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Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options

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Dependent Custom Options is an additional extension for Magento to only allow product child options to be visible when its parent option is selected. This extension enables store owners to create product option dependencies.


Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options is a simple but efficient tool to improve product custom options by providing you the features below:

  • Easily make product custom options dependent on each other
  • Create multiple dependent options
  • Hide the child option value or display all
  • Can config child and parent dependent options right on the product page
  • Support product types such as simple, configurable, bundle (without dynamic pricing), virtual, and downloadable products.
  • Enable to duplicate dependent custom options when duplicating products
  • Compatible with Magento 2 Custom Option Template, Magento 2 Custom Option Image, and Magento 2 Custom Option Absolute Price and Quantity for better managing your website's custom options.
  • Included in Magento 2 Advanced Custom Options Package


  • Compatible with Hyva theme
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.3
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.3

Dependent Custom Options is an additional extension for Magento to only allow product child options to be visible when its parent option is selected. This extension enables store owners to create product option dependencies.


Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options is a simple but efficient tool to improve product custom options by providing you the features below:

  • Easily make product custom options dependent on each other
  • Create multiple dependent options
  • Hide the child option value or display all
  • Can config child and parent dependent options right on the product page
  • Support product types such as simple, configurable, bundle (without dynamic pricing), virtual, and downloadable products.
  • Enable to duplicate dependent custom options when duplicating products
  • Compatible with Magento 2 Custom Option Template, Magento 2 Custom Option Image, and Magento 2 Custom Option Absolute Price and Quantity for better managing your website's custom options.
  • Included in Magento 2 Advanced Custom Options Package


  • Compatible with Hyva theme
  • Compatible with Magento 2.4.7


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.3
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.x - 2.4.3


1-Year Support


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The Perfect Solution To Create Customizable Options Dependence

Default Magento has a limitation - every custom option has the same priority. It means any option can be combined together. However, in most situations, your store may not have all possible combinations.

Therefore, you will need a tool to create product option dependence - one option (child option) dependent on another option (parent option). That way, customers only can see and select applicable options.

Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options do this requirement wisely.

How Does Magento 2 Custom Options Extension Look In The Frontend?

On the product page, the dependent options (child options) will not be enabled until its parent option is selected. The representation of options becomes more organized as customers only see relevant custom options, not all of them.

Key Features Of Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options Extension

Easily set dependent custom options

Store owners can now choose dependent custom options by selecting the title of the child custom options within the custom option creating section. Create all child custom options you want, and be free to present the professional appearance of your product's custom options to your customers!

dependent custom options

Flexible set up display method of children custom options

  • Style 1: Display child option value only when parent one(s) is/are selected 

This style helps you save the page space, by which you create much white space for users and improve the experience on your site. This style also shapes a feeling that all options are managed in a hierarchy, and every combination is a unique one. white space for users and improve the experience on your site. This style also shapes a feeling that all options are managed in a hierarchy and every combination is a unique one. 

  • Style 2: Always display child option values, but they can be selected only when parent one(s) is/are selected

On the other hand, this style is designed to show your extensive offer. Also, when displaying all offers, you can crave the want in your customers and increase sales as you desire.


In case you have multiple parent option values on a child one, you can choose whether to display the child one when all of its parents are selected or at least one parent is selected.

Configured method displayed parent-child custom options at products level

With Magento 2 Dependent Custom Option, you can decide whether or not the custom option will be selected based on all parent choices or just one custom options parent within the product edit page, which empowers you to more customization for your dependent custom options.

Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options - Simple but Beneficial

Our Advanced Custom Options Magento 2 extension is very simple but unbelievably effective. It helps you improve customer experience by providing color, image, text swatches, and dependent custom options.

Come to us, and you will never be disappointed because we are always willing to help you in any case.

Boost sales by offering customers extra products and services. Install Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options NOW!

Why BSS Magento 2 Dependent Custom Options

Competitive Price

Every merchant needs to survive – we do understand. That’s why we keep the price as low as possible.

Dedicated Support

We are all ears to your problems, either with our extensions or customizations. FREE 1-year support is included.

Open Source

The source code is completely open to inspect, modify and enhance according to your business purposes.

Qualified Code

We have developed a validation tool to ensure that every piece of code follows Magento coding standards.

High Compability

Our modules work well with each other. Even you want ours to be compatible with those of others. We are here to help

Simple installation

We simplify and clarify the installation process, so you can get the extension played for your website in clicks.

Quick Update

Your business and customers’ demands are ever-changing. Our extensions are also up-to-date with new features.

Business expert

Our certified experts get involved from the extension development to support to bring you efficient and budget solutions.

Easy to Use

No need to install bunches of redundant features. We select the most relevant functions to ensure the user-friendliness.

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  • Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

    Yes. You can install Magento 2 extensions via Composer following the instruction here.

  • How to send customization request for this extension?


    Just drop us an email to sales@bsscommerce.com or contact us.

    We'd like to offer customization service for all BSS Commerce extensions and any third-party extensions.

Release Note
  • Hyva compat v1.0.0 (Jan 2, 2024): First release
  • v1.1.8 (Sep 21, 2023):
    • Fix bugs:
      • Cannot add products to cart when there's a dependent CO with date is required
      • Cannot save products when deleting child CO
  • v1.1.7 (Jul 24, 2023): Fix bug: Cannot de-select the dependent custom options chosen in the backend
  • v1.1.6 (May 11, 2023): Update: Compatible with Magento 2.4.6, PHP8.2.
  • v1.1.5 (Mar 6, 2023): Fix bug: Can not add products having required child custom options to cart. Update: Add convert data command in database when upgrading the module's version from 1.0.4 to 1.1.4.
  • v1.1.4 (Oct 11, 2022): Fix can not select depend custom option on m244. Fix bug option cannot be deleted or modified and a new option cannot be added.
  • v1.1.3 (Jun 30, 2022): Fix bug when upgrade module from v1.0.9 to v1.1.2.
  • v1.1.2 (May 18, 2022): Compatible with Magento 2.4.4. Fix bug Not selected dependent custom option.
  • v1.1.1 (Apr 1, 2022): Optimize code, fix delay when changing custom option title.
  • v1.1.0 (Jul 9, 2021): Fix Custom option ID on EE, compatible with Custom Option Template, Fix bug on product detail API, remove required fields, fix bug when import export custom option and some minor bugs.
  • v1.0.9 (Jun 10, 2020): Update dependent option display in product page; Add config Enable child values that have multiple parent values in product page; Compatible with M2 Advanced Custom Option Packages by BSS Commerce; Required to install with M2 Custom Option Core Extension
  • v1.0.8 (Mar 27, 2020): Fix bug when not setting dependent ID
  • v1.0.7 (Jan 08, 2020): Fix compatible issue with M2 Custom Option Image by BSS Commerce
  • v1.0.6 (Oct 15, 2019): Support duplicate dependent custom option; Display Option ID
  • v1.0.5 (Oct 01, 2019): Hide custom option on IOS, safari; Change logic of Option ID; Fix required custom option issue before and after enable/disable module; Fix validate input depent Ids from client (js) and from sever (php)
  • v1.0.4 (May 24, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.3.1
  • v1.0.3 (Nov 20, 2018): Compatible with Magento 2.2.6
  • v1.0.2 (Oct 24, 2018): Fix issue with update/reset price of file type options in Total on Product page (Frontend); Fix logic of disable/enable; Fix Save change issue
  • v1.0.1 (Aug 06, 2018): Fix bug when adding many options and value, ID of values from page 2 onwards will be invalid when filling in dependent option on page 1
  • v1.0.0 (Jun 14, 2018): First Release
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