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Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing

Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing is the best solution for administrators who have multiple store views, several things need to be managed. With this module, sellers can set up different prices for the same product on each store view of Magento store, and it supports setting up base currency per store view easily.

Specifically, the main functions of Magento 2 Store View Pricing extension are:

  • Set up Magento 2 multiple prices per product per store view
  • Checkout easily with the base currency of the store view
  • Select base currency for each store view
  • Restful API & GraphQL API supported
  • Compatible with M2.4.6 and M2.4.7

>> How to set up Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing here.


  • Allow import product's tier prices in store view scope
  • Checkout our HYVA DEMO!


Open Source (CE): 2.3.x - 2.4.x
Commerce On-Premise (EE): 2.3.0 - 2.3.5 - 2.4.x

One-Time Payment

30-Day Money Back

Free 1-Year Support

Free Installation & Lifetime Update

Special Price $119.00 Regular Price $299.00
Rest Support
GraphQL Compatible
Theme Compatible

Multiple Store Views Bundle

Special Price $119.00 Regular Price $299.00

Special Price $199.00 Regular Price $299.00

Special Price $199.00 Regular Price $299.00

Special Price $199.00 Regular Price $249.00

Save -$143.20


Do you have a website with multiple store views? You want to have different prices for the same products on each store view but Magento default can't help you? Also, you want to set up base currency for each store view to give convenience for international customers in shopping and purchasing their currency?


Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing will be the right choice for you to deal with all these concerns. It supports you to set up different prices for the same product and different base currencies per store view quickly and easily.

Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing - Detailed Features

Set up different prices for the same product in each store view

Magento 2 different price per store view extension allows store owners to set any price type for a product, including:

  • Regular price: the main price defined by the store owner without discounts and others
  • Special price: the price offered for a designated period, it’s often lower than the regular price
  • Tier price: the price offered for a quantity discount from a product listing or product page in the storefront

These prices can be different among Magento 2 store views for the same product.

You can check the full guides to set up Magento 2 price per store view here.

Allow customers to shop and checkout with their preferred currency

You know that customers always check out with the base currency of the website according to the default setting of Magento (US Dollars). Filling this gap, our Multiple Store View Pricing Magento 2 module helps you to choose the base currency for each store view and supports checking out with the base currency of this store view.

In addition, to make checkout easier and more convenient for customers, the Magento 2 Checkout with Display Currency extension is another ideal solution for Magento sites with multiple store views.

Set up Minimum Order Amount and Shipping Cost for each store view

The default Magento allows store owners to set up Minimum Order Amount and Shipping Cost for each website. However, it doesn’t fit with the price strategy for store view.

Hence, with Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing, the admin can set the scope for them all with store view, including:

  • Minimum Order Amount
  • Flat Rate (Price và Handling fee)
  • Free Shipping (Minimum Order Amount)
  • Table Rate (Condition; File Import and Handling Fee)

Set up custom option price per store view

Suppose the normal pricing is in a different currency than the custom option price. In that case, your webstore appears less professional, and the customer might become confused, leading to lower customer satisfaction.

Now, by selecting or deselecting the Use Default Value check box in Custom Option, you can flexibly display custom options prices with any currencies (base currency or display currency) as wished.

Other features


Choose The Best-fit Plan Based on Your Needs

Transform and manage your pricing strategy flawlessly.

You can do these at every storefront:

  • Set Different Prices For The Same Product
  • Separate Promotion Prices, Special & Tier Price
  • Select And Allow Checkout With Base Currency
  • Charge Different Shipping Cost
  • Grant Minimum Order Quantity

$ 119.00
Ensure the best customer experience on-site.

Cover all features in Standard Plan, and plus GEOIP:

  • Auto-detect Customer’s Location By IP
  • Switch Store At-Will Via Popup
  • Switch Base Currency Automatically
  • On/Off Manual Switch Store View
  • Secure SEO Equity With Tags
  • Block Spammers/Visitors Via Location And/Or IP
  • Generate Exception To Redirect Rules
  • High Priority Support

$ 215.00
Premium API Support
Pricing cross-management made easier than ever!

Cover all features in Standard Plan, and plus API Support:

  • Multiple API Inputs To Seamlessly Integrated Both Management System
  • Update Multiple Tier-prices In A Heart-beat
  • Delete Tier-prices Based On SKU
  • Update Tier-pricings Plan Per Store View
  • Get Product List With Tier Pricing Infomation Included
  • Multiple Follow-up Variable To Update Tier Price: SKU, Customer Group ID, Price, Store ID

$ 197.00

Magento 2 Multiple Store View Pricing User Reviews

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Frequently Asked Questions

Ask a Question

Can I install this Magento 2 extension via Composer? If yes, how can I do that?

Hi, in regards to the multiple-store-view-pricing extension, can you confirm: 1. if price can be set also at store level? 2. does extension work if i am updating product via magento rest api? (e.g. call REST to update price for specific product in specific store) Thanks

I have Magento 2 Commercial installed. There are, for example, 7 countries where in each country the price is different for one product. Each item must have a price for each country.

How to send customization request for this extension?

Release Note

    • v2.4.0 CE for M2.4.5 and above (24 May, 2024): Compatible with M2.4.7.
    • v2.3.6 EE for M2.4.5 and above (Apr 15, 2024): 
      • Fix bug: Configurable product doesn't follow the As low as sort.
    • v2.3.9 CE for M2.4.5 and above (Apr 15, 2024):
      • Fix bug: Configurable product doesn't follow the As low as sort.
      • Update: Mass import Tier Price per store view through csv file, fix bug import on CE2.4.5.
    • v2.3.8 CE for M2.4.5 and above (Mar 28, 2024): 
      • Update: (Add more code) if the tier price qty equal to 1, then the final price equal to tier price of the child product.
    • v2.3.7 CE for M2.4.5 and above (Mar 5, 2024):
      • Update: if the tier price qty equal to 1, then the final price equal to tier price of the child product.
      • Fix bug:
        • Bundle product doesn't convert the currency rate.
        • SQL error when filtering the credit memo grid.
    • v2.3.5 EE for M2.4.5 and above (Mar 5, 2024): 
      • Fix bug: Bundle product doesn't convert the currency rate.
    • v2.3.4 EE for M2.4.x (Nov 7, 2023)
      • Fix bugs: 
        • Add the feature to update minimum and maximum prices for products with custom options.
        • Error when reindexing by schedule, error with catalog rule core.
    • v2.3.3 EE for M2.4.5 (Nov 7, 2023)
      • Fix bugs: 
        • Add the feature to update minimum and maximum prices for products with custom options.
        • Error when reindexing by schedule, error with catalog rule core.
    • v2.3.6 CE for M2.4.5 (Nov 7, 2023)
      • Fix bug: error when running the compile command.
    • v2.3.5 CE for M2.4.5 (Nov 7, 2023)
      • Fix bugs: 
        • Slow site loading issue when loading category pages with many configurable products.
        • Error when reindexing by schedule, error with catalog rule core
    • v2.3.5 CE for M2.4.1 (Nov 7, 2023)
      • Fix bugs: 
        • Issue with undefined getAttribute().
        • Fix bug: error when reindexing by schedule, error with catalog rule core
    • v2.3.3 EE for M2.4.5 and above (Jun 28, 2023): 
      • Update description composer file
      • Update: Compatible with M2.4.6
      • Fix price filter in layered navigation
      • Fix bug: Undefined variable: product
      • Fix bug: getStoreId when using API
    • v2.3.3 EE for M2.4.0-M2.4.4 (Jun 28, 2023): 
      • Update description composer file
      • Fix bug price filter is not working properly (with MSI)
      • Fix bug Undefined variable: product
    • v2.3.4 CE for M2.4.1-M2.4.4 (May 12, 2023): 
      • Update: Compatible with M2.4.6
      • Update: Update description in composer files
      • Update: Import, export tier price per store view
    • v2.3.4 CE for M2.4.5 (May 12, 2023): 
      • Update: Compatible with M2.4.6
      • Update: Update description in composer files
    • v2.3.2 EE for M2.4.5 (Jan 13, 2023): Update compatible with EE M2.4.5; Fix bug reindex price; Fix bug run cmd setup:upgrade(php8.1), di compile
    • v2.2.9 CE for M2.3.0-2.3.2 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.0 CE for M2.3.3 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.0 CE for M2.3.4 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.0 CE for M2.3.5 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.1 CE for M2.3.6 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.3 CE for M2.4.1 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price. Fix bug running cmd setup:upgrade (php8.1); fix bug run cmd: php bin/magento s:d:c.
    • v2.3.3 CE for M2.4.5 (Dec 02, 2022): Fix bug running cmd setup:upgrade (php8.1). Update compatible with M2.4.5.
    • v2.2.8 EE for M2.3.0-2.3.2 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.2.9 EE for M2.3.3 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.0 EE for M2.3.4 (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.2.9 EE for M2.3.5(Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price.
    • v2.3.2 EE for M2.4.x (Dec 02, 2022): Update module logic to show products on frontend upon reindexing catalog_product_price. Fix bug running cmd setup:upgrade (php8.1); fix bug run cmd: php bin/magento s:d:c.
    • v2.3.2 CE for M2.4.1 - 2.4.x (Aug 18, 2022): Fix bug run comand when setup module; bug not saving checkbox Use Default Value of custom option price (for select input type: dropdown, radio button...); bug falsely saving currency rate in backend. Compatible with PHP8.1/M2.4.4
    • v2.3.1 EE for M2.4.x (Aug 18, 2022): Fix bug not compatible function preg_match() of PHP8.1
    • v2.3.0 EE for M2.4.x (Aug 10, 2022): Update module working for custom options prices.
    • v2.3.1 CE for M2.4.1 (May 27, 2022): Update module working for custom options prices.
    • (Oct 31, 2021): Remove class MultiStoreViewPricingTierPrice/Model/Product/Attribute/Backend/Tierprice/UpdateHandler.php" for CE M2.3.3 to M2.4.x and EE M2.2.3 to M2.4.x.
    • v2.3.0 CE for M2.4.1 (Oct 31, 2021): Fix undefined window.checkout variant when entering wishlist.
    • v2.3.0 CE for M2.3.6 (Oct 31, 2021): Fix reindex bug on M2.3.6.
    • v2.2.8 EE for M2.3.5 (Oct 31, 2021): Compatible EE 2.3.5.
    • v2.2.8 EE for M2.4.x (13 Aug, 2021): Fix indexer bug.
    • v2.2.9 CE for M2.4.1 and M2.4.2 (13 Aug, 2021): Compatible with Elastic search.
    • Adding V2.2.9 CE for M2.3.6 and V2.2.8 EE for M2.3.4 (May 17, 2021).
    • v2.2.7 EE for M2.3.0 to 2.3.5. V2.2.8 CE for M2.3.0 and above. (Mar 5, 2021): Fix bug remove all tier price. Fix bug comparing Tier price of default Magento and from the extension. Fix bug reindex with bundle product. Fix bug frontend Catalog price rule. Update compatible up to CE M2.4.2
    • v2.2.7 CE for M2.3.x and above (Oct 21, 2020): Fix bug min price update when product is out of stock; Fix bug SQL error when executing PDF Credit Memos; Update shipping cost base on country; Fix issue switch store.
    • v2.2.6 CE, EE for M2.3.x and above (July 26, 2020): Fix wrong tier price issue
    • v2.2.5 CE for M2.3.5 (June 15, 2020): Compatible with Magento 2.3.5 CE
    • v2.2.4 CE for M2.3.3 and above (Apr 03, 2020): Compatible with Magento 2.3.4 CE
    • v2.2.3 EE for M2.3.x (Dec 25, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.3.3 EE
    • v2.2.3 CE for M2.3.x (Nov 29, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.3.3 CE
    • v2.2.1 CE M2.2.6 to M2.3.0, v2.2.2 CE M2.3.x, v2.2.2 EE M2.3.x, v2.2.0 EE M2.2.6 to M2.3.0 (Oct 17, 2019): Fix duplicate price and other issues when there's other module(s) using method save product; Compatible with M2 Custom Option Template by BSS Commerce
    • v2.2.1 CE, EE for M2.3.x (Sep 24, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.3.2 EE; Fix bug with when attributes are configured "Catalog Input Type for Store Owner = Price" and "Use in Search Results Layered Navigation = Yes"
    • v2.2.0 CE for M2.2.8 and M2.3.1 (Jul 04, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.2.8 and Magento 2.3.1
    • v2.2. 0 for CE M2.2.6 and M2.2.7 and M2.3.0 (May 14, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.3.0
    • v2.1.9 for EE Magento 2.2.6-2.3.0 (Jul 25, 2019): Compatible with Magento 2.3.0
    • v2.1.9 for CE M2.2.6 and M2.2.7 (May 30, 2019): Compatible with php 7.0
    • v2.1.8 for M2.2.0-2.2.5 CE (May 15, 2019): Fix reindex issue
    • v2.1.8 for M2.2.6 CE (Apr 25, 2019): Work with Promotion Rule: Update logic of normal and special price
    • v2.1.7 (Dec 28, 2018): for M2.2.6 CE&EE: Fix tier price issue which causes slow query; Fix product loading issue when enabling Magento Default config Use Flat Catalog Category/Product
    • v2.1.6 for M2.2.x CE (Jan 06, 2019): Fix reindex issue after installing; Fix Mini cart issue when store view switching; Update note in module's configuration; Fix Summary update error on Cart page and minicart when switching store view with same display currency
    • v2.1.6 for M2.2.6 CE& EE (Dec 04, 2018): Remove custom Tier price config; in General config add 2 options which are Use only Tier price for Storeview and Merge tier price for storeview with website; Fix conflict with third party extensions using block 'Product Listing' for model which is not 'Product'
    • v2.1.5 (Nov 05, 2018): Fix tier price issue
    • v2.1.4 (Oct 26, 2018): Fix bug on magento CE 2.2.6
    • v2.1.3 (Jul 28, 2018): Compatible with magento 2.2.5, 2.2.6; v2.1.3 for M2.1.x: Stable Release for EE M2.1.x
    • v2.1.2 (Jul 10, 2018): Compatibel with magento 2.2.4
    • v2.1.0 (Apr 20, 2018): Fix tier price by %; Fix save tier price in store view scope; Implement table rate per store view; Fix display incorrect currency symbol in product mass update
    • v2.0.9 (Apr 11, 2018): Support Table Rate Shipping method per store view
    • v2.0.8 (Feb 26, 2018): Fix Catalog Rule issue
    • v2.0.7 (Nov 09, 2017): Compatible with magento 2.2 and support tier price per store view
    • v2.0.6 (Sep 12, 2017): Fix bug when adding Store Code to Urls
    • v2.0.5 (Aug 17, 2017): Fix price update's cron job
    • v2.0.4 (Jul 14, 2017): Update reindex logic and Support Gift Card product type in EE
    • v2.0.3 (Apr 13, 2017): Fix price filter with grouped product on magento 2.1.x
    • v2.0.2: Fix price filter it is not working for the existing products
    • v2.0.1 (Feb 27, 2017): Fix price scope when enable Cache EAV
    • v2.0.0 (Feb 07, 2017): Fix sort by, filter price on category page; Fix editing price in orders in admin
    • v1.0.4: Fix error when deleting Catalog Price Rule
    • v1.0.3: Fix price display when switching store views
    • v1.0.2: Fix price display in widget
    • v1.0.1: Compatible with Magento 2.1 and 2.1.1
    • v1.0.0: First Release