is Multiple Select
    • v1.0.9 (Nov 09, 2018): Add New account customer attribute variable and New order customer attribute on email template; Allow displaying customer attribute on account email and order confirmation email; Display customer attribute on frontend order detail
    • v1.0.8 (Nov 01, 2018): Fix conflict with amzn/amazon-pay-module; Fix bug of inablility to save Customer attribute when disable config Add Secret Key to URLs
    • v1.0.6 (Aug 15, 2018): Fix attribute display on Customer grid; Fix the issue of Customer attribute set up Required and it doesn't not disply in frontend (disable both Display in Registration Form and My Account Page configuration) which leads to checkout error
    • v1.0.5 (Jul 18, 2018): Compatible with magento 2.2.5
    • v1.0.4 (Jul 16, 2018): Fix bug on checkout page when Optional Customer Attributes is not filled
    • v1.0.3 (May 08, 2018): Fix attribute display issue; Fix checkbox display issue in customer grid and edit checkbox
    • v1.0.2 (Apr 16, 2018): Fix error message when adding new attributes; Fix Mass action delete error; Fix issue when accessing customer detail in backend
    • v1.0.1 (Nov 16, 2017): Compatible with magento 2.2
    • v1.0.0 (Aug 16, 2017): First Release